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‘What?’ He had his usual what the hell do you want now? tone. Sandford, head of the SOCOs, always had the sound and look of a man dying to be elsewhere and begrudging the time spent talking to Carter. ‘There were definite signs of a scuffle in the flat and a sign of forced entry at the door but it looks like it’s been cleaned up. It could have happened a few days ago.’

‘Yeah, it did. The place was broken into then. We think the father of the little boy may have been involved in that.’

‘I’ve found some documents about him, the boy’s birth certificate and child support stuff. I’ll send them over to Robbo to trace.’ Sandford continued his report. ‘There’s recent blood, last twenty-four hours. Not a massive amount, but enough to be unusual. It’s in several sites around the flat. The heaviest flow of blood, a pattern of ten heavy drips, starts in the kitchen.’

‘Any weapon? Anything that could have caused it?’

‘Not so far. The bleeding continues from the kitchen out into the bathroom and there is blood around the basin.’

‘Maybe she was trying to clean up the wound?’

‘Maybe. There is also a smear on the bathroom cabinet. It may have been a defensive wound. There is a cast-off splatter pattern by the door in the hallway, halfway down the wall. Blood came down from a height and the droplets dispersed.’

‘There is dried blood in the boy’s hair – at the top of his head, so if the blood is hers then he was definitely there when she left the house?’

‘Yes. He would have seen what happened.’

‘Thanks. We’ll photograph it and take a sample.’

Sandford hung up. Next Carter rang Robbo.

‘We’re back at the grandmother’s house. Just talked to Sandford, who confirms that it looks like she was taken by force. Mrs Collins, the grandmother, was there on Monday, when she was threatened by three white males who broke in. They are connected to Danielle Foster’s ex, Niall Manson. Find him for me, Robbo. Sandford’s found some details on the father.’

‘He sent them over to you.’

‘We got them. I’ve been looking at his file.’

‘What do we know about him?’

‘He has been inside for burglary with intent,’ answered Robbo. ‘Possession of a weapon, assault, grievous, supplying of a class B drug. You name it, he’s been done for it; been inside three times but nothing that got him more than a two-year stretch.’

‘Have him picked up. I need Jeanie over here. There’s a four-year-old child who we are pretty sure saw who took his mum – he’s got blood in his hair.’

Carter got off the phone to Robbo and rang Jeanie, explained the situation to her.

‘We need your help over here.’

‘I want to stay with Mr and Mrs Styles until they say they don’t need me any more. They have a lot to cope with.’

‘Jeanie, you have experience in victim support and child abuse. He’ll need careful handling. I’m asking you for a favour.’

‘Okay. I’ll come over now to start the process off but I would prefer if you handed it over to someone else afterwards.’

‘I’m grateful, and can you pick the child up something to wear. I would say he’s a big four-year-old.’

In the kitchen Ebony handed Tracy a DNA test. ‘Rub the end against the inside of your cheek for a minute please, turning the tip the whole time.’

Tracy looked at it with suspicion. ‘I’m sorry. It’s so strange for me. I’m not used to having anything like this happen.’ She had her business face on, the one she gave to difficult customers.

Ebony smiled. ‘I understand. It’s nothing to worry about – it doesn’t hurt.’

Tracy did as she was told. When she was done, she handed the test back to Ebony to pack away.

‘Is this the kind of thing you deal with every day?’

‘Missing persons, you mean?’ Tracy nodded. Ebony looked back at her forensics box and tidied it. ‘Every day is different. Same type of things though.’

‘But is it always missing persons?’

‘Not always.’ She looked up at Tracy. ‘I’m a member of a Major Incident Team, Mrs Collins.’ Ebony didn’t add that she was part of the Murder Squad.

‘Is that what this is? A major incident?’

Ebony nodded. ‘We are treating it as potentially that. I hope it turns out not to be that, but it’s better that we get resources directed straight away to finding Danielle.’ Ebony looked at Tracy. ‘Have you got someone to come and give you some support?’ Tracy didn’t seem to understand what Ebony was saying; she first started shaking her head and then seemed to change her mind. ‘I mean are you married, Mrs Collins, or do you live here on your own?’ Ebony began searching through the box to find what she needed to take a sample of the blood in Jackson’s hair.

‘Sorry – yes – I’m married. My husband Steve is an area manager,’ she said, smiling proudly. ‘It’s for a storage facility company.’

‘And do you work?’

Tracy gave a sharp intake of breath.

‘Oh God. Yes. I have to be in work today at two.’ She looked at her watch. It was ten minutes to two.

‘You’d better call work and tell them you won’t be coming in. Just tell them there is a family situation.’

Tracy snatched up her phone and began searching for Jazmina’s number.

She found it and turned her back to Ebony as she stood facing the back door to make the call. Ebony watched Tracy’s shoulders rise and fall as she listened to the person on the other end of the phone, who seemed to be trying their best to calm and reassure her. She finished talking and ended the call.

‘She says not to worry.’ Tracy rolled her eyes. ‘Not to worry and it’s the busiest time of year!’ She began furiously wiping the work surface where water had splashed from filling Scruffy’s bowl.

‘Did you explain?’

‘Yes, but it’s no good, you know? I work on the beauty counter at Simmons on Holloway Road. There’s just me and Jazmina.’ Tracy stared at Ebony, her eyes wide. Ebony had an odd reminder of the make-up on Emily Styles. ‘How is she going to cope? Look… this is all turning into a nightmare. I have my own life here. I can’t just drop everything.’

‘Do you think you should ring your husband now? He needs to know what’s happening here so that he comes home prepared.’

Tracy looked at the kitchen clock and shook her head.

‘He’ll be busy at work. I’ll try him later. Where is Danielle? Do you think something’s happened to her?’ She stopped as she saw Jackson standing at the kitchen door looking lost. She rushed over to him. ‘Come with Nanny, darling, we need to clean you up. We’ll find something on the telly for you as well. Ebony gave a small shake of the head and reached out a hand to stop Tracy taking Jackson away. She couldn’t risk her wiping away evidence.

‘Can I have him over here for a minute?’

Tracy followed Ebony’s gaze to the forensics kit.

‘Oh yes. Of course. Let’s have a look what Ebony’s got, shall we, Jackson?’

She led him over to the kit.

Ebony smiled reassuringly at Jackson as she knelt to his eye level. She looked up at Tracy.

‘And can you go now and change and at the same time find something for Jackson to put on? Here’s a bag.’ She stood and unpacked a large brown paper bag from her kit, handed it to Tracy. ‘Please strip carefully down to your underwear and place all your clothes in this bag.’ Tracy looked as though she was going to say something but changed her mind; she took the bag from Ebony and left.

‘Okay, big man?’ Ebony knelt back down with Jackson. ‘Can I take a photo of you?’ He stared at her curiously and didn’t answer. Ebony took photos of the top of Jackson’s head and his hair. She took out a swab and took a sample of the blood in his hair. His eyes followed her. He stood absolutely still as she wiped his hands and face to pick up the tiniest traces of foreign DNA. She finished and placed the samples in labelled, brown paper specimen bags. She filled in the crime log and entered the codes from the bags and a description of what and where and then she knelt in front of him again She made a face at him and he almost smiled.