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His long legs closed the gap between us in seconds, and he grabbed my arms roughly and pulled me into an urgent kiss. His arms wrapped around me. He held me so tightly it felt as if my ribs would crack and yet I wanted him to hold me even tighter.

After a deep, long kiss my head felt as if it might float away from my shoulders. He held me against him.

“I’m sorry things went so badly for you in there,” I said.

“It’s nothing new. Dad and I are alike in a lot of ways, so we’re always butting heads. Sometimes, when things are calm around here, we actually get along.” His arms fell away, and he took hold of my hand. “I’ve got to warn you though, when Dad’s around, Finley doesn’t know anyone else exists. So don’t feel too hurt if she seems distracted and distant. She thinks he’s a god too.”

We wandered past the hedge border of Finley’s invisible perimeter and across the verdant green lawn. “The man does have a presence. No doubt about it. There are half a dozen people in that room but your dad is like a—”

“Like a giant meteor that just crashed into the room?” he asked.

I laughed. “Sort of. I don’t know if it’s because my dad built him up as larger than life or what, but I was totally tongue tied when he greeted me.”

“He definitely steals any room he walks into.”

“You two are alike.”

He shook his head. “I usually only attract negative attention when I walk into a room filled with people.”

“Not true.” We stopped at the edge of the lawn that sloped down toward some professional looking tennis courts. “Finley mentioned the tennis courts. We are planning to play out there one day.”

He sat and I plopped down next to him.

“Fin was really good. She had a huge career ahead of her but then life got in the way of it.”

“Her moods do swing really sharply, just like you warned.”

“Trust me, she’s really mellowed out since you’ve arrived. Dad doesn’t see it as often because he’s never home, so he thinks it will all work itself out.”

“He sounds just like my mom. Somehow, she thinks a college will magically appear in the small town they’re moving to. She’s never really been a fan of college. My parents had to quit high school when my mom got pregnant with me. But I’ve always dreamed of becoming a doctor, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to need some college for that.”

He put his arm around me. “A doctor? I’m impressed.”

“Don’t be. At this rate, I’ll have to buy one of those toy doctor kits and just pretend.”

“All right, this sounds demented, but having you talk about playing doctor is really turning me on.”

“Yes, slightly demented. However—” I straddled his lap and wrapped my hands around his neck. “I have had a lot of practice on my dolls and various stuffed animals who’ve all suffered some terrible maladies.” I kissed him lightly. “And I must admit, I’m a fairly skilled physician.” I kissed him again. “Just tell me where it hurts.”

His hands clutched at my hips. “Well, Doc.”

I kissed him again. “Yes.”

“You see, I’ve got this terrible ache, and there’s only one way I can think to ease my suffering.”

My mouth hovered over his. “Sounds serious.”

“It is definitely serious.” He lay back and pulled me down on top of him. My light teasing kisses intensified just as a giant, cold nose touched the back of my neck. I flew off of Jude and landed hard on my butt. Butch sat back on his haunches, apparently satisfied that he’d saved his master from a vicious attack.

Jude looked back at the dog and laughed.

“You won’t be laughing when I send you the bill, Mister.” I looked down at the tennis courts below. “I think I’ll go down there and look around.”

Jude got to his feet. “I’ll go with you. There’s an awesome little make-out spot behind the equipment shed.”

“And you know this because . . .”

“I know because I’ve made out there on several instances.” He started walking down the hill. “Come on, I’ll show it to you.”

“You go ahead. I’m not planning to walk down,” I said.

He turned back to me with a puzzled expression.

I stretched out on the grass, crossed my arms, and rolled down, laughing hysterically the entire way. As the incline disappeared I came to an abrupt stop.

Jude was peering down at me. “Not exactly doctor behavior.” He pulled me to my feet.

I looked back fondly at the hill I’d just rolled down. “I would have killed to have a hill like that in my backyard.” I took hold of his hand. “Who am I kidding? I would have killed to have had a back yard.”

“In the winter, we used to ride down on big blocks of ice.”

“That would be fun.”

“Only if you don’t mind getting frostbite on your ass.” Both dogs had joined us as we made the journey down to the tennis courts, but before we reached cement, a loud whistle turned our attention back toward the house.

“Dad wants to see you, Jude,” Cole called across the lawn.

“Shit. Well, I’ll have to show you that spot another time. The master is summoning me.”


There had been a long family meeting, and I‘d taken the opportunity to hang alone in my room and read. Nicky King’s arrival had definitely left me feeling obscure and unnecessary, but he did send some money to my bank account for my first week’s pay and then he handed me an extra hundred in cash. I looked at the bill like it was a Wonka Golden Ticket. I’d never held a hundred dollar bill in my life. I decided to arrange for a cab to pick me up in the morning just for a ride to the bus stop. And from there, I’d take the bus home. Finley didn’t need me for the time being, and I missed my family. I wanted to see them before they left.

Finley knocked on my door and climbed onto my bed. “I hate family meetings. Dad and Jude spend the whole time grumbling at each other and nothing ever gets accomplished. But I think Jude is going to have to head back to construction work until he decides what to” she held up air quotes, “do with his life”.

“He wants to be a painter,” I said.

“I know. Poor guy.” She dismissed his dream rather callously. It was the first time I’d felt some anger toward her. “He rode off on his bike after the meeting.”

“He did?” I was certain my disappointment was evident, but Finley didn’t take notice.

“Anyhow, Dad was extremely pissed about my tattoo because now I have a pig on my shoulder, but I pouted and he got over it.”

Her dad was much more pliant when it came to her wishes than to Jude’s.

“Dad’s agent, Ray, ordered some food to be delivered, and Dad has invited a few people over, which in his world means at least a dozen and most will be women. We could hang out with them if you want.”

“I thought your dad was supposed to rest.”

“Believe me, for him, that is rest.”

“I’m hungry but I think then I’ll turn in early. I figured since your dad is home, I’d go see my parents tomorrow.”

“You should definitely see them before they leave. Dad’s driver can take you in the limo.”

“No really, Finley, I’d feel silly pulling up to our apartment house in a limo. Besides, I like riding the bus. I’ll have a taxi pick me up here and take me to the bus stop. I’d walk but I’m fairly confident I’d get lost.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure.”

“Well, all right.” She hopped off the bed. “You’re coming back though, right?”

“I was planning on it. Do you want me to?”

“Absolutely. I think the food’s here. I’m starved and they ordered some vegetarian lasagna.”

I plodded behind her, upset at myself for being completely distraught that Jude had left. It was stupid to think he would hang around just because of me. He’d been trapped here for months, and I’m sure he had friends he hadn’t seen for a long time. And, no doubt, some of them were girls, and that thought left me even more distraught.