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Karen answered first by telling Wendy "I did like it when Uncle Ted was in me — it makes me feel I found something I didn't know I was missing before, and I think it feels real good. But you're right about how big he is, and I don't think it would be a good idea if you tried to do anything like that, 'cause it would probably hurt you."

Wendy hastened to say "Oh, no, I know I'm not ready for anything like that, yet! Not for a long time!"

Donna spoke up then, to tell her youngest sister "What I was doing to Karen, and Uncle Ted was doing to me, that does feel real good. You saw me doing it to Karen, but she'd done it to me, too, and Uncle Ted has done it to both of us. This was the first time that it's been all three of us together like this, and we all just wanted to make each other feel good. I'm not ready to have Uncle Ted in me like that yet, either, so don't feel like you're being left out or anything. Like Mom says, YOU have to decide when the time is right; Karen and me, we aren't going to do or say anything to make you feel like you have to do anything you don't want to — and I know Uncle Ted wouldn't let you do anything that would hurt you, anyway. If you want to do other things, like what you saw me doing with Karen, or touching each other, or stuff like that, that's okay. I… I think I'd like that, even."

Wendy's expression only got even MORE surprised when Karen added "Yeah, I think I'd like to do stuff like that with you, too, Wen."

After a few seconds of looking back and forth between her two sisters, Wendy finally turned her attention to me. I simply told her "If you want to do things with your sisters, that's up to you. I don't think there's anything wrong with it as long as you're doing it because you want to, and nobody's getting hurt. If there's anything you want to do with ME, it's up to you, just like I've told you before — and I am most definitely not going to do anything to hurt you, or let you get hurt."

Wendy was silent for a few moments before she finally told her sisters "Um… yeah, I… I think I'd like to find out what that's like. Being with another girl, and, uh, doing stuff with her."

"Wen, if you want, it would be okay with me if… if you wanted to join us. We could, you know, maybe start by letting you find out what it's like when someone uses their mouth on you; and then, if you wanted, you could do the same thing to me. I mean, if you want to. Or later is okay, too, if that's better.", Donna told her.

In front of me, Karen nodded her head that it was okay with her for Wendy to join us; when Wendy looked at me, I just smiled my agreement. She considered it for just a couple of seconds before standing up and calmly taking her clothes off; once she was naked, she quickly joined the three of us on the bed. Donna opened her legs to make room, and then patted the bed for Wendy to sit in front of her. The youngster did just that, and had barely gotten her little butt settled before Donna, then Karen, each kissed her. When she turned to look and see what I thought of what they'd done, I simply leaned forward enough to kiss her, too. Satisfied that everything was okay, Wendy wasn't reluctant to lean back and let Donna hold her. The next little while, Karen and Donna (and to a much lesser extent, me) answered whatever questions Wendy had, and explained different things to her. As they talked, Karen would softly caress the insides of Wendy's thighs; and Donna would occasionally cup Wendy's developing breasts, and gently play with them.

It was probably close to an hour after Wendy got on the bed with us that she turned to Donna and said "I… I'm ready to find out what it feels like for someone to use their mouth on me. If you still want to…".

Karen spoke first, saying "If she doesn't, I will… you're real cute and sexy, Wen."

Donna smiled, and told Wendy "You'll have to wait til next time to find out how good she is. I do still want to find out what you taste like… a lot!"

Wendy smiled shyly, and asked "What do I have to do?"

Donna laughed before answering "Just lay back and enjoy it as much as I will!", drawing a laugh from her sister.

A short time later, Wendy was stretched out nearby, her knees pulled up and Donna between her spread legs, the two of them kissing and caressing each other. As Karen and I watched, the two of them got each other aroused before Donna started working her way down Wendy's body.

Shortly after her head disappeared between Wendy's thighs, the younger girl gasped as she arched her pelvis up in response to what Donna had just done to/with her. Over the course of the next several minutes, Karen and I could tell that Donna was doing a fine job of introducing her sister to the pleasures to be found from receiving oral sex.

But it was after Donna reached up so that she could get her hands on Wendy's breasts, too, that the youngster really began to enjoy Donna's efforts. It took only a few more minutes before it was clear that Wendy was well on the way toward having one of the strongest orgasms of her young life: she was gasping and moaning and panting and all but writhing on the bed.

Several minutes later, it happened. With a loud cry of release, Wendy's body arched up off the bed as her barely-pubescent body was overwhelmed by the pleasure of what Donna had done to her. Only after the first couple of spasms of her orgasm had coursed through her did Wendy's body fall back to the bed, where she was frozen in place several more times before her climax began to taper off. It wasn't until Wendy could only lay there and pant did Donna's head reappear from between her sisters thighs; when she turned to look at us with a self-satisfied grin, Karen and I could see that Donna glistened from mouth to chin from the overflow of Wendy's essence that she hadn't consumed.

It was Karen that suggested to her "You should probably hold her while she gets herself together again."

Apparently remembering how she'd felt after I'd done something similar to her, Donna nodded and quickly moved to lay next to her sister before taking the younger girl in her arms. As Wendy's breathing returned to normal, Donna gave her a number of small, soft kisses — not just on the cheek, but on the ear, and even lips.

A few minutes went by before I heard Wendy softly say "I thought the orgasms I gave myself were good… but that…!"

"It wasn't too much?", Donna asked, solicitously.

"Not even!", Wendy answered. "I could tell you were trying to make it bigger and better, and I wanted to see if it could be — and it was!"

The two of them lay there for a few seconds before Wendy asked Donna "Is… is it like that for you? When someone does that to you?"

Donna smiled before answering "Yeah, usually. Sometimes, Karen or Uncle Ted just want to make me happy, so it isn't so much then. The first time Uncle Ted did that to me, it actually kinda scared me, it was so much; but since then, he hasn't done anything like that — he just makes me feel so good."

Karen spoke up, telling her sister "It's usually like that for me, too, when Donna or Uncle Ted do that. But like Donna said, sometimes they just want to make me feel good, and it isn't so much, then. If you want to do that, then it won't take you long to learn how to make me or Donna feel like that, too."

From the expression on Wendy's face, I could tell that she was stunned by the idea that she could learn how to give her sisters the kind of orgasm that she'd just been through… and more than a little entranced by the idea, too. But first, she had to get herself back together; she was visibly tired from the experience, and still hadn't quite gotten her breath back completely.