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Some would rebel. Some were absolutely convinced that they were good programmers and I was just some over-the-hill old guy that didn’t know what he was doing. I know I would have said the same thing not long ago: “The program works. What is your problem?” When I say, “You don’t get credit because the program works. We’re going to the next level. Working programs are a given,” they say, “Oh.” Then they talk to other people and discover that that’s basically the BBN standard. You can’t explore a new idea in doing something if you are not craftsman enough to make the computer do what you had in your mind.

I had a preference of how I liked my global variables and how I liked my subroutines organized and I got into a multiday battle with one guy where he said, “Look, it works just fine” and he was such a good programmer that I didn’t want to pull rank. I felt it important that he understand that I was not just being a tyrannical turkey; that there was a reason why I wanted him to do it this other way. He didn’t realize how hard it is to understand a program with a single C subroutine that’s 42 pages of code long.

Seibeclass="underline" Yikes!

Coselclass="underline" I argued with him because I’m a big fan of call-once subroutines where the only function of the subroutine is to abstract some little part of a parent subroutine. When you read the parent subroutine—in my approach to programming—and you get to this place in the code and you get distracted with the details of this big nexus of stuff, I like to pull that whole clump out. Now you have a single thing that says, “Sort the table and find the best route,” even though this is the only place it’s called. Someone optimizing the code would say, “That shouldn’t be a subroutine. Put that in line.” But it’s a little subroutine where I can isolate it. It’s obvious what the inputs are. You can see the algorithm, and only be concerned with that. He hated when I used to say, “Your routines are too complicated. Your routines are spanning big chunks of the design”. He’d say, “That’s OK because I can do it all in one routine.”

He rebelled but eventually he did it my way. Then the next task he had was to take a big piece of code from one of the programmers working on an earlier effort and make it fit into our system. He worked on that for almost a week. He so hated the other guy’s program that he complained to my boss that there aren’t strict enough programming standards in the division. And the other guy was programming the way he had wanted to program but with a different spin. So he saw what happens when one very intense, very good programmer doesn’t segment it down. You get one very long program—it’s not that the program was spaghetti code but there were just so many levels of complexity in this one linear suite. He almost pissed me off because, as I say, he went over my head to demand that the department had to have standards to not allow that thing to happen.

Seibeclass="underline" Not realizing that his own previous code would’ve probably fallen afoul of the same standards?

Coselclass="underline" No. He got that. He was a convert. It’s sort of like the guys who give up smoking and are the most pains in the butt about other people still smoking. He became one of the strongest guys on my project. He used to nag me when I wasn’t careful enough—when I compromised. My project was the first project of its type he had ever worked on. Communications, real time, all this stuff—all new to him. But he was a smart guy and he went through this little epiphany and came out of it the programmer I always thought he was going to be. Last I heard, he was doing wonderfully. With him it worked out. Other people didn’t like working with me because they found me too overbearing; I can’t imagine why.

Seibeclass="underline" Did you have particular rules for how much or how little to comment?

Coselclass="underline" I don’t put a lot of comments in my code because I think you should be writing your code so that it is readable and your algorithms and thoughts are clear in the code. I put comments that say this routine is supposed to do this, and usually some description of how you call it—what do you do when you get exceptions, what the order of the arguments is, and things like that. But the code itself should clearly express what you are doing.

The only place I tend to put comments in my code is when my instinct says, “This particular piece of code, even though it works, doesn’t clearly state what I’m trying to accomplish.” And so I put a comment in the code to say, “This code sorts the table,” if it may not look like your standard tablesorting code because, as it turns out, I can take advantage of something.

I have never been a fan of structured programming listings where every subroutine has to have 18 lines of comment at the beginning and the arguments are in the right order. I don’t do a consistent segmentation of my programs. Some of my subroutines are complicated and some are simple. I do worry about things like layout; I’m part of the contingent that argues about curly braces.

One of the reasons is because I read code to understand what it does as opposed to reading code to see what each little piece of it is. So when I see an if statement, for example, I see the condition. I’m now thinking yea or nay on that condition, and if I want to skip the if statement I like having a program organization that lets my eye flip down to the end of the if statement without me having to process a lot of syntax. So I’m one of those old-fashioned guys that likes lined-up, open and close braces.

If you made column five go away, my code would look like, “operator, open brace, close brace; operator, open brace, close brace,” which lets me see the sequence of operators. Another part of that is related to something I mentioned before: if the open brace is too far from the close brace then often it’s doing too much, in which case I can pull it out. Sometimes even if it’s not doing too much I’ll still pull it out because I can’t apprehend what that little branch is doing if there’s too much crap in there.

I try very hard to hide the crap, to move the crap someplace so that I can follow the flow of the code, so I can build the picture in my head of what the code is doing. I have a lot of trouble reading some programming styles because I have too much trouble trying to absorb the block structure. It’s interesting that the guy that did Python was clearly of a similar mind. He eliminated the syntax wars because he doesn’t have open and close braces. When you see an if the open curly brace is always there implicitly and the closed curly brace is also implicitly there and if you need to find the next thing, it’s lined up under the if. I use an editor in C and in Perl, and I assume that editors in Python do the same thing, where you can click on a button and it shrinks the whole thing so you only see the outer structure.

I don’t like to fight these style wars on the basis that one style is ugly. I like to believe I fight the style wars is because it interferes with me understanding the code. I was always pretty good at that. Unless you could convince me you’re better at understanding code than I am, you have a tough fight convincing me your way is better.

Seibeclass="underline" Certainly coming in cold to new code and debugging it is a particular skill that not every good programmer has, which it sounds like you did.

Coselclass="underline" Indeed. And there are two aspects of that. There was another guy. His name was Steve Butterfield. And he was also a good fixer, but the antithesis of me. Steve was about the best I have seen at not having any clue how a program worked and fixing it. He could dive into a program and change some little ugly piece down in the bowels of the code to make it do something different. Big, complicated programs, Steve could leap in and fix little things leaving them, to my view, functionally better but worse off.

I always tried to make the whole program better and that would often mean that even though there was one little problem, I would try to understand the whole program. I would try to find the problem by reasoning down from the top and finding it as opposed to saying, “Oh, this isn’t working. Do surgery here.” So there were some things where I just took too long and spent too much time trying to import the whole thing into my head, when a more directed approach just to go fix it would do.