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"I'm not looking for any of this to happen", I told her — "I know that, Ted." — "but if things get to that point, then I promise to do my best for them."

"I know that, too.", she answered with a smile.

Any further conversation was interrupted by the appearance of the girls, who wanted to watch Saturday morning cartoons. After directing me to lean back against the arm of the couch, Karen parked herself in my lap; when I'd put my arms around her, she leaned back against me and rested her arms on mine before releasing a small sigh of happiness. Neither Donna nor Wendy gave any indication that they were put out by what Karen had done; both seemed to figure that it was simply a continuation of whatever specialness that was going on with their sister and me.

After that morning, Karen didn't act as though she had any special rights or privileges that her sisters didn't; and I continued to treat her the same as I did them — except when we were alone.

Donna and Wendy both continued to come down to visit for an evening, or spend the night with me, and they were always welcome. When Karen came down, I was just as glad to gently molest her as I was her sisters; if she spent the night with me, it was her choice as to whether or not we made love. I wasn't reluctant to try and initiate things, but if she indicated she didn't want to for any reason, then I certainly didn't press the matter. Other times, it would be all I could do not to have her all but dragging me to bed for a bout of intense fornication. Either way, I loved her and her sisters with all my heart.

It was several weeks later, and Teresa had been asked to go in on a Saturday to help with a big project — something important enough that she told me not to expect her until after supper. That left me pulling duty as Authority Figure for the day, which was fine.

Wendy had gone off to visit one of her friends that had gotten a new stereo for her birthday, which left me and the two older girls in the house. They spent a couple of hours with me in the living room, then went back to their bedrooms when I said I wanted to watch sports. When the game I'd been watching ended, I went back to see how they were doing; I checked Karen's room first, and found it empty. After I'd knocked, then opened Donna's door, I was greeted by the sight of the two of them naked on Donna's bed — and engaged in an intense session of "69". I quickly closed the door as quietly as I could, then went back into the living room, where the memory of the sight of the two of them pleasuring each other soon had me sporting an erection. Try as I might, I couldn't get the image of them out of my mind, and was starting to give some thought to perhaps relieving my desires myself when both of them came walking into the living room, stark naked.

When I raised an eyebrow at them, it was Donna that asked "Uncle Ted… did… did you look in my room a little while ago?"

"Yes. I just wanted to see how you and Karen were doing, was all. I saw you were busy" — both blushed faintly at that — "so I closed the door again. Why? Did I disturb you?"

After they'd taken seats, Karen asked "You… you don't think we were doing anything wrong?"

"No, not at all. Didn't I just ask if I disturbed you? Don't you think if I thought you were doing anything wrong, I would have said something when I saw you?"

They looked at each other for a few moments before Karen told me "Well, Mom didn't really talk to us about stuff like that. I mean, she told us about guys and everything, but not about being with another girl; and both of us have heard other people talk about it, and most of the time, it sounds like they think it's bad, somehow."

"I don't doubt that it sounded like that to you, but I don't agree. I think that most of the time, when you hear someone talking that way, it's because they're afraid inside, or because they somehow think that they have the right to try and tell other people how to live. There are probably a lot more like me that think that whatever two people want to do together is their business, and nobody elses. I didn't see either one of you holding a gun or anything, so I don't think either one of you was forcing the other one. If both of you were there because you wanted to be, then there's nothing for me to say about it."

"Then it didn't gross you out, or bother you, or anything?", Donna asked.

I had to smile as I answered "No, none of that. In fact, I thought it looked pretty sexy."

Both of them were plainly baffled when Donna asked "You thought it looked sexy? Why?"

"I think that watching two women making love is something that a lot of guys think is sexy. I don't think that I can really explain it, except maybe to say that when it's two women together, they're doing what we'd like to do — only there's twice as much of it. That, and we like to think that a woman is really excited when we're with her, and when it's two women together, then we know that they are excited, because they wouldn't be doing what they are if they weren't."

Karen was the one to ask the obvious question "Did you think WE were sexy like that? You liked watching us?"

"Yes, I did. I've told both of you that I think you're sexy by yourselves; why wouldn't I think that you were even sexier when you're together like that?"

Donna wanted to know "Did… did seeing us make you excited?"

Once again, my commitment to being truthful and honest with them was biting me on the ass; there wasn't anything for me to do but answer "Yes, it did."

To my surprise, I saw two pairs of nipples begin to erect before the two of them exchanged another look. When both were facing me again, Karen asked "Would you like to watch us?

And… and maybe even do things with us? Both of us, at the same time, I mean?"

Golly-gee willikers, now there was a question I never thought I'd hear — did I want to watch two nubile young women getting each other off, with the option of joining in?

I (barely) managed to contain my enthusiasm as I answered "If you really don't mind, I'd like that very much. Watching you, and doing things with both of you, too."

The two of them were clearly pleased to hear my answer before Donna stood up, followed by Karen doing the same. It took me a moment longer, and both girls saw by the tenting of my pants that I'd been telling the truth about liking what I'd seen. Both gave me a happy smile before each took one of my hands and got us moving down the hall. When we got into Donna's room, I could still smell the delicious aroma of aroused female, and felt myself get a little harder in response.

They quietly guided me to sit in Donna's chair, then both calmly got onto the bed. Kneeling, the first thing they did was to give each other a kiss as they held hands. Even from where I was sitting, it was clear as could be that the touch of their lips to each other was as tender and loving as anything I'd ever seen. Several more kisses followed, each a bit longer than the one before -

and more involved. Their lips were still touching when Karen raised her hand to cup Donna's breast; Donna responded by putting her hand over one of Karen's. As their kiss continued, I watched as each of them gently caressed the others breast, teasing the nipple under her touch into increasing erectness.

Donna was the one to end their kiss — but only so she could start applying her lips to other parts of her sister, slowly moving lower and lower on Karen's body. When she fastened her lips around one of Karen's nipples, the younger girl moaned softly as she began caressing Donna's hair.

Donna wasn't content to simply suckle at her sibling's mammary; her hand was also caressing Karen's cute butt, and branching out to include the insides of Karen's thighs. When Donna shifted her attention to Karen's other breast, she also started to focus her efforts on Karen's mound; it took less than a minute for me to notice an increase in the scent of female desire.