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When the head of my cock slipped between her labia, I applied just enough pressure to keep it there as I told her "Honey, I'm going to go slow, and try to make this as easy for you as I can -

but I need your help."

"What can I do, Uncle Ted?"

"I need you to tell me if I start to go too fast, or if something starts to hurt, or if anything is bothering you. We don't have to stop if anything like that happens, but we can try to do things differently to try and make it better. Okay, sweetheart?"

She hadn't seemed particularly bothered before, but I could still tell that hearing me say that gave her some sense of relief, too. Smiling up at me, she said "If I need you to do anything like that, I'll tell you, Uncle Ted. Honest."

Even in that situation, I could tell that she was hedging about being willing to tell me if I started to hurt her — I wasn't particularly happy about it, but had to figure that she had the right to decide for herself how much pain or discomfort she was willing to tolerate before she said anything.

Still looking into her eyes, I began to slowly increase the pressure of my manhood against the gateway to her womanhood. I could see in her face that she knew I was letting her know that she didn't have to be nervous or afraid — and that I was giving her that much more time to change her mind, if she wanted.

Rather than say anything to me, she simply began trying to do what she could to make it happen; it wasn't but a few seconds before I could feel her trying to get the control she needed to deliberately relax herself to grant my entry. I didn't let what she was doing alter what I was doing in the slightest; I just kept a steady pressure against her so that any additional progress I made into her was just that — additional. I was nearly through her, and could already feel the obstruction of her maidenhead touching the end of my cock when she suddenly lifted herself up

— far enough that the head of my manhood slipped through, accompanied by a small squeak from her.

Of course, I immediately stopped. When I looked down at her, it was plain that she was having second thoughts about what she'd just done; otherwise, she didn't appear that she was in any kind of distress. Tenderly, I told her "You didn't have to do that, dear. It was going to happen before long, anyway."

Doing her best to smile, she told me "I know, Uncle Ted… but I just wanted that part to be over, so that I could feel you inside me. I do, now… and I like it!"

Well, I'd told Teresa that I was willing to let them learn things the hard way if they had to, so I didn't figure that there was anything for me to say. Still, I held myself still in her until I felt her begin to press herself up against me in encouragement for me to get on with things.

After sliding my cock back and forth as much as I could to try and get things lubricated, I started moving myself in her in a series of cyclic motions that had me sinking myself into her barely a millimeter at a time — each time I "backed off", it was for slightly less than I'd pressed into her; the thrusts were small and slow enough that I knew I wasn't hurrying her, or having any problem staying wetted with her oils. I had maybe half my cock in her before I remembered feeling her hymen when I'd first entered her. Holding myself still over her, I asked "Are you okay, honey?"

Opening her eyes again, she looked up at me in a mix of satisfaction and mild confusion as she asked "I'm fine, Uncle Ted. Why?"

"I'm halfway inside you, but I could feel your hymen — your cherry — when I first got in."

"Oh, that. When you popped into me like that, I felt it when it broke. It only hurt a little bit, so I didn't say anything about it. By the time you were in me a little more, it didn't hurt at all; now it just feels good to have you in me. You feel huge, but you're not hurting me, or anything."

From the expression on her face, I had to figure she was telling me the truth that she was satisfied with how things were going. Nothing for me to do but carry on, then.

She'd let me know that she was fine with what I'd been doing, so I went back to doing it. It wasn't much later that the incredibly tight, warm sheath of her vagina was securely wrapped around almost my entire length; I might get the last fraction of an inch into her, but that was for later — just then, I could feel the end of my erect penis touching the deepest part of her, and knew that was enough.

She looked up at me when I softly kissed her cheek, and told me "Oh, Uncle Ted! I never even dreamed it could feel like this — like I was missing something without knowing it, and I just found out what it was!", the awe she felt clear in her voice.

I gave her a soft kiss on the lips before asking "You're still okay? Would you like me to wait a little bit before I start moving in you?"

"Oh, I'm fine, Uncle Ted! Even better than fine… it's… it's… wonderful! But yeah, if you could wait a little bit, that'd be nice — I'm still getting used to having you inside me.", the last a bit apologetically.

I kissed her again, then assured her "That's okay, Karen. I'm a full-grown man, and you're still not quite fifteen yet, so I'm not surprised you need some time. Until you let me know you're ready, I'll just wait right here…", the last part drawing a small laugh from her.

She was tight around me, and most definitely stayed that way — even as I felt her begin to learn some control over her internal muscles as she tried to relax herself to having even my average-sized erect penis filling her the way I was. As she got used to my presence, I wasn't the least bit reluctant to kiss whatever part of her struck my fancy — her cheek, her forehead, her ear (with an option to nibble on her earlobe), her throat, and when I could, her lips. Along the way, she brought her legs up, and wrapped them around my waist before locking her ankles behind me.

When she did, I saw her eyes go wide as the last of my penis slipped the rest of the way into her.

It didn't take her as long to adjust to being filled with my manhood as I'd thought it might; reaching up, she held my head still so she could lift her head and kiss me — and brush my lips with her tongue. When she lowered her head again, mine followed so our kiss could continue, and so that I could send my tongue out in search for hers. We finally had to come up for air, and Karen told me "You don't feel even a little bit uncomfortable inside me any more, Uncle Ted -

so you can start moving in me any time you want…"

I didn't bother saying anything in reply. I just eased my hips back until only about a quarter of my erection was still inside her before reversing direction and getting myself buried in her warm, wet sheath again. After pausing a moment to make sure she was okay, I did it again… a trifle farther and faster. Then again, even more.

It wasn't long until I was pistoning in and out of her in a steady rhythm that felt good for both of us; it was her first experience with coitus, and I wanted to make it one that she'd remember with happiness for the rest of her life. It took longer than I'd hoped it would, but there finally came the point that my fourteen-year-old niece began to respond to the sensation of my adult cock filling and emptying her previously virginal pussy; it began with her slightly pressing herself up at me in response to my gentle thrusts, and slowly grew until she was using her heels to press on my ass as she voiced her new-found lust with such phrases as "Oh, god, you feel so good", and

"Fuck me, Uncle Ted!", among others. Needless to say, such encouragements were appreciated, and served to inspire me to do just as she said.

There was just one wee, small problem — the fact that she was warm, and wet, and above all, tight around me. While she clearly wasn't experiencing any problems with having me in her, it was still new and novel enough that she wasn't able to fully appreciate the experience. That meant that I was moving close to my own climax faster than she was toward hers. I tried everything I could to try and increase the pleasure for her, but there was only so much that she'd let me do; trying to slow down, for example, was totally unacceptable to her.