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I moved my head to look at her, and saw that she was patiently waiting for me to continue. I did, by saying "Something that I have to explain is that there is a part of people that is kind of left over from before we were actually human beings — it goes all the way back to when we were still animals, even. What it is, is different for women and men, too. You know how you feel when you get close to a baby?" I felt her nod, and continued "That's part of it, for women. It's something that's buried so deep in your brains, and what makes you human, that it takes something really, really big to change it. The next time you're around a baby, if you'll try to see if you can feel any different about it, I think you'll understand just how much a part of you something like that is. That's not the only thing, of course — there are a whole BUNCH of things like that that are just part of being a female human being; you couldn't change them any more than you could grow feathers, instead of hair."

Taking a breath, I went on "There are things like that about being a guy, too. Depending on the guy, those things might show up in different ways, but still be trying to make us do something left over from when we were animals, or even cavemen. One of them is that there's just something in us that makes us want to be with different women; kind of like the way you see one male deer that has a bunch of females — it's just Nature telling us to try and make sure we don't run out of people. But because we aren't animals or cavemen any more, most men try to put that part away, and be married to just one woman. Something else that's in a guy's brain is for him to want to make babies with younger females — they're probably healthier, and able to take care of babies better. Since I got here, that part of my brain has kind of woken up, and sometimes I think about how nice it would be to do sex things with you and your sisters. But because I'm not a caveman, I can choose whether or not to listen to that part of my brain."

I felt her nod again before I continued "Because you and your sisters ARE growing boobs and all that, there's a little part of me that wants to have sex with you — that old caveman part of my brain sees you and your sisters, and thinks of you as young females that could make babies, and wants that to happen. But the part of me that isn't a caveman knows that you aren't actually old enough yet — even though you could make a baby if you had sex while you were having your period, it wouldn't be a good idea if that actually happened. So what I've been doing with the three of you has been kind of like I've been letting the caveman out, but only a little bit, so that the civilized part of my brain can make sure nothing bad happens. So the only way I can answer your question is to tell you 'sort of' — there's a small part of me that wants to have sex with you and try to make lots of babies; then there's the way bigger part that loves you, and doesn't want you to be hurt, and all that. That old caveman part of my brain sees how young and pretty and everything that you and your sisters are, and wants to do things with you. Then there's the new civilized part of my brain that knows that what the caveman part wants isn't good for you, and because the civilized part is bigger, it's able to keep the caveman part from hurting you. When you and your sisters come to me, then what you're doing is telling the new part of my brain that it's okay to let the OLD part out a little bit — which makes the old part of my brain happy, without making the new part UNhappy. You understand what I'm saying?"

I was pleased when, several seconds later, she told me "Yeah, I do. What you said, it made me understand something about ME. Sometimes, when I see a really cute guy, or one with lots of muscles, I feel like I want to have babies with him. That part you said about the male deer made me remember a science program I saw one time, and they said that the female deer were looking for a male that would make good, strong babies — and I realized that when I see a guy that I feel like I want to have a baby with, I'm doing the same thing the female deer is. Except that I never understood why I would feel like that, when I'm not a deer; but when you told me that there's parts of our brains that are left over from being cavemen, and even animals, then I knew what was happening, and why. I know that I can't stop feeling the way I do when that happens, so there's nothing for me to be upset about when it happens for you. And I know that the civilized part of your brain is in charge, because you have never ever done or said anything to hurt me that way. I guess if I want to do things with you, then I'm letting out the cave woman that's in MY brain so she can make the caveman in your brain happy — and that's okay, because the new parts of our brains are still in charge."

I have to confess to feeling considerable relief when she was done; I'd been half-afraid that simply hearing that I desired her and her sisters would be ALL that she'd notice, and not the rest of it. But she'd listened to everything I'd said, and used her own experience and learning to understand what was going on — and found it acceptable.

After another couple of minutes had gone by, Donna told me "Uncle Ted… if you wanted to…

you know, sometimes… it would be okay with me if you… if you wanted to let your caveman out first, a little bit. I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me, or want to do anything more than I wanted you to — and it would make me feel like you really do like for us to do things with each other. I think Karen might like it, too… and maybe even Wendy."

Hearing that from her brought joy to my heart, for a couple of reasons. First, it told me that she really was okay with the idea that I found her physically attractive, if she was willing to let me be the one to initiate intimacy between us. Second, there had been times when I'd wanted to be the one to put my hand on one of their breasts, or even get them naked and have the pleasure of enjoying the feel of their young bodies while bringing them pleasure. Now, with her words, Donna was telling me that she would actually like for me to such things — at least, with her, and probably with Karen, as well. The idea that even beautiful Wendy might be agreeable left me speechless for several seconds, before I got my wits together enough to answer "I'd like that, sweetheart. Not all the time, or anything like that… but sometimes."

I went off into a fantasy about having Karen on my lap, and slowly teasing her into letting me bring her to an orgasm — only to have it stop suddenly with the realization that I had the delectable bundle of Donna right there in bed with me… and that she'd already expressed a desire for us to become more intimate. It seemed like a perfect opportunity to take the initiative in our relationship for a little while.

A couple of soft nudges of her hip with my hand got Donna to roll over onto her back; I quickly got on my side, and propped my body up with my elbow so that I could look down at her. Her lovely green eyes looked up at me with trust and confidence, and I happily lowered my head to kiss her. Her return kiss was eager and loving, and the two of us continued to exchange a number of kisses that grew in affection and desire. Our tongues were a couple of snakes wrestling in each others mouths when I put my hand on my niece's stomach — the softly dragged my fingertips in lazy circles on her abdomen and across the upper slopes of her breasts before finally spiralling in to cup her young mammary in my hand. As I gently squeezed its firm mass, I used my thumb to circle and tease her areola and nipple — and felt as both responded to my touch.

While Donna and I continued to exchange kisses and duel tongues, I delighted in moving my hand from one of her girlish orbs to the other, and back again, delicately caressing their smooth surface and patiently bringing the peaks of both to stand proud from their surroundings.

Having accomplished that, I began kissing my niece places other than her soft, pink lips: her eyes, her cheeks, the tip of her nose… and then expanding my efforts to include the lobes of her ears, her neck and throat, and her slender shoulders — followed by tenderly kissing her flawless skin, and "biting" at it with my lips as I traced a circuitous and indirect path that ended only when I fastened my lips on the protrusion of one of her areolas, and its nipple. Softly sucking on it as I twirled her rubbery nipple with my tongue, I heard her release a soft moan of pleasure and passion.