‘So what do we do next?’ This was Willow, cheerful, practical. ‘We’ll get the belt down to Aberdeen, of course. But what can we do here to trace our dark-haired woman?’
Sandy thought Perez would like that. The fact that Willow was trying to make the victim sound more human. And for the first time the inspector seemed to engage with the conversation.
‘It’s hard to tell of course, but according to Jane Hay and Angie Henderson, there was no evidence of a break-in to Tain. So how did our impostor get keys?’ Perez leaned forward across the desk. ‘We need to go to the solicitors’ and see if she went there, pretending to be the real Alissandra.’
‘Magnus Tait had a set,’ Willow said. She gave a quick look at Sandy and gave him what might have been a wink. See how I can handle him!
‘Magnus was in hospital when the woman arrived into Shetland.’
‘But I’m guessing his house was hardly Fort Knox,’ Willow said. ‘I’m assuming that Tain was properly locked, because the lawyers had responsibility for it. An old man in a croft with little to steal suddenly disappears to hospital, I assume it wouldn’t be hard to find a way into his house.’
‘Hillhead is just up the bank from me.’ Perez almost sounded enthusiastic. ‘I’ll take a look this evening.’
‘I’d like to go back to the scene tomorrow.’ Vicki slid off the desk. ‘There’s still masses of stuff in the garden, and I haven’t moved inside the house yet.’
‘Do you want me to do the solicitors’, Jimmy? Play the senior officer card?’ Willow was standing up too.
Sandy looked at his watch and thought he’d have plenty of time to change, before he needed to meet Louisa in Scalloway. For a moment, here in Jimmy Perez’s office, he’d forgotten about her, but now thoughts of her were filling his mind again. He heard Perez arranging to take Vicki to check into the B &B, and Willow asking if she might go with the inspector to Magnus Tait’s old house in Ravenswick, but he didn’t take any of it in. He was anxious. He seldom got things right first time, but he couldn’t afford to make a mistake with Louisa.
Sandy got to the Scalloway Hotel before her. She’d planned to spend the afternoon in Lerwick and then visit an old school friend on the island of Burra. Her mother was getting some respite care these days and would spend the weekend in the care home in Yell. Burra was linked by bridge to the mainland at Scalloway, so it had made sense for them to meet in the hotel, but now, as he waited, Sandy wished he’d arranged something different. He didn’t want to drink too much; Louisa wasn’t a woman for boozing and getting wild and silly. Sipping his pint at the bar while the Saturday-night crowd swirled around him, he felt quite separate from them. It was as if he was waiting for an interview, when a party was going on in the same building.
Then he saw her in the hall that led from the street. It must have started to rain more heavily, because she took off her coat and shook it and there were drops of water on her hair. He walked towards her and stumbled over the foot of an elderly woman sitting close to the door. The woman gave a little scream of pain and it seemed as if the whole room was staring at him. As he was apologizing, Louisa seemed to disappear and he had a moment of panic. Was he so clumsy and stupid that she’d given up on him completely? Then she appeared again at the door of the bar and he saw that she was carrying the coat, folded now, so that the lining faced outside.
‘I wondered if there was anywhere I could put this to dry.’
‘I’ve booked a room,’ he said. ‘You could hang it up there.’
He saw the surprise in her face and realized he hadn’t told her about the room. Was that a mistake? They’d spent the night together before, but perhaps he shouldn’t have assumed that it was a good plan. He should have asked her first.
She frowned. ‘Oh, Sandy!’ She stood on her toes and kissed him lightly on the lips. ‘What a splendid idea. What a treat!’
He could feel himself blushing. The people who’d watched him step on the old woman’s toes were still staring.
‘I have the key,’ he said. ‘I’ll take you up.’
They ate late, when the restaurant was quiet. They had a table in the window. Perhaps because of the rain, the street outside was empty and there was no traffic. The lights of the accommodation ships were muted by the downpour and the vessels blurred into the background, so they seemed less oppressive. Sandy let his mind empty. They were sharing a bottle of wine and he felt relaxed, that he could say whatever came into his head without seeming stupid. Louisa was wearing a dress he hadn’t seen before. It came to him that she’d bought it just for the occasion and that made him smile.
‘What are you thinking about?’ She must have seen the smile.
Usually he hated that question. Women liked deep and intense conversations, and his thoughts were usually about his next meal or not screwing up at work. He didn’t have the imagination to dream up a response that would satisfy them. Today the reply was easy. ‘I’m just thinking how happy you make me.’
‘You’re a flatterer, Sandy Wilson.’ But he could tell she was pleased.
The waiter brought them coffee and little pieces of Shetland tablet. Even the bar was emptying now. Perhaps the rain had eased a little, because people were gathering on the pavement to say goodbye to their friends or for a last cigarette. It was impossible to make out the conversations through the glass but they could hear car doors slamming. The door from the restaurant to the bar was open and Sandy could see that only two couples were left inside. One couple was elderly: the white-haired woman whose foot he’d trodden on and a weather-beaten man, who reminded Sandy a little of the man in the photo he’d found in the box in Tain. Sandy thought if they’d been drinking since he’d first arrived in the hotel, they’d both be unsteady on their feet, and he hoped they had somebody to make sure they got home safely.
The other couple had been tucked into a corner, but now they stood up and began to make their way towards the corridor that led outside. They had to wait for a moment, because the older couple had decided to move too and had blocked the doorway. Sandy got a good look at the man and he was immediately familiar: squat and muscular, with the build of a boxer. His photo was often in The Shetland Times, taken at civic occasions. Councillor Tom Rogerson, the solicitor whose firm had managed Minnie Laurenson’s will and had taken possession of the keys to Tain.
Sandy didn’t recognize the woman with Tom, but he knew she wasn’t his wife. Mavis sometimes volunteered in the Red Cross shop in the street. She was comfortable and well padded and she wore hand-knitted yoked cardigans with slacks or tweed skirts. This woman was in her thirties, as tall as Tom, and tonight she seemed even taller because she was wearing heels that must make walking tricky. She wore a tight black dress that clung to her body like polythene around fresh meat in Tesco’s. Her hair was blonde and very straight.
Louisa must have noticed him staring because she gave Sandy a playful thump on the shoulder. He wanted to tell her that he wasn’t interested, not in that way at all. That she was the only woman he wanted to stare at. But he knew Jimmy Perez would be interested in the blonde, who was now following the councillor out of the bar. For a moment he was torn. He could pretend he hadn’t noticed Tom Rogerson. He could turn back to Louisa and not spoil her evening by worrying about work.
‘What is it?’ Louisa didn’t sound angry, only intrigued.
‘It’s work. I should see where they go.’
‘Well, hurry away then. Just leave me your tablet. I could use another coffee.’
He looked at her. He wondered if she was angry or being sarcastic, but she seemed very easy, sitting with her coffee, staring out at the street and the water beyond.