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Knowing that she was pleasing me, and the impetus of the orgasm she'd just had, Donna apparently decided that she'd done enough learning, and began to apply the knowledge she'd gained thus far. As she used the things she'd learned, I gladly went back to arousing and stimulating her again.

While she had precious little in the way of experience, her enthusiasm for applying what skill she did have was more than sufficient to increase the pleasure she was giving me… and in no small measure, either. It was enough, even, that I found it prudent to increase MY efforts; something that only seemed to inspire her to try harder.

I doubt that it was deliberate on either of our parts, but it became something of a race to see which one of us got the other off first. Even today, I still think that it was because she had to recover a little more from the orgasm she'd had that kept me from being able to bring her to a climax first.

I was rhythmically sucking on her clitoris when she cupped my balls in her hand again, and started softly stroking my scrotum as she slowly bobbed her head up and down on my cock — all while gently sucking on me and doing some rather fascinating things with her tongue. The cumulative effect on me proved to be too much, and I pulled my head back to (loudly) tell her

"Donna! It's gonna happen!".

She didn't miss a beat, and it wasn't but a few more seconds before my cock hardened that last little bit, and I erupted in her mouth. When the first jet of my cum left me, she pulled her head back — but not off me, choosing instead to keep her lips tightly clamped around me just behind the head as she applied even greater suction in time with the semen pulsing from me. After the first couple of wads of my jism were in her mouth, she quickly swallowed them, and then continued her efforts… with the apparent intention of sucking the very life out of me.

Thankfully, the human male can only ejaculate so much, and for so long; when the last faint traces of semen had been wrenched out of me, I was able to lift my head again — and did so with the single, sincere purpose in mind of bringing her to a climax that equalled the one she'd just blessed me with.

I was back to licking up the overflow of her oils when Donna took my slowly-deflating penis in her hand. Holding it still, she carefully went about making sure that she cleaned ever bit of my cum from the end of my cock before she finally released her hold on me. With my manhood free of her nefarious clutches, I began to apply myself toward achieving my goal. Using everything I'd learned about arousing and stimulating her, I calmly began doing them — often, and with great enthusiasm. It wasn't long before I could again hear her moaning her increasing pleasure, and noted the additional flow of her juices as she got more and more excited, and moved ever closer to the goal that I had set for her.

It wasn't difficult raising the level of her passion, and I enjoyed every moment of it — without losing sight of where I wanted it to end. I carefully monitored every sign, every cue, every symptom as she approached the tripping point that would signal her release; and as that point got closer and closer, I deliberately and malevolently slowed and reduced my efforts so as to prolong and delay the time when she would reach it.

She had gone past merely making noises of frustrated arousal, and had actually given voice to her need, and outright begged me to let it happen, before I finally gave her the release she sought

— and then some.

I knew that I was holding her on the very edge as I twirled the end of my tongue ever so slowly and lightly around her erect clitoris; when I decided to give in to her pleas, I paused for only the briefest of moments, then used my tongue to press firmly against her clit and "vibrate" it.

Donna's attempt to scream was choked off before she could give voice to it; her body froze in place above me for a moment before almost convulsing with the power of the first of a series of paroxysms of pleasure that overwhelmed her. At the start of each throe of her orgasm, I would repeat my actions of vibrating her clitoris with my tongue, stopping only when it began to fade.

By the time the last of her orgasm had passed, she was covered with a fine sheen of perspiration from the energy she'd expended from her entire body clenching over and over again. I heard her make some small noise before she essentially collapsed on top of me; if I hadn't still had a secure hold on her ass, she almost certainly would have fallen over. Carefully, I eased her hips over so that I could support them with one hand while I got her "far" leg moved so that both were on the same side; then I had to use both hands to gently ease her to the bed. Able to sit up, I just as carefully and gently got the rest of her body moved — then positioned so that she could be comfortable. A look at her face told me that she was awake, but clearly stunned by what had just happened. Feeling a bit guilty after the fact, I quickly got up and got a damp cloth, then went in to get each of us a soda, which I set on the small table next to the bed.

Once I was back in bed with her, I gently wiped her face with the cloth; the coolness of it seemed to refresh her, so I waited a bit, then did it again. By the time I was done, I could see that she was starting to get her wits back. Getting my arms under her, I was able to pick her up and get her turned around, and moved closer to the head of the bed. When she was where I'd be able to reach her, I set her down again, and got myself seated with my back against the headboard before gently getting her sitting up — if leaned against me. Only then did I grab one of the sodas and open it before putting my arm around her and holding the open can to her lips. She managed a couple of small swallows before indicating that she'd had enough. Her voice was soft, but I could still hear the awe in it as she told me "Please don't ever do that to me again. It felt… it was… I don't know how to say what it felt like — but there was so much of it that it scared me."

She gestured that she wanted another drink, and when I put the can to her lips, she was able to put her hand on mine, and let me know when she wanted to take a breath, and when she wanted to drink. She'd gone through maybe a quarter of the can before nudging my hand to let me know she was done, and telling me "Really, Uncle Ted — I didn't know anything like that COULD

happen, and even though it felt absolutely incredible, it kind of scared me, too. I know you were just trying to make me feel as good as I know I made YOU feel, and I really, truly do appreciate it; and I'm not mad or upset or anything, either. I'm just telling you that that was WAY more than I was anywhere near ready for."

"I am sorry, sweetheart. I really didn't want to do anything except make you feel as good as I could, and if what I did scared you like that, then I'm more sorry than I could ever tell you. I love you, and the last thing I'd want to do would be anything that upset you."

Taking the can of soda from me, she took a few sips before answering "No, really, Uncle Ted, it's okay. I know you didn't mean for me to get scared, and that if you'd known that might happen, you wouldn't have done that… or, at least, not so much. I'm not exactly sorry it happened,

'cause it was amazing. Like I said, I'm just trying to let you know that it was too much for me right now, is all. Now that it's over, and I'm starting to feel better, I'm not sure that it was even that scary, afterwards. I just don't think that I want to go through anything like that again. IF you did anything wrong — which you didn't! — it was just making me feel too good. I know you love me, and I still love you, and that's all that really matters."