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Back in her bed, she spooned in front of me as I held her breast in my hand, while she had her hand on my arm. At almost the same time, both of us released sighs of contentment — then laughed at the synchronicity. I don't think that either of us had any trouble falling asleep.

The next morning, all three of the girls were surprised and delighted when they saw me with Teresa as we left her bedroom. I teamed up with her in the kitchen, where we got breakfast ready despite almost constantly molesting each other along the way. After the girls had left for school, I called in sick for both of us, and we spent the rest of the day in her bedroom. We made love again a couple of times, but what we did most was just cuddle with each other, and talk, and nap a little. We were still there when the girls got home; when Teresa told them that they could join us if they wanted, all three quickly shed their school clothes so that they were as naked as we were. When we got hungry, I offered to spring for pizza; Donna volunteered to get "dressed" (a skirt and blouse, sans bra or panties or anything else) when it was delivered.

When I told Teresa that I wanted to spend a couple nights a week downstairs so that the girls would have a chance to spend the night with me, Teresa calmly reminded me of the need to maintain the communications we'd started by letting me know that I didn't have to do that — that she didn't have any problem with me staying with them in their rooms. Amusingly, it was the girls that had more trouble adjusting to the idea than I did; but it didn't take them long to accept that it was okay for one (or even two) of them to let me know to come to her room. Those nights weren't always (or even usually) about sex, any more than they nights they'd spent downstairs with me were. Sure, Karen would still want me to make love with her a few times a month, and Donna continued to ask me to have sex with her, too. Even Wendy was willing for the two of us to engage in mutually pleasuring each other orally a couple times a month. In between nights with one of the girls, I shared Teresa's bed; at her suggestion, I eventually agreed to move my clothes upstairs rather than have to go through the bother of traipsing downstairs to get dressed for work.

Not once did Teresa or any of the girls say anything to me about getting married again — but it didn't take long for me to realize that that was what I wanted. I casually and obliquely queried each of them about it, and soon learned that even though they'd all like it to happen, none of them thought it was anything that should or had to be done.

So when I took all of them out for dinner and a little bit of a night on the town, all four were surprised and delighted when I formally got to one knee, presented Teresa with an engagement ring, and asked her if she'd do me the honor of becoming my wife; she somehow managed to tell me "Yes!" through her tears of happiness. Then I surprised all three of the girls by giving each of them a ring, too, and telling them how much I loved them.

The wedding was a quiet, closed event for just me, Teresa, the girls, and Teresa's parents — who were nearly as delighted by the marriage as she was.

Up until the time that each of the girls left home to go to college, I continued to share their beds.

Donna elected to remain a virgin (or, at least, half a virgin) up until she got married, and I made sure she knew that I respected her and the choice she'd made. After she turned fifteen, Wendy decided that she was ready, and I was the one to deflower her at her request — made in front of her sisters and mother. For that special event, the night was spent in the privacy of my former apartment. Wendy didn't have any of the nervousness that Karen had had, and was as agreeable and eager as she could be. It was marginally more trouble dealing with her maidenhead, but we got it taken care of without causing her any pain; after that, she was easily as willing and enthusiastic as Karen.

Even after all of them had gone out on their own, so that it was just me and Teresa, I was happy — not just from the incredible sex, but with the company I had. Teresa's personality and temperament were virtually a mirror image of what Judy's had been, and I was always happy with the decision to have her as my wife.