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There were a lot of voices coming from the pool area and the music was blasting. Trays of hot food were spread out across the kitchen counter. Nicky King was standing in the kitchen pouring beer into a glass. “Hey girls, help yourselves. Lots of food.” He looked across to the couch. “Cole, do you want a beer?”

Cole was sitting on the couch with his head turned to the side as he checked out a nude centerfold.

His dad leaned forward and squinted at the picture. “I think I know that girl,” he said.

Cole grunted in disgust and threw the magazine onto the coffee table. “Well, that just took the gloss off Miss June. Thanks, Dad, I will take that beer.”

Finley handed me a plate, and I scooped up some lasagna but discovered my appetite had shrunk with the news of Jude’s departure.

“So, Eden, Finley tells me your dad is a fan of Black Thunder.” Even after talking to him several times throughout the day, having the man address me directly still churned up a case of nerves. It took me a moment to answer.

“The word fan might not capture the true scope of his admiration. In fact, I would go so far as to say he worships Black Thunder. When I was little and couldn’t sleep, instead of a lullaby, he sang Angel Tears.”

His laughter echoed off the kitchen walls. “I haven’t met him, but I like him already. We’ll have to get together some day.”

“As I told Finley, that would be great but it will require tranquilizers.”

He laughed again. “No wonder you like her so much, Finley. You girls should join us at the pool when you’re done eating.” With that, he picked up his beer, tossed a can to Cole, and headed outside. He took a certain amount of kinetic energy with him when he left the room.

Finley and I sat alone at the counter. “Where’s Some Pig?’

She sprinkled some cheese on her lasagna and handed me the packet. “He hates big crowds. I fed him upstairs so he could go to sleep early.”

“Sleeping early sounds like a plan,” I said. I badly wanted to ask her if she knew where Jude might have gone or if she thought he would be meeting someone. And even though I’d felt I could talk to Finley about everything, I decided to keep my feelings about Jude to myself. It just seemed the smart thing to do. And for the moment, I was still in utter confusion about my feelings for him. So there wouldn’t be much to discuss.

Chapter 17

I’d heard the clamor of the party go on until way past midnight, so the entire house was dead silent as I climbed out of bed at seven. As I showered and dressed, I wondered if Jude had ever returned home last night. More reason to solidify my heart against this whole thing. Jude lived in a world so completely different that mine, it was almost laughable to think that he’d ever commit to someone like me.

I brushed my hair up into a ponytail and couldn’t help but be amused by the pouty face staring back at me in the mirror. I was excited about seeing my family and decided to focus on getting home. Yesterday, for the first time since my arrival, I’d felt horribly uncomfortable and out of place. The thought of going home to a place where I fit and where I was important made me anxious to see my family. Maybe I would even decide to stay.

As silently as possible, I packed a few things in my duffle, tucked the money in my pocket, and headed down the stairs. I’d arranged for a taxi to pick me up outside the security gates.

Jude came around the corner just as I reached the landing. He was shirtless and sweaty from a workout in the gym. His eyes widened when he saw me, and he looked down at my duffle bag with confusion.

“I’m going to see my parents,” I said quickly.

“Hold on a minute. I’ll shower and then I can take you on the bike.”

“No, that’s all right. I’m going to take the bus. Besides, my mom would have a fit if she saw me ride up on a motorcycle.”

“I’ve got a car. I’ll drive you.”


Disappointment covered his face. “Why not?”

Spending time alone with Jude had its hazards and it definitely didn’t fit into my plan to stay strong and steadfast, but I had another reason. “Jude, your dad is home and you’re busy.” I looked down at the floor. “And, truthfully, I don’t want you to see where I live.” My throat tightened around the words. I felt silly and shallow about it, but it was the truth.

Jude grazed my arm with his fingers. “Eden, you could have crawled out from beneath a toadstool, and I would still think you’re amazing.”

His words sparked tears, and I desperately wanted to know that he meant it. But our lives were so outrageously different I couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about it. “I’ve got to go, Jude. The cab is here to take me to the bus stop.” I turned and hurried out the front door.

I’d managed to compose myself on the ride to the bus stop. Fortunately, there was still time before the bus came, and I walked to a small, nearby strip mall. I went into the drugstore and bought two Barbie dolls, a muffin, and a coffee and returned to the stop just as the bus arrived.

Several of the front seats were already filled, so I made my way to the back and slid in. The bus driver got out to help a man attach his bike to the front of the bus, and I pulled out the dolls to decide which one Sophie would like best. Janie would be happy with anything, but Sophie’s taste was already more discerning. One doll was dressed in sporty gear with sneakers and sunglasses, and the other wore a pink, frilly party dress. Suddenly I was regretting not buying another one with a party dress. It might have been easier with two of the same. I was deep in contemplation over my doll purchases when someone plunked down hard next to me. I recognized the scent of his soap immediately.

My face turned toward him. He was holding his motorcycle jacket and helmet.

“Hey, Valley, how’s it going?” He glanced around at the interior of the bus. The seats looked as if they’d been recently upholstered but half of the tinted windows had graffiti scratched into them. “Nice ride.”

“I guess you’ve never been on a public bus before.” I was still debating whether I was happy or upset to see him.

“Actually, I have. Two times.”

I lifted a brow of disbelief at him.

“Long stories and not that involving. Suffice it to say, one involved a liter of tequila and another a Halloween party gone incredibly wrong.” He tucked his helmet between his feet.

“Did the bus driver put your Harley on the rack with the other guy’s bike?”

“I wish. I had to park it in the mall lot. Hopefully it won’t get towed.”

I broke off a piece of muffin and handed it to him. “Jude, why are you here?”

“Purely selfish reasons.” He stuffed the muffin into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. “I decided I would much rather spend the day with you than my dad.”

I sat back and blew a strand of hair off my face. “It’s yellow,” I said quietly.

“What’s yellow?”

“Our apartment. The whole place has this weird yellow glow to it so everyone looks like they have liver disease. And it’s ugly and small and stuffy.”

“Would you stop, orphan Annie. I told you I don’t give a shit about that. Now tell me what your dad is like. I want to make sure he doesn’t hate me. Dad’s always hate guys their daughters bring home.”

I looked over at him. “Are you kidding me? Have you not heard me mention my dad’s obsession with Black Thunder?” I leaned back again. “You came directly from Nicky King’s loins. He will be falling all over himself when he meets you.” Jude was silent and I turned to look at him again.

His mouth was pulled tight.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

He cleared his throat and tapped his chest. “It’s nothing. It’s just that the muffin tried to come back up after you mentioned my dad’s loins.”