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Younger and slightly less experienced than her sister, Karen didn't respond quite as quickly as Donna had; that only meant that I got to enjoy the delights of her young body for that much longer before I'd gotten her close to her own orgasm. Once again, I patiently brought her to the edge, only to push her over it by rapidly tapping her clitoris as I strongly sucked on the end of her firm breast; from my perspective, I figured that her release was easily the equal of the one I'd help Donna find.

After the pleasure had tapered off for her, I had to help Karen lay down, too; as she got her breathing back under control, the two of us looked into each others eyes; in hers, I could see the joy she felt at the experience she'd just had — and the love and gratitude she felt toward me for helping her have it.

Remembering that Karen wanted to watch as I climaxed, Donna had taken care not to stimulate me too much. Even so, I wasn't far from finding my release by the time Karen was able to sit up again and get herself relocated across from her sister — something that Donna took as her cue that it was okay to increase her efforts.

I think that both of them knew that I was getting close, and it both surprised and pleased me when I felt Karen's soft hand cup my scrotum, and then carefully roll my balls around inside it.

Knowing that both of them had a hand on my genitals was all it took for me to find my release; I barely managed to tell them "It's going to happen!" before the first jet of my cum erupted from the end of my cock, quickly followed by a second. I managed to draw a breath before the remaining surges of semen left me gasping.

Opening my eyes, I looked down toward the two of them to see what their reaction would be to what they'd just accomplished, and witnessed. Though both were clearly surprised, neither exhibited any sign of being put off by it. In fact, Karen watched as Donna brought her jism-coated hand up to her face to examine it; then after sniffing to see if there was any odor, Donna stuck her tongue out and used it to collect one of the larger blobs for a taste-test. After she'd considered it for a second, she crinkled her nose, but then opened her mouth and began licking her hand clean. That was all Karen needed to see before she used her fingers to collect what she could from one of the larger puddles on my belly, and perform similar tests. Karen apparently found the taste more appealing, since she didn't make any faces — she just went about wiping up puddles of my semen and depositing them in her mouth.

When they were done, both looked toward me — and only then seemed to realise that I'd likely witnessed what they'd done. Both blushed faintly, but when I didn't say or do anything to indicate that it mattered to me, they quickly settled down again. I opened my arms, and both of them quickly moved to lay on their sides and snuggle next to me. I rested my hands on their waists, and told them "Thank you, both of you. That felt really good."

I could hear the satisfaction in Donna's voice when she told me "I'm glad I was able to make you feel as good as you made me feel, Uncle Ted.", followed by Karen happily telling me "Yeah…

me, too. I was just surprised at how hard it came out, and how much of it there was!"

Donna laughed before adding "Yeah, it surprised me, too — but in a nice way.", prompting both of them to giggle briefly.

Several seconds went by before I heard Donna say "After I saw you tasting what MY wetness is like and how you looked like you liked it, I wanted to find out about yours. It didn't have any smell, like I have; and when I tasted it, it was kinda thick and salty. I guess it tasted okay."

Karen spoke up next, telling us "I thought it tasted kind of good…"

I hugged both of them briefly, then told them "It's up to you to decide if you like what a man's semen tastes like. And just so you know, I've heard that not all men taste the same; so if you do that with someone else, you might find that you like it more, or less."

It was Karen that asked "Really? If it's still semen, why wouldn't it taste the same?"

"For the same reason that women don't all have the same smell when they're excited. I'll bet that you've noticed that the two of you are different that way when you're excited, and it's the same way with guys. I expect it's because it's still the same basic stuff, but each person has something different about them to make it a little different."

Donna responded with "Yeah, that sounds right. Karen and I kinda smell the same, but not exactly."

I hugged them again, and answered "Yeah, I've kinda noticed that…", followed by the feel of both of them blushing slightly.

All three of us were content to lay there silently for the next few minutes — they were happy to be snuggling with me, and I was delighted to have them there. It wasn't until Karen started to run her fingers across my abdomen that the quiet was broken by her saying "Uncle Ted- your stuff — your semen is drying out."

I told her that it was okay, but she adamantly told me "No, it's not okay. After Donna was nice enough to let me do things with you, too, I'm not going to leave you messy like that!", followed by her getting out of bed and making her way into my bathroom. She reappeared a bit later with a damp washcloth, which she used to meticulously clean me of any seminal residue that she and her sister hadn't consumed. Only when she was satisfied with her efforts did she take the washcloth back into the bathroom. When she came out again, she didn't get back into bed with us; instead, she stood at the side of the bed and told us "I'm really glad I got to learn what it's like when a guy gets excited, and even what happens when he has a climax. Thanks, Uncle Ted, for letting me see that, and for that wonderful orgasm. Donna, thank you for letting me be here, and do things, too."

With that, Karen leaned over far enough to give me a kiss while ignoring the way I was playing with her butt. When she pulled back again, though, I could see that she was pleased and happy.

Donna and I both watched as Karen got dressed again, patently unconcerned about our presence.

After giving us both a smile, she left.

After she'd been gone a couple of minutes, Donna told me "Uncle Ted, it was really nice of you to let her be here like that. I know it made her so happy."

"Why would you think that you have to say that? I told you that it was okay if there was more than one of you at a time."

"I know, but Karen really wasn't sure you meant it. She's kind of in an awkward place — she isn't the oldest, so there aren't a lot of things that she gets to do first, or on her own. But she isn't the youngest, so she doesn't have that as an excuse to use for herself. She doesn't talk to me much about it, but I know that sometimes she doesn't feel like she's part of the family, or that she's somehow not quite as good as me — whatever that means. So when you said that it was up to her whether or not she sees what happens when a guy climaxes, I think she felt like you were doing something special just for her, and it made her extra happy to be here. I'm the oldest, and all three of us know that Wendy is the prettiest, and that really doesn't leave anything for Karen — and I know that bothers her sometimes. So when you're with her, it makes her feel better — inside, about herself, I mean."

I have to admit that I really hadn't thought about the relationships among all of them, or how they might feel about their "place" in the family. So hearing that from Donna made me resolve to make sure that Karen knew and understood that she was as important to me as any of them. In the mean time, I asked Donna "What about you? And Wendy?"