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As Karen's arousal slowly began to grow, I transferred my attentions from her breasts to her belly again; and then, gradually, even farther. While I was expanding the range of my touch, I began making the transition from just kissing her lips, to including her face — then her throat, and neck, and shoulders, before blazing a wandering trail that ended with my lips at the peak of one of her breasts. I deliberately sucked on it a little bit harder than I usually did, to distract her from the fact that my hand had reached her pelvis. Doing my best to keep her attention on what I was doing at her breast, I reached a little farther so I could begin caressing her smooth thighs -

down her leg along the top, then slowly and softly back up again along the insides, brushing ever so lightly across her mons to the top of the other leg, and mirroring my actions before going through the cycle again…

What I was trying to do was to be able to stimulate her as much as possible, without having her tense up again each time I began touching something "new"; the idea was that my caresses of her thighs would be "familiar" by the time she noticed what I was doing. I had to figure it was working when I moved my head from the breast I'd started with, to the other — and felt her open her legs so that my hand could move more easily between them… without reacting to the fact that I did have my hand where it was.

As I began to suckle at her breast, I was also increasing the contact that I was making with the area between her thighs; lightly caressing her along the cleft of her sex at first, then slowly expanding my efforts to include drawing my finger across the entrance to her vagina, and softly stroking the area around her clitoris. By the time I'd gotten the ends of both of her breasts standing tall and proud, she was beginning to moan softly as she arched her hips up in response to what my hand was doing farther down.

With her starting to feel more arousal than apprehension, I lowered my head again to begin kissing my way farther and farther down her body, keeping my hand busy for as long as I could.

After a brief delay to tease her navel for a bit, my lips finally came in contact with the soft sparse cloud of her muff — something that also had me close enough to easily discern the light, fresh scent of her excitement. Still, I didn't rush things, despite the increasing desire to finally learn what she tasted like. Instead, I gave her pubis a number of tender kisses while softly "combing"

and occasionally gently pulling on her hair with my lips.

With my head that far down her body, I knew that she'd know that I wasn't in any position to do anything, and carefully got my body between her slender legs. Once I was in position, I welcomed the opportunity to see her as I never had before.

I could tell that the patch of her pubic hair had expanded a trifle, and was starting to fill in, as well — and at the bottom of the "vee", her labia were easily visible. Somewhat small, they were thin, and delicate in appearance and beginning to darken with her increasing desire; their inner surfaces were faintly shiny from the slight overflow of her oils that I'd collected for use on her clitoris — which had nearly shed its cloak, at the top of her slit. Moving my head closer, I was able to extend my tongue, slipping the end of it between her vaginal lips so that I could softly tease the ring of her opening for several seconds before easing it upwards; I got a full taste of her fresh, light, and faintly sweet essence before circling her clitoris a few times.

When I eased my tongue into her honeypot again, she released a soft moan and moved to spread her legs even farther apart — granting me not only better access to her young womanhood, but encouraging me to continue.

Karen had never indicated to me before that she had any wish for me to use my mouth on her the way I was, for whatever reason; but judging from the way she was responding to what I was doing, I didn't figure that it would be the last time she'd want it to happen.

It didn't take me but a minute or so to get her as aroused as she'd been when I was using my hand on her; from there, it was easy (and fun) increasing her excitement even more.

What I thought to do was simple, and to the point: after bringing her to an orgasm, try to get past the barrier of her hymen while she was still relaxed — but only after giving her a chance to change her mind. The window of opportunity would be brief, but my conscience demanded that I not do anything irreversible without some kind of reaffirmation from her that that was what she wanted.

So I was quite happy to apply everything I'd ever learned about her, and giving a woman oral sex, to slowly but steadily raise her arousal to higher and higher levels; doing my best to get her as excited and wet as possible so that I could do my best to make the consummation of our relationship as easy and painless for her as I could.

Trying to worm my stiffened tongue into her pleased her immensely, as did placing my mouth over her opening and trying to softly suck her delicious juices out of the reservoir she kept them in. Slowly circling my tongue around her clitoris, and gently pulling on it with my lips pleased her, as well. It was when I reached up and began squeezing her breasts, and delicately pinching and pulling on her nipples while my mouth and tongue were busy farther down that she really began to respond to my efforts.

Having learned my lesson with Donna, I didn't dare try delaying or intensifying the orgasm that I could feel building in Karen's developing body — but that didn't mean that I wasn't willing to do more of the things that I could tell were producing the kind of results that I was after. Getting the tip of my tongue partway through the entrance to her virginal chamber and then flexing it as if trying to lick her from the inside soon had her body writhing (she kept her pelvis steady under my mouth) as the supply of her nectar increased dramatically.

I knew that Karen was getting close to an orgasm when I felt the ring of her opening begin clenching around the tip of my tongue — it was slight and mild, and infrequent at first; but it didn't take much longer before I was forced to give up any attempts to get my tongue into her because of how often and completely further entry was blocked.

I was rolling her nipples between my thumb and forefinger while softly sucking on her clitoris when Karen found release from the loving torture that I'd been administering — with a deep groan, she lifted her pelvis as the first of a series of spasms passed through her. I gently pressed my tongue against the small bump of her covered clitoris as the pleasure of her release coursed through her, but didn't do anything else to exacerbate the situation. When she lowered herself to the bed again, I let my head slip from between her smooth thighs; a few moments later, I moved my way up her body until my erect penis was resting in the soft cushion of her pubic hair. It was a trifle awkward because of how much shorter she was, but I managed to softly kiss her face several times before she opened her eyes to look up at me. Seeing me, she got an expression of delight on her face before telling me "That was wonderful, Uncle Ted!"

I smiled at seeing how happy she was, and softly asked her "Do you want to stop now, or go on with the rest of it?", flexing my cock so that it pressed against her.

She didn't bat an eyelash before assuring me "I want to go on with the rest of it."

"You're sure? I really won't be upset if you want to stop now."

"I know you wouldn't, Uncle Ted. But I really am sure — that I want it to happen, and with you."

Hearing her tell me so clearly and directly that she really did want me to be the first one to know her body that way was more than enough to remove any lingering doubts that I had. Looking into her eyes, I began to move so that my erection slowly slid down the soft folds of her mound; as I did, she spread her legs as far as she could before drawing her knees up to make herself as open and accessible to me as she could.