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‘Lorraine? Lorraine? Mike was calling her, and she quickly slipped the letter back and hurried out.

At lunch, the conversation — strained at best — turned to the subject of cars.

‘What do you drive now?’ Lorraine asked.

Mike grunted and prodded one of the boys. ‘I have to have a coach for this crowd, it’s an old station wagon. Sissy, however, has an MG — it’s an English sports car.’

‘I do know what an MG is,’ Lorraine said.

Sissy flicked a look at Mike and then smiled. ‘That was more for my benefit — it’s always in the garage, not because I’ve damaged it, but because of the spares.’

‘Is there a good garage near you?’ Lorraine asked innocently.

Mike nodded. ‘Yeah, there is. It specializes in vintage and foreign cars, big money in it. They’ve got Rolls-Royces and Bentleys and Mercedes Benz—’

Lorraine interrupted, ‘Is it a big company?’

‘Pretty substantial.’

‘How many people does it employ?’

Mike looked a little puzzled, but said, ‘Maybe sixty, seventy, I don’t know. Why?’

Lorraine smiled. ‘I’m sure a friend of mine bought a car from a garage around here — maybe S and A?’

Mike nodded. ‘Well, that’s the company’s logo all right — in fact I’m doing some business with them. Have you got your licence back, then?’

Lorraine flushed. ‘No, but I can’t afford a car.’

‘Not from S and A.’ Mike laughed.

‘Does your friend live around here?’ Sissy asked.

‘No, I just heard the garage mentioned.’

Julia got up, cupping her hands to whisper in Sissy’s ear. She frowned and shook her head. ‘No, you can’t, now sit down.’

Julia pouted and slumped back at the table. The room grew silent. Sissy shrugged her perfect shoulders. ‘She wants to go play tennis.’

Julia snapped, ‘I always play tennis on Sunday afternoons.’

Mike wagged his finger. ‘Not this Sunday. Now, help your mother clear the table and—’

Lorraine stood up. ‘No, that’s okay — you go play tennis, Julia. I don’t mind, I have to go in a few minutes anyway.’

Mike stacked the dishes, anything to cover his embarrassment. ‘Well, it’s up to you, but as you’ve come all this way—’

‘I can come again — if you don’t mind...’

‘Where’s Rufus?’ Sally demanded, and suddenly they were all calling the dog. It seemed they all wanted to find an excuse to leave the room. Lorraine went over to the bag she’d brought, and took out the box with the doll. ‘Sally?’ She went out to the verandah. ‘I brought you this — maybe it’s a bit childish for you, I just thought you’d kind of like it.’

Sally opened the box and looked at the doll. ‘Does it talk? My friend Angela’s got one that talks and sleeps and cries, and you feed it with a bottle and it wets itself.’

Lorraine looked at the moody-faced child. ‘This one drinks and then if you press its stomach, it spits in your face.’

Sally’s mouth trembled.

‘It was just a joke!’

The child ran into the house, past Mike. Lorraine laughed at his worried expression. ‘’Sokay, Mike, I was never very good with them anyway. I got to go.’

Mike sat on the edge of the bench seat. ‘I’m sorry. Maybe they’ll take a while to get used to you — that is, if you’re planning to make this a regular—’

‘Would you mind?’

‘No — well, maybe... I don’t know, it’s kind of taken us all by surprise. I think they’re scared you’ve come to take them away.’ He stared at her. ‘You haven’t, though, have you?’

Lorraine hugged her arms round herself tightly. ‘I wouldn’t want to do anything that’d upset them. Besides, I kind of don’t know them any more — and you’ve changed. She’s got you domesticated, carrying dishes back and forth.’

Sissy came out, overhearing the last remark.

She put down the coffee pot, and went back into the house.

‘Can you call me a taxi?’

Lorraine was relieved when the cab arrived. She kept the doll she had bought for Julia, because she didn’t want Julia to know that she had still thought of her as a little girl; she noticed that Sally hadn’t even taken hers out of its box. Sally wouldn’t kiss Lorraine goodbye, but hung on to Sissy. Mike kissed her cheek, and Sissy shook her hand — she had a strong, firm grip. She stared coldly at Lorraine as she said, without any warmth, ‘Do come again.’ Seeing them grouped together, waving, Lorraine knew she would never come back.

She asked the cab driver to take her past the S and A garage. Two massive showrooms were filled with vintage cars, but it was closed. Lorraine got out and walked along the showroom window, peering inside, and shaded her eyes to look at the counter. Dinky toy cars and memorabilia were displayed, but she couldn’t see any cufflinks. By the time she returned to the cab, she was sweating again. It was three o’clock, the sun was blistering, so she asked the driver to stop at the next grocery store as she needed a can of Coke.

At ten o’clock Rosie called Jake to say that Lorraine still hadn’t come home, and she was worried. Perhaps she was staying over, he suggested. If she was really worried, why not call? She had the number. Jake was exhausted: they had decorated the kitchen and the bedroom, and all the furniture was back in place.

Rosie waited until eleven before she called Mike Page, and was told that Lorraine had left around three. She called Jake. Already in bed, he was tetchy at being disturbed again. ‘Rosie, what do you expect me to do? I’m not her keeper. I’m not responsible for what she does or does not do. Now lay off me, okay?’

Twelve o’clock, and Rosie went to bed. The smell of fresh paint made her feel sick, and she couldn’t get to sleep, so she got up, made herself some iced tea, and sat by the window. Then she watched some late-night television and eventually, at two thirty, went back to bed.

Monday morning and Lorraine had still not returned, so Rosie called Jake again, but he had left for work, and she didn’t want to pester him there. She told herself she was overreacting, but when Lorraine had still not appeared at four in the afternoon, she went along to the gallery. It was shut so she squinted through the window and saw that all the canvases had been removed. The place looked deserted, so she went home.

For want of something better to do, and to take her mind off Lorraine, Rosie began to clear her bedroom cupboards and drawers, tossing out junk she had hoarded. A new wardrobe kit had been assembled in a corner of the now tidy bedroom. Rosie pushed it into position and began to fill it with Lorraine’s few possessions. Lastly she put in the shoes — and that was when she found the roll of money. She was amazed at the amount, then felt guilty because it would look as if she had been searching through Lorraine’s personal belongings. She had, of course, but not with any ulterior motive.

Jake dropped by at seven o’clock. There was still no word from Lorraine. Rosie was upset. Jake took her to a meeting; he had a good idea that Lorraine would eventually come home, and he refused to borrow his friend’s car to go on a street search. If she had started out in Santa Monica, God alone knew where she was.