One of the really good guys at BBN ended up working a perfectly normal schedule and finished his PhD dissertation just by being astoundingly disciplined. He worked every Saturday on his thesis and he worked evenings on this and that. Part of it, I guess, is being organized. It is much easier to do something if you can do it all the way through, at which point you don’t have to think about being organized or careful or putting it down and picking it back up, because when you’re done you can forget about it. I’ve been learning that recently since my life is more normal now. I program around the cracks, putting things down and picking things back up. I find that if I don’t work on it again for two to three weeks it’s surprisingly hard to pick it back up. Often when I am lagging on some little personal programming thing and I really want to get it done, I try to say, “OK, I’m going to be like the people who exercise. I’m going to do it a couple hours every morning.” That mostly doesn’t work for me. What happens is at some point I get bored with having it not be done and I’ll spend a day or two on it and get it done.
I can, in bursts, get the kind of focus I used to have, but not so well anymore. So I think that makes this kind of special, fancy programming—what the true hackers do—more of a young person’s game. I have to admit almost all of the people I know who did stellar things when they were young did it intensely. It’s hard for me to think of any folks in the really stellar category who did it just a couple hours a day as if it were a job. Almost everyone I know would do it with this burst of maniacal focus and intensity and then get it done. But the focus is hard. It really wears you out. It certainly used to wear me out.
Seibeclass="underline" Would you consider yourself a scientist, an engineer, an artist, a craftsman, or something else?
Coselclass="underline" A blend of those, obviously. I don’t consider myself a scientist, as I understand what scientists do. I’d like to believe I consider myself a combination of an artist and a craftsman. The way I do engineering is as a combination of art and craft.
Seibeclass="underline" Let me first ask about the engineering part. There are certainly folks, like Watts Humphrey and the folks at the Software Engineering Institute, who say programming should be an engineering discipline just like building bridges. People can build bridges and they can predict how long it’s going to take, and the bridges, for the most part, don’t fall down.
Coselclass="underline" Exactly right. The analogy is very good except they put a non sequitur in the middle of it. It turns out that the guy that designs the bridge so it won’t fall down is not the guy that strings the cables or that inspects the cables to make sure the steel was right or pours the concrete or does any of those other things.
Programming is in that regard an engineering discipline. You have to know what to do. You have to know what your capabilities are. At the level I was working, I had to be able to envision how the pieces were going to fit together. I had to have some intuition for what things were fast and what things were slow, what things were hard to build, what things were easy to build, and come up with, at the engineering level, a model of what I thought was going to happen.
The artist part decides that the design should be elegant. Those fit together because in computer programs the artistry affects the longevity of it. Part of what I call the artistry of the computer program is how easy it is for future people to be able to change it without breaking it. That doesn’t have anything to do with constructing its functionality but with its life as an existing thing.
Seibeclass="underline" So for you the beauty of code is tied up with the fact that people are going to have to change it.
Coselclass="underline" One or two things I wrote were black boxes that just had to run as long as the computer cycled, but most of them were code that generations of people were able to hammer on and mostly not keep breaking. When I talk about the artistry and the beauty of it, what I’m talking about is the idea that when you write a program you have a huge amount of discretion. How you organize your routines, how you lay them out on the page, where you decide to put comments, how you name your variables, whether you like your subroutines to all have uniform calling sequences or situational appropriate code.
So you have to look at the program through the eyes of a new programmer sometime down the road. What’s the structure of the program? What are you doing? How are you doing it? And why are you doing it? The artistry is how the next guy that reads the program and understands that this subroutine was supposed to do this—he gets the message that it’s not right for him to go and muck it up to do something else and that he should keep the structure of the program.
Seibeclass="underline" What about the tension between clarity and efficiency? Sometimes the simplest, easiest-to-read code isn’t the fastest.
Coselclass="underline" Programmers are the worst optimizers in the world. They always optimize the part of the code that’s most interesting to optimize, and almost never get the part of the code that actually needs optimization. So you get these little nuts of very difficult code that have no point. I always tell the people working with me, “Code it as lucidly, as easy to read, as crystalclear as you can. Do it the simple way. And then if it needs to be sped up, we’ll deal with that later. If you’ve done it right, we can draw a little box around this piece.”
Eons ago one of the versions of Emacs had one page of the source code that was a gigantic skull and crossbones in comments that said something like: “Seriously twisted code follows this thing.” It was some piece of the innermost guts of the search code or something like that that they had optimized the hell out of. That’s a place where I can see that this piece is really tough. So there’s a big black box around it saying, “Don’t stray in here, unless you know what you’re doing.”
But programs we write these days are bigger and clumsier, in terms of the elegance I learned when I was doing PDP-1, and slower. And that’s fine. It turns out it doesn’t matter. Now, the guys doing video synthesis and the guys doing the CGI animation stuff, clearly those guys don’t have that luxury. That takes some beaucoup careful programming. I could not do that anymore; I am way over the hill for that. But I could do that once. And I understand the guys that do that. But most of the programs we do are just routine crap.
At some college they had a two-semester course from September right through May and you had you work on some fairly hard program at the beginning. What they didn’t warn you was in April they were going to make you work on the program again, having now really run you through the hoops on other things. The idea was for you to be stunned at how hard it was to remember whatever it was you thought you understood perfectly clearly just six months ago.
Seibeclass="underline" So all that stuff that you did at the last weekend before it was due comes back to haunt you.
Coselclass="underline" That’s right. I thought that was a brilliant scheme. It’s teaching them a lesson that is hard to get except in the real world.
Seibeclass="underline" When I talked to Ken Thompson I asked him about whether there were inherent problems in C that lead to security problems and he basically said that’s not the problem. You teach courses on computer security—what do you think of that?
Coselclass="underline" I would hate to cross swords with him, but I say in my computersecurity class that the biggest security problem to befall modern computers is C. It was designed to be a systems-programming language and it was such a comfortable systems-programming language that all the hotshots used it. We built operating systems out of it. We built real-time systems out of it.
I remember the wars in the days of Pascal. The argument was that computers should help you; that C was too dangerous a language. The two big voices I remember were Wirth and Dijkstra. On the other side was every systems programmer I know, including me. I wrote everything in C. So C sort of steamrolled the zillions of languages back then.