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"I'm the oldest, so I used to get a lot of 'you should be setting an example' and 'you should be watching out for your sisters' stuff — mostly from Daddy, when he was still here. He didn't have any brothers or sisters, so he didn't understand what it was like. Mom was the younger sister, but she seemed to know what it was like for me, anyway, so she didn't say stuff like that. I know you don't have any brothers or sisters, either, Uncle Ted, but you don't say things like that, either, and I like that. You're nice to all of us the same way, and none of us thinks that you like one of us more than the others, and that's good, too. I used to think that it was so unfair that Mom and Daddy used to make me look after Karen and Wendy, and then treat me like I was a baby; but after you talked to me about you and all of us being together, and explained why you were talking to ME first, I finally understood that Mom and Daddy were treating me the way I acted. I was kinda-sorta starting to understand before you got here, but when you talked to me, that's when I could see how I looked to someone else. It used to be that I'd do the stuff Mom told me just so I wouldn't have to listen to her if I didn't do it; but now I know that when I do it, I'm actually helping her — and that's nice. Sometimes, Wendy and Karen act like I'm being the oldest on purpose, as if I got to choose when I was born. But then they see how often I have to do something that I don't want to because I'm oldest, and they're okay with it again."

She was silent for a bit, then told me "Wendy… she's the youngest, and she knows it. Sometimes she tries to get away with doing something because of that, and how pretty she is, but not so much any more. I know she wishes she was older, so she'd have bigger tits and more hair, like Karen and me, but she doesn't make herself crazy with it. She knows she's just starting to grow, and that she doesn't really know anything yet — that's why she brought the book with her when we came down here. When you play with her boob like you with me and Karen, it makes her feel so much better about how much she DOES have. She's still a little scared about all the stuff that's happening — you know, her body changing and all that; and that's part of why she hasn't come to you like Karen and I do. I think if she did, you could make her feel better, just by talking to her; she just loves you and trusts you that much. If she let you touch her a little bit, I'll bet that would help her understand that the feelings and everything she's starting to have are okay. Since we had that talk, you know, just you and me, I've tried to remember that she probably feels like she gets left out of a lot of stuff because she's the youngest, and see if she wants to be part of whatever I'm doing, more. That's why I asked Wendy if she wanted to be here, too."

After filing a mental reminder to have a special time with Wendy, too, I started caressing Donna's side, being careful not to tickle her. She released a contented sigh before draping her leg across me — leaving her soft bush pressing against my hip. The two of us lay like that for several minutes, happy to just be next to each other.

I was on the verge of falling asleep when I heard Donna ask me "Uncle Ted? If I asked you some questions, would you answer them? And tell me the truth, and not just part of it, or some story to make me feel better?"

Surprised by the question, I took a moment to gather my thoughts before I answered "Yes, dear, I'd answer them. And yes, I'd tell you the truth — all of it. I've never lied to you, and I never will.

If there's something I don't want to answer, I'll say that, not just tell you something to make you be quiet or go away."

After a moment's silence, she asked me "How long are you going to be here with us?"

"I don't know, sweetheart. All I can tell you is that I don't have any plans to move, and I like being here with you girls and your mom enough that I don't want to move. But I can't say how long because I honestly don't know what might happen. Sorry."

She digested that for a bit, then told me "I guess that's okay. I know you can't promise about anything you're not in charge of, and the other part is good."

The next thing she asked me stunned me — "If… if I wanted to — I don't, but if I did — would you… would it be okay if I wanted you to be the one I gave my virginity to?"

I really had to think that one over for a while before I could answer "IF you showed me that you understood what you were doing, and IF you could prove to me that you were really ready, and IF we could be sure that I wouldn't get you pregnant or hurt you, then I think it would be okay -

at least with me. But that's something a lot more serious that us just making each other feel good, and you and your sisters learning about guys and sex stuff; I expect you mom would have something to say about it."

Several seconds passed, and I heard Donna ask "Do you think Mom is pretty? Do you like her?"

That one I could answer right away, and did. "I think your mom is very pretty, and I like her a lot. Why?"

"I just wondered. We never see you and her kiss, or anything — unless it was after you took her out on her birthday, and you were behind the tree in the yard, where we couldn't see you.", she told me, then blushing furiously when she realized she'd said that she and at least one of her sisters had been watching us, as Teresa had said.

"Just because you and your sisters don't see us kissing doesn't mean that it doesn't happen", I informed her. "If you're watching us like that, you think we might even be waiting until none of you is around because we don't want you seeing us?", I asked, prompting her to blush again.

It was nearly a full minute until she wanted to know "Do you think you and Mom might get married?"

I had to think about that one for a moment before I answered "I suppose that we might, but I don't know that either one of us is looking for it to happen."

"Why not?"

"Honey, I think you know that it wasn't easy for your mom when your dad left. And I know you understand that it wasn't easy or fun for me when I got divorced. Your mom and me… we've both had a bad experience about being married, and worse ones about how our marriages ended.

I don't know if you can really understand that after what your mom and I have been through, it takes a little while before we're ready to start thinking about maybe trying it again, even if it would be with someone else that we like. I think your mom and me… we're happy with how things are, right now. We like each other, we're friends, we can talk to each other about almost anything, we understand each other… there is a lot of good things happening with us, and I don't know that we're ready to take the chance of giving up the good stuff we have for something that we aren't sure — right now, anyway — would be any better, and might turn out to be as bad as what already happened to us. Your mom might think something else about it, but it isn't something she and I have talked about; I think it's just something that both of us understand, without having to say anything. Things might change so that we did start maybe wanting it to happen, but I can't say."

She considered that in silence for a while; the next thing she wanted to know was "Uncle Ted, do you want to do stuff with me and Karen and Wendy? More than we already have, even?"

I wasn't happy that she'd asked the question, but I'd told her that I'd answer her questions and tell her the truth; so after thinking a moment about how and what I wanted to say, I answered "That's a tough question for me to answer, honey, because I have to try to explain some things."