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I'd already resolved not to tease her again (or her sisters, ever!) like that, so hearing that she didn't think what I'd done to her was really all that bad did make me feel a little better. Still, I was going to try and make it up to her as best I could.

With her appreciably more alert, and able to move on her own again, I opened the other soda and traded with her — over her (only mild) objections. As I'd thought she would, she needed the liquid as much as the kick from the sugar and caffeine; I knew that I'd consumed a goodly amount of her fluids along the way. I put my arm back around her, and she happily snuggled next to me with a contented sigh. The two of us sat there in silence as we consumed our drinks. When she was done with hers, I heard Donna release a soft belch, followed by the warmth in my side that told me she was blushing. Thinking to put her at ease, I released one of my own that resonated nicely — and earned me the admonition of "Uncle Ted!", followed by a small laugh.

Taking the empty can from her, I got out of bed and deposited it and my own into the little recycling bin I kept. When I got back to the bedroom, I stood at the foot of the bed and told her

"If you think you can behave yourself, I'll let you take a quick shower with me before we get dressed again."

She immediately started to look indignant, then realized I was teasing her. After a tolerably good "why do I put up with you?" sigh, she told me "Well, I guess I can do that…", trying to tease me back. I just smiled, and held my arm out to her; it didn't take but a few moments before she was standing next to me, with my arm around her. Holding each other close, we went into my bathroom and shared a quick and very friendly shower. Dried off, we went back into the bedroom to get dressed; I was sitting on the edge of the bed when she was done, and she let me pull her over to stand in front of me. She put her hands on my shoulders, and I held her butt in my hands as I looked up at her and said "I had a nice time with you and your sisters today — not because of the things we did, but just because I always like having all of you around. If I'm not busy with my work, any of you is welcome to come down here and visit, for however long you want, for whatever reason you want. You're all pretty, and fun to be with, and it makes me happy when you're with me. Okay?"

Donna gave me a delighted smile as she nodded her head. Without prompting, she leaned forward so the two of us could share a soft, loving kiss; when it was over, she told me "I had a nice time today, too, Uncle Ted — and I know Karen and Wendy did, too. I'll tell them you said it was okay to come visit you more often."

"Thanks, sweetheart.", I told her, giving her ass a little pat on one cheek. Still smiling, she took her hands off my shoulders, turned, and went back upstairs.

The following Friday, we'd finished supper and the girls had all gotten their schoolwork taken care of so that we could have a movie night. Teresa had stopped off at the video store and picked one up — something that I'd seen before. I'd been less than impressed with it, but was willing to stay and watch it with them when I noticed that Karen seemed to be less than wild about it, too.

Recognizing the opportunity, I told all of them that I'd seen it before, and thought that I'd watch one that I'd bought — then told Karen "If you'd like to, you're welcome to come down and watch it with me; it's something that I think you'd like — it's called 'batteries not included'".

As I'd hoped, she welcomed the chance to see something else, and stood up. I stood, too, and held her hand in mine as the two of us made our way downstairs. She stood patiently as I got everything set up and ready to go; when I stood up from in front of my TV, she asked "Would it be okay if I sat on your lap?"

"Of course it would, dear", I assured her.

After a brief hesitation, she wanted to know "Would… would it be okay if we were both naked, too?"

I just smiled, and told her "I'd like that." before starting to take my clothes off. By the time I was finished, Karen was standing there nude, waiting for me with a pleased expression on her face. I got myself parked at the end of the couch, and she quickly settled herself on my lap; I put one arm around her, and after starting the movie, got the other one similarly located. The movie was a little slow getting started, but once things started happening, it made for a nice, non-violent, entertaining story. As I'd expected, Karen was delighted with it, and I could see how happy she was as the credits started to roll.

I was happy to hold her on my lap for as long as she wanted to stay there, but she finally told me

"I guess I'd better be going to bed, now. That was a really nice movie, Uncle Ted, and I'm glad I got to watch it with you."

When she started to get up, I told her "Karen, if you want to, you're welcome to stay down here tonight. And if you think you'd like to, I'd be glad to have you sleep in my bed, with me."

She looked at me uncertainly as she asked "Really? It's okay? You'd let me do that?"

Smiling, I answered "Yes, really. I just asked you to, so of course I'd let you do that."

A trifle chastened, she smiled broadly as she answered "I'd like that — sleeping with you tonight.

It always makes me feel warm and happy when I'm sitting with you, and I know it would be even better to do that."

She looked at me in confusion when I put my arms under her knees and behind her back, then let out a surprised (and delighted) shriek when I managed to stand up while holding her in my arms.

I carried her to my bed and gently deposited her on it before moving to lay next to her. It was a comfortable evening, and I didn't feel any need to sleep under blankets — or even a sheet. I rolled onto my side, and with minimal direction, Karen got herself spooned against my front. I put my arm around her, and cupped her breast in my hand accompanied by her happy and contented sigh.

As I softly stroked the warm smoothness of her breast with my fingertips, I told her "Honey, I want to make sure I tell you that I love you. I know that sometimes it must seem like Donna and Wendy get all the attention and everything, but I want you to know that I never, ever forget about you. You're just as special to me as either of your sisters, even if I don't always remember to let you know that. So that's why I was glad to be able to spend time with you tonight — watching the movie together, just the two of us, and having you here with me like this. And I want to make sure you understand that I'm always here for you, no matter what you need or want, or when. If you want to come down and just sit with me sometimes, I'd like that — having you close always makes me happy, and feel better. You know that I didn't have any brothers or sisters, but I think I can imagine what it's like, being in the middle. You're not the oldest, but you're not the youngest, either; and it must seem like you're always being left out of things because of things like that. So I'm telling you that you don't have to feel that way, or think that you're alone. I expect Donna told you this, but I want to make sure that I tell you — you are MORE than welcome to come down here to see me any time you want, for however long you want to stay, and for any reason, or no reason. I like it when you're with me, no matter when or why. If you're happy about something, I'd like to be happy with you; if you're sad, or mad, or hurt, or anything else, I'm here for you.

I'll listen to anything you want to say to me, and I'll answer any question that you want to ask. If you need or want my help with something, then you've got it — that easy, and that simple.


A couple of seconds went by, then she quickly turned over so that she was facing me — and when I saw the tears in her eyes, it nearly broke my heart. I pulled her close to me, then rolled over onto my back, bringing her with me so that she was laying on top of me — and I could put my arms around her and hold her as her warm tears fell onto my chest.