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Seibeclass="underline" What enables that kind of intuition?

Coselclass="underline" On the systems I’m very good with like that, like the IMP system when I had it all in my head, or the PDP-1 time-sharing system, even though the system is a multiprogramming, multilayered, interrupt-driven system, I have all the dynamics of the system in my head. I know what order things are supposed to happen. I know somehow what’s not supposed to happen, when things are supposed to not be happening. That lets me build up a model for, “How could this thing possibly have happened?”

And at least some of those were two-machine problems, which also required some odd creativity to find. That is, the trouble is something goes wrong on my machine and the evidence of it shows up on yours. I can’t stop—my machine has already processed 6,000 more packets by the time yours hits the trap that says, “I got a bogus packet.” So now what do you do? We’d work through, the three of us, finding ways to track those things down and fix them and basically make the system pretty solid.

Seibeclass="underline" Did you build in debugging code?

Coselclass="underline" No.

Seibeclass="underline" So you had many different tricky bugs, each of which you had to track down in a unique way?

Coselclass="underline" As far as I can remember, we didn’t build in any debugging stuff. I mean, these days, I always point out that you’ve got to make programs so that they are testable. And the only way to make a program testable is to think about that before you write the first line of code. You can’t retrofit block points and assert points and test points that work efficiently and do the right thing if you wait until the program is working.

But I’m sure that we didn’t think about any of that. We were just trying to write this incredibly complicated real-time thing that had to be fast. It was a hard enough problem. We didn’t put in any real consistency checks; who would want to waste time for that? So these things were all ad hoc patches. Jump off into a spare part of memory, run through some hand-coded stuff to check this or that or the other, jump back, and continue.

In fact, it was even formalized. One of the things—I’m pretty sure I wrote it—was a patcher where you could submit a patch to the system and it would pull one buffer out of circulation and use it to hold the code and link up to that and then link back. We used to do that kind of stuff but it was all ad hoc. We would find some bug and we would crack our heads trying to figure out what it could be.

A lot of the times, just understanding what the bug is points you at the right piece of code. Now you read it more critically and you fix it. Other times, you need to collect more data. Other times, you need to bang your head against the wall trying to catch that little bit of evidence that illuminates the thing. And we did some of all of that.

Remember, we’re running on a machine that’s got no console, no nothing. In general, the patches would stash away some data and then halt the machine. Then we would probably use the front panel because I don’t think there was a debugger we could run from the terminal that wouldn’t trash the machine. So we’d look through the appropriate areas of memory from the front console, doing examines and deposits to go figure out what was going on.

Seibeclass="underline" So that’s literally a row of lights?

Coselclass="underline" Yeah, a row of lights. Bit per light.

Seibeclass="underline" And toggle switches to put in the address?

Coselclass="underline" Right. Actually, this is better. The PDP-1 had toggle switches. This one had, as I recall, push buttons.

Seibeclass="underline" How did the three of you work together?

Coselclass="underline" One of the things that I remember doing shows a little bit of the style difference. Will was a brilliant intuitive programmer. All of the hardest problems that most people couldn’t understand how to do at all, he would find ways to do.

Like the AI engine in Adventure that he did in Fortran of all things. And the routing algorithm and all sorts of stuff in the dynamics of the IMP system, Will had cobbled together. One of the things about a real-time system is everything has to be timed out. You can’t wait forever for anything because there’s no forever in a real-time system.

And a bigger and bigger collection of time-outs were growing up all over the program. I tried to understand them and had a hard time doing it. So in one of my revisions of the source code, I tried to make an algebra for all of the time-outs. For example, the total time-out to get an acknowledgement for a message should be eight times the time-out for a single packet to transit the net plus something. Or, the total time-out for a message to track the net is the maximum diameter of the net times the maximum time for the packet to make one hop.

I was sort of trying to find out what the basic constants in Will’s mind were when he put things together. When two time-outs had the same time were they supposed to be the same or were they coincidentally the same? Who knows? How many places do you have to change when you want to change one of the constants? If you discover dynamically that you’re not waiting long enough for something to happen and it is timing out when it shouldn’t, you know that you can’t just change that one time-out because these things are interrelated.

So I made a whole bunch of sharp sign defines, basically, to try to find the smallest number of independent constants. I remember doing that because it was just really scary. It was one of the places where I was dabbling in things that really nobody understood because a lot of those constants Will had put in intuitively and we had tuned to make work, one by one. The time-out isn’t big enough and so we would make it bigger, not doing it by first principles or algebra, but just tuning it until it works.

Seibeclass="underline" Did you find bugs that way or did you just put it on a more solid footing so that as things changed, you could change things in a way that wouldn’t require endless retuning?

Coselclass="underline" I don’t recall finding any bugs. But there were undoubtedly some places where there were timers that now had different values than they used to, but not operationally significant ones, just defensively different ones. It was less so that you could change it if you have to; really it was so that it made the program easier to understand. I hated having a program that had 200 randomly chosen independent constants scattered throughout it and knowing that they have something to do with the heartbeat of the network. I think it simplified some of the code. It made it easier to fathom what was going on. It also let us use more symbolic constants. Eight times diameter plus pulse time or something like that would be understandable.

Will was sort of the advanced idea man. I remember complaining to Frank Heart about this once, that he got to work on the projects right out of the box because BBN was doing a lot of very cutting-edge stuff and he was terrific at finding ways to do things that couldn’t be done before.

He was not as good at getting 100 percent done nailed-down code. He was really good at getting 75 or 80 percent pretty good code that worked most of the time. Will had already gone on to, I think, the TIP, and Dave and I were still working on the IMP system and that’s when I redid the routing algorithm because it had funny constants and I didn’t understand it. So it was still Will’s routing algorithm but recoded with my style. And I think it was a little more solid. At least I understood if it was going to oscillate, why it was going to oscillate, because I made it oscillate.

One of the places where Will Crowther and I absolutely differed—and I had to put in hours and hours of work and even then he was skeptical—was he believed that when you reassemble a program you add more bugs than you remove. So he used to keep notebooks with pages and pages of patches. He would go as long as he could patching the existing system before he had to reassemble. Those patches were of patches on top of patches and so complicated that often his prediction was a self-fulfilling prophecy. It was hard, after all of that, to get it just right so that it turned out to be what the patches were actually saying.