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I couldn't help but laugh a moment before answering "I don't know that there's any way of finding out if women and men experience climaxes the same way. Because that part of us is way back in the animal part of our brains, I kind of suspect that it might be close; but it's still different because we're different sexes. But I can tell you that it'll feel good for me — probably as much as what I was doing felt to you. And if you make me climax… well, that's all that really matters, isn't it?"

She recognized the point I was making, and smiled at me as she nodded her head. A few moments later, she realized that my semi-erect cock was laying on her leg. She looked down at it, then up at me, before asking "You're ready? You're getting excited again?"

I grinned as I told her "Well, I'm getting excited because of how much fun we've been having, and what I was doing with you. But as you can see, I'm not quite 'ready' again."

That last part earned me a look of abused patience before she asked "Wouldn't it help if I started learning how to do to you what you were doing to me?"

I cupped her breast in my hand, and gave its nipple a couple of passes with my thumb as I answered "Yeah, it would help. And if you want, I can keep going with what I was doing to you while you're doing that."

Seeing the slightly confused expression on her face, I explained "You're heard about '69'?" She nodded, and I told her "Think about how the numbers look, and I think you'll understand."

She did, and it wasn't but a second before her expression bore both delight and anticipation. She started to move, but when my hand stayed on her breast, she turned her head to look at me again and heard me tell her "It doesn't really matter which one of us is on top, but it's usually best if it's the smaller person, so that both of them are more comfortable for longer."

It wasn't but a moment before she told me "Yeah, I think that would be best for us, too." After she'd said that, she started to move again, and I let my hand fall from the warm mass it had been holding.

I rolled over onto my back again, and it didn't take long for Donna to realize what she should do if she wanted us to be able to use our mouths on each other at the same time. Getting to her knees, she positioned herself next to my head, and let me help guide the way as she lifted one leg and moved it to the other side of my head. She looked down at me and smiled before leaning forward enough to put her hands on the bed; supporting herself that way, she carefully got herself in position so that her head was right over my penis, then lowered her body so that it was resting on mine. She was enough shorter than I was that that put her cute little butt and other fun parts a bit out of range; I grabbed a pillow, and after folding it over and tucking it behind my head and shoulders, found that I'd be able to resume my previous efforts without excessive difficulty.

It was a mild, but pleasant, surprise when she didn't bother to ask what she could or should do — she simply took my penis in her hand and lifted it up enough to look at it; even more closely than she had when all three of them had been examining it. After just a few seconds, I felt her soft lips kiss the head of it; then a second later, the end of her tongue made a pass across it. Deciding that whatever taste there might have been was acceptable, she calmly wrapped her lips around me, just behind the crown.

As Donna began experimenting with what she could do to the head of my cock with her tongue, I took a few moments to look at the sight of her parted labia dividing the dark vee of her bush, with the fold of her clitoral hood peeking out at me. Above that, I could see the rosette of her anus, centered between the smooth globes of her cute little ass. It was truly a sight worth memorizing before I lifted my head and began my oral assault on her developing womanhood.

What followed was one of the best times of my life. Donna never paused to ask questions or seek suggestions; she plainly wanted to learn how to arouse and please me entirely on her own, and I left her to it — not only was what she was doing enjoyable as it could be, it also gave me ample time and opportunity to enjoy HER delights.

I don't know if she'd read about it, or figured it out on her own, but Donna never hurt me or made me uncomfortable in the slightest. All she did was experiment — extensively, carefully, and with attention to thoroughness. She tried licking me in various ways, using assorted techniques, all over my penis. Sucking, too, was tried in different ways and varying degrees of pressure. She experimented with trying sundry ways of using her lips on me. She used her hand to stroke me with a mix of pressures and tempos. My scrotum and balls were cupped and manipulated in a diversity of ways. None of it hurt, as I said, and all of it felt good to some degree; she wasn't in any hurry, and not above repeating something that got a particularly favorable response from me.

She had wanted to learn "how" and "what-if", and that's just exactly what she was doing.

For myself, I was having a dandy time where I was. I'd moved my hands to the firm orbs of her butt, and was having a fine time caressing and gently squeezing them as I treated my taste buds to her nectar, between bouts of teasing and stimulating her erect clitoris.

The way she was using her mouth on me was certainly pleasant, but not enough to move me toward climaxing again any time soon — and that gave me the idea to see if I couldn't give HER

an orgasm, or even two, before that happened.

I applied myself toward making that happen with a will — deliberately increasing the pleasure I knew I was giving her, and steadily ramping up the speed at which I gave it. It took only a few minutes for me to have her moaning around where my cock was buried in her mouth, as she arched her pelvis down toward me in her desire. I continued my efforts, and when I gently began probing at the entrance to her vagina a minute later, that was all she needed to let my erection slip from between her lips so she could cry out with the start of her release.

As her young body arched from the spasms of pleasure coursing through her, I put my mouth over her opening and softly sucked up the almost continuous trickle of oils escaping her — and tried to worm my tongue through her woman's portal at the end of each wave that passed through her.

Her orgasm lasted appreciably longer than the one before, and I felt it as her slender body came to rest on mine when her climax had passed, and she couldn't support herself over me any longer.

My hands on her delightful ass let me hold that part of her steady as I gave her a reprieve while she recovered from what I'd done.

As I felt the cycling of her breath on my cock, I tenderly kissed the insides of her thighs, alternating between them in a pattern that moved up and down in a line.

When her breathing had slowed, I heard Donna ask me "Uncle Ted, you did that on purpose, didn't you?"

I expect she could hear my smile in my voice when I answered "Yup. What you've been doing has felt good, so I thought I'd show you how much I appreciate it."

She considered that for a second before telling me "Could you warn a person first, next time? Geez! And I haven't even made you squirt again, yet, either!"

"I told you — you've been making ME feel good, so I wanted to make you feel good, too."

"Uncle Ted, that went way past just being 'good', and you know it!"

I chuckled, and told her "Well, I just wanted to make sure…"

I heard/felt as she released a heavy sigh; a couple of seconds later, she told me "If you think you can behave yourself, I'd like to try to help you finish again."

Hedging my bets, I told her "I'll promise to try and do my best." — something that I could tell she wasn't entirely reassured to hear. But she didn't let it stop her from raising herself off of me, and taking hold of my cock again. After she'd taken nearly half my length into her warm mouth, I lifted my head and began kissing the insides of her thighs again.