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I did love her, and the last thing in the world that I wanted to do was hurt her, just as I'd said. So after hearing what she had to say, I was left sitting there feeling as though I was stuck between two equally unpleasant choices, regardless of how much I knew I'd enjoy getting my hands on her delectable body. Thinking that I probably already knew the answer, I still asked her "Have you talked about this with your mom?"

"Of course I have. Not just how I was feeling, but wanting YOU to look at me and touch me. She told me that if I wanted to be grown up enough to make my own decisions, then I had to be grown up enough to let you know what I wanted."

Hearing that, I knew that Teresa had to be aware that if Donna let me know what she (Donna) wanted, there was the possibility (even likelihood) that I would actually take her (Donna) up on it. So if Teresa was willing to say something like that, then I had to figure she really would be okay with it happening. That was all the salve my conscience needed before I asked Donna

"You're really sure that you want me to touch you?"

"Of course I am! Wasn't ME that put your hand on my tit the other night? Didn't I come down here and tell you that's what I want?"

"Then if your mom is okay with it, and that's what you want, then I'll go along.", I told her.

It took a second for her to realize that I was actually agreeing before she suddenly sat up, facing me. Her eyes were a little puffy, her nose was red and a little runny, and she still looked lovely to me when she asked "Really? You will?"

"Yes, I will, if that's what you want.", I assured her.

"I do!", she declared, before reaching down to grasp the hem of the top she was wearing, and unceremoniously pull it up and over her head before casually tossing it aside. That left her sitting there with nothing to obstruct the view she was giving me of her beautiful breasts. I let my eyes feast on their loveliness for several seconds before looking into her face — and seeing the delight and happiness she felt. We just looked at each other for a bit before she got an expression of expectation on her face. I quickly realized that it was up to me to let her know that I was sincere, and I did so by by raising my hands and placing them on the mounds of her young bust.

As I'd felt the night she put my hand on one, her breasts were warm to my touch; when I gently squeezed them, they proved to be as firm as they'd appeared. Though neither one quite filled my cupped hand, they were still large enough to make holding them a treat. After I'd cupped my hands under them and softly used my thumbs to tease her nipples a bit, she told me "I like how it feels like when you touch my tits like that, and I want to know what it's like when you touch them other ways, too… and even kissing them, and… stuff."

I left it to her to decide if it was "kissing", or "stuff", when I slowly leaned forward and fastened my mouth on the peak of one of her smooth mammaries, and began gently sucking on it while using my tongue to lave its nipple. She released a soft moan as she put her hands in my hair to hold my head where it was — something that was entirely unnecessary; it probably would have taken a crowbar to pry me loose, just then.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, with me orally tending the tips of her breasts, while my hands and fingers did a thorough and detailed examination of the rest of them. I had gotten both of her areolas puckered, and nipples erect and shiny, and was happily keeping them in that condition when a slight pressure as Donna began to push my head away. Despite the disappointment I felt, I did as she wanted — though I gave each of her girlish mounds a soft kiss first. When my head was back far enough for us to look into each others faces again, I could see that she'd thoroughly enjoyed my attentions by her broad smile. I smiled back at her as she told me "I… I think that's enough for now, Uncle Ted. It felt really good, and I want you to do that some more, again. But I have to finish my homework and do my chores for today, so we'd better stop."

"Of course, honey. I love you, and I'm not going to do anything to push you or cause you to get into any kind of trouble. If you want us to do this, we can — when YOU want it."

"I know you wouldn't, Uncle Ted", she lovingly told me before continuing "I like it when you touch me like this, and when we do it again, I want to make sure we have time to do it as much as we can."

"I'd like that", I assured her.

With that, she scooted herself off my lap, and unashamedly bent over to pick up the top she'd been wearing, and put it back on. After she leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, I gave her a gentle pat on the butt after she turned and started toward the stairs. She turned her head to give me a pleased smile, and continued on her way.

When she was out of sight, I just sat there for several minutes looking at the palms of my hands as I remembered the feel of her.

Once we'd started, it didn't take but a few weeks for the intimacy between Donna and myself to increase dramatically. The first few times, she was content for me to touch her developing breasts, and gently suck on her nipples while she still had clothing on her lower half. The next thing she let me know was that it was that it was okay for me to touch her more. I willingly did so; while remaining careful not to approach the area between her thighs, I DID include the firm globes of her ass — at least, through whatever she had on — and however much of her lovely legs was exposed. Naturally enough, it didn't take long for her to understand that what she wore affected how much of her I touched; once she did, she seldom wanted us to be together while she was wearing anything that went beyond mid-thigh on her… and usually much shorter than that.

It also became a common occurrence for me to give her a little pat on the butt, even when the others were around. Wendy and Karen saw me do it, of course, and rather than explain how and why my relationship with their older sister was special, I simply began to do it to them, much to their delight. Teresa saw what I was doing, and merely smiled.

It didn't take but a couple of times of Donna putting my hand on her breast for her sisters to notice that I was slowly and softly caressing it through whatever Donna was wearing at the time.

In short order, both of them gathered the courage to get my hand on one of their breasts, too.

Karen's mammaries were a trifle firmer than Donna's, though smaller. They were still just as warm to my touch, and almost as nice to have in my hand. Wendy's smaller bust made it almost impossible for me to do much, despite how nice they felt; but both of us found it pleasant and acceptable when I would gently toy with their puffy tips. Teresa didn't have any comment about what I was doing with the two younger girls, either.

Don't get the idea that I was constantly being offered the chance to play with their tits — I wasn't. The time Donna and I spent together wasn't but a minute or two at a time, and didn't happen more than every couple of days. For all of them, the playing with their breast only happened sometimes, even IF I was there with them watching TV or for movie night — not always a sure thing. But it certainly happened often enough that I had plenty of the stimulus I needed when I took care of my increasing sexual desires.