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I would hate to be the guys at Microsoft who have to build these operating systems that run on the quad-core multiprocessor. Video cards have grown to the point where they have multiple megs of memory, and complete pipeline parallel processors on them that can do array and vector things on the fly. So you now use your video card as this very fancy data processor. I keep thinking how hard it must be to program these things.

We had a thing called an IMLAC, which is one of the early machines that actually had a nice integrated vector display on it the way the old PDP-1 did but it was a mini computer. There was a program for that that had you sitting on a little cart doing a 3-D display of a maze. So you saw the walls coming by. You could peek around corners. I was fascinated because it did hidden-line suppression. This is in the era where guys are writing articles in Communications of the ACM about algorithms. I have a whole book about how to use symmetric coordinates and somebody’s algorithm for figuring out where two lines cross so you know where a line crosses a plane so you know that that’s where you have to stop the line because it now becomes hidden.

Doing the hidden-line thing was a big deal back then and that program did it. I was just stunned by that program. That was big deal code—singular stuff. Now, as far as I can tell, the video cards take 3-D coordinates and the video cards do the hidden-line suppression. Eight, nine years ago things like texture mapping and ray tracing were big deals. Hard to do in code. It took your program hours to get the glint off of a sphere.

And now I discover that video cards do the ray tracing. So on the one hand you have these guys working at NVIDIA and stuff who must be doing incredibly complicated stuff and you have the modern programmer who no longer can be content just writing a thing with little line-drawn walls—he has to master this incredible 3-D video environment that’s built on libraries that have gotten more and more complicated. They’re easier than it would be to write the code yourself, but I can’t fathom how people can absorb all of that these days. It just seems so huge to me.

I run into that just with doing Tk. I’ve been trying to do a little Tk program and I am stunned by how complicated Tk is and how many hooks it’s got, and it’s what you need to do in order to make the button be bigger or smaller or here or there. Mastering that thing is just a huge thing. Understanding the PDP-1 time-sharing system was simple by comparison.

So I don’t envy modern programmers, and it’s going to get worse. The simple things are getting packaged into libraries, leaving only the hard things. That stuff is getting so complicated, but the standards that people are expecting are stunning. One of the ones they showed me stunned me. He was showing me Google Maps that will do routes for you. One of the things you can do is you can grab a piece of the route with your mouse and drag that piece of the route somewhere else to tell Google that you want the route go there. Then it remaps the route so that it goes through where you just dragged the point. Now I know what’s going on in there: a pile of JavaScript code for the mouse tracking. When you let go of the mouse it has to do an Ajax XML request to tell momma system that he just put this point on the route. The route then has to do incremental updates. Calculating the route. I can’t even imagine how they do that code so well. People complain that you get routed through people’s backyards and stuff like that, but the optimal-route problems are one of the classic problems of computer science. How to take this arbitrary graph and find the shortest path through a graph. Just stunning.

At one level I’m thinking, “This is way cool that you can do that.” The other level, the programmer in me is saying, “Jesus, I’m glad that this wasn’t around when I was a programmer.” I could never have written all this code to do this stuff. How do these guys do that? There must be a generation of programmers way better than what I was when I was a programmer. I’m glad I can have a little bit of repute as having once been a good programmer without having to actually demonstrate it anymore, because I don’t think I could.

This is a good time to be an over-the-hill programmer emeritus, because you have a few props because you did it once, but the world is so wondrous that you can take advantage of it, maybe even get a little occasional credit for it without having to still be able to do it. Whereas if you were in college—if you major in computer science and you have to go out there and you have to figure out how you are going to add to this pile of stuff—save me.

Donald Knuth

Of all the subjects of this book, Donald Knuth perhaps least needs an introduction. For the past four decades he has been at work on his multivolume masterwork The Art of Computer Programming, the bible of fundamental algorithms and data structures, which American Scientist included on its list of the top 12 physicalsciences monographs of the century, in the company of works by Russell and Whitehead, Einstein, Dirac, Feynman, and von Neumann. He popularized the use of asymptotic (a.k.a. Big-O) notation in analyzing algorithms, invented LR parsing, and defended goto statements from Dijkstra’s criticism.

But he is not simply a theorist. After finishing Volume III of The Art of Computer Programming in 1976, Knuth took what was supposed to be a year off to write the typesetting software TeX and METAFONT so he could see his books typeset to his own satisfaction. Ten years later he was done, having along the way invented a new style of programming, “literate programming,” and an algorithm for breaking paragraphs of text into lines for typesetting that is still pretty much the state of the art.

His numerous awards have included the first Association for Computing Machinery Grace Murray Hopper Award (1971), the Turing Award (1974), and the National Medal of Science (1979). In 1990 he stopped using email, explaining that his job was not “to be on top of things” but “to be on the bottom of things” deeply understanding and explaining large areas of computer science so he could explain them in his books.

In this interview we talked about Knuth’s enthusiasm for literate programming, his ambivalence about black boxes, and what he sees as a regrettable “overemphasis on reusable software.”

Seibeclass="underline" When did you learn to program?

Knuth: I was a freshman at Case Institute of Technology. This was the fall of 1956 and during that quarter or semester they got a computer.

Seibeclass="underline" This was the IBM 650?

Knuth: It was the 650, yeah. That was the first computer that they made more than a hundred of. I think they had thousands of them but maybe not ten thousand. But it was the first mass-produced computer, so even Case got one.

I was employed in the statistics lab sorting cards. I would tabulate data for the statisticians and that helped supplement my scholarship. There was this room on the first floor with a window in it and you could see this machine behind the window with lights flashing. It looked pretty fascinating.

One afternoon a guy from the lab went to the blackboard and was explaining to the three of us freshmen what this machine did. I found a manual for the machine and they had example ten-line programs. It seemed to me they were kind of stupid—it looked like there was a way to improve even those little programs.

And it turned out it was possible to go at night and touch the machine. This was unusual. I think Dartmouth and Case were the only universities that let undergraduates touch machines. Other places they had professionals and you submitted decks of cards and got your answers the next day. But at Case it was hands-on. They just said, “Oh, yeah, watch out for this; you don’t want to do that; it’ll mess up the machine,” so we had a really nice chance to play with it.