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With my erection steadily pistoning in and out of her, Karen's enjoyment and arousal increased apace. It was but a very few minutes before I felt her have a small orgasm — about the same as she'd had when I'd climaxed in her the night before. The sensation of her warm, wet sheath getting even tighter around me as I continued to plunder her treasure was a delight… and a surprise, learning that she could enjoy sex THAT much, that soon after giving me her virginity.

She surprised me again several minutes later with another orgasm that was discernably stronger, and lasted longer. It also stimulated the hell out of me to have her clenching around me tight enough that only her ample lubrication made it possible to keep moving in her. By the time her second climax was over, she'd moved me a lot closer to finding my own release.

What with her being as receptive (pardon the pun!) to sexual pleasure as she was, I didn't see any reason not to make my own approaching climax better, too — and started thrusting into her with longer, slower strokes to increase the pressure I could feel building inside me. Karen let me know that she thought that was just dandy with an increase in the moans and verbal encouragement she was giving voice to.

When my cock signalled that it was going to happen now, rather than slam myself into her the way I wanted to, I held her by the hips and tried to press myself as far into her as I could — even as I felt her clamp down on me with the beginning of her third orgasm since I'd gotten behind her.

The tightening of her vagina was in almost perfect counterpoint to the pulses of cum that erupted from the end of my cock — she would clench around me and intensify my pleasure, then relax enough to let me try to coat her tonsils with my jism before she tightened around me again.

By the time it was over, both of us were panting; I got an idea of how intense it had been for Karen when I felt her begin to wobble slightly in front of me. Wanting to enjoy the warm confines of her for a little longer, I carefully guided her forward so that she could lay down on the bed while I stayed right behind her. Supporting my weight on my elbows, I was able to cover her body with mine while keeping my slowly-deflating cock inside her.

I'd gotten my breath back, and had applied a number of soft kisses to her shoulder and ear and cheek when I heard her quietly ask "Is it always going to feel that good when I have sex? Or were you doing something special to make it better for me?"

I kissed her shoulder again before answering "I wasn't doing anything 'special' for you, sweetheart, except trying to make you feel good and happy, too. If you're with a guy that cares for you, then I don't see any reason why it shouldn't feel that good for you every time."

She considered that for a few moments, then told me "And I guess if he doesn't care if he makes me happy or not, there really isn't any reason to do it, is there?"

" I don't think so, but that's something you have to decide for yourself."

Another couple of seconds went by before she told me "I think I'd rather feel this good a few times, instead of doing it more often, but not liking it as much. What do you call it? Quality versus quantity?"

I kissed her cheek, then answered "Yeah, that's what I call it."

After that, the two of us just lay there for a while longer; our companionable silence was interrupted only when she told me "I can feel you're almost ready to pull loose of me. I'd like to stay here, 'cause it's so nice being with you like this, but I don't want to make a mess on your bed, either. So if you'll get off of me when it happens, I can hold your stuff inside long enough to get into the bathroom. Then we can take a shower, if you want."

I nibbled on her earlobe with my lips, causing her to scrunch her shoulder, before I answered

"Yeah, I can do that. You want some time in the bathroom alone, then?"

"Yeah, a couple minutes, if it's okay."

"Of course it is, honey.", I answered, before kissing her shoulder again.

A minute later, I felt myself uncork from her, and quickly moved off of her. She raised her hips enough to press her hand over the entrance to her vagina before getting out of bed and unabashedly heading for the bathroom. I gave her well past her requested couple of minutes before getting up and going in to join her. Our shower wasn't quite as playful as it had been the night before, but was easily more loving and affectionate. She dried me off, then I sat on the commode to make it a little easier as I did the same for her. When I was done, I put my hands on her hips and gently guided her to face me so I could tell her "Karen, honey, I really liked the things we did together last night, and again this morning. But I want to make sure you know that I love you for who you are in your heart, and what's in your mind, not because of the things we do with each other. If you want us to keep making love like that, that's fine with me — just like it's fine if you want us to stop, too. No matter what happens between us, I still love you, and I always will. Okay?"

The smile she gave me went straight to my heart before she answered "I know you love me, Uncle Ted, and you'd still love me if I didn't want us to do stuff together. I'd still love you just as much if you told me that you didn't think we should be like this together. But if we can make each other feel good like we did last night and this morning, I'd like that — it's a way we can show how much we love each other. Let's just enjoy what we have, and not worry about it, all right?"

"Okay, sweetheart." I answered, smiling back at her. She leaned forward to give me a tender kiss on the lips before standing up again and saying "Now, I think it's time we got dressed and went upstairs — we're already late for breakfast!"

I stood up, and Karen took my hand and led the way to where we'd left our clothes. Once both of us were dressed, she held hands with me again as we made our way upstairs. There, we found that we'd almost missed breakfast completely, and making me think that we'd have to take care of fixing our own. Except that after Teresa glanced at Karen, then looked at her again more closely, she asked the youngster "Are you okay, honey?"

I could see a certain serenity on Karen's face as she answered "I'm fine, Mom."

Seeing the expression on her daughter's face, Teresa looked at me next, her eyes telling me she was grateful that I'd been caring enough to leave Karen as happy and content as she obviously was — along with something else that I couldn't quite figure out. Telling Karen and me "You two sit down, and I'll fix you something.", she got up and made her way toward the kitchen. When I looked at Donna and Wendy, I could see that both of them knew that something special had happened, but didn't have a clue as to what it could be. But both were too polite to inquire about it directly, and simply did their best to set it aside and make conversation with me and Karen. A couple minutes later, Teresa was back with more of the waffles that they'd all been having. From there, breakfast went pretty much as it usually did.

Teresa and I were in the living room after breakfast when she told me "Ted, I know you and Karen have been… intimate. Even more than before, I mean. She talked to me about it a little bit before, so I know it wasn't your idea; and I just want to say that I'm glad you were able to make her first time as good and easy as you obviously did. It's something that had to happen sooner or later, and I knew that you'd be as patient and gentle with her as she needed. I wish to hell I'd felt like that after my first time!"

I didn't say anything, and Teresa went on to say "Anyway, thank you for making her as happy as you did. I don't think for a moment that'll be the only time she wants to be with you like that, so I want to make sure you know that I don't mind. I told you I trusted you about things like that, and I just have to look at Karen this morning to see that I was right. If, or when, Donna or Wendy come to you… well, I know you'll be just as careful with them — so don't worry about me."