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I can't wait. I just can't wait.

See a doctor.

Don't worry, we'll see who's crazy.

Consult a doctor. It's for the best.

You swine will stop at nothing.

I feel sorry for you.

Shame, for shame. How can you stand yourself?

You are really a very sick human being.

I'm sick, I'm sick. We'll see who's sick.

There but for the grace of God and so forth.

You give thanks? I give thanks.

This is a perfect example.

Example of what, example of what?

Don't you see yourself? Take a look at yourself.

Me? Take a look at me?

It's sad. It's really sad.

That's some joke, you saying sad.

You're confused, aren't you?

Who's confused? I'm supposed to be confused?

Good God, you don't know who's who or what's what.

Who doesn't know? I don't know?

All you can do is mimic me, can't you?

You're gaslighting me, aren't you?

You know the word nuts?

This is a gaslighting thing, isn't it?

Is that a movie reference, gaslighting?

You're trying to throw me off.

We worry for you. We're trying to help you.

That's so low. That's the lowest.

There's cause for concern.

You'd stoop to a saying.

I'm just saying.

You'd stoop to an alliteration.

Everyone's concerned.

You'd get down and wallow with a cliché.

We have your best interest at heart.

I could vomit from this.

Are you all right?

I could really throw up from this.

Do you want to sit down?

This is too much.

Lie down for a bit.

No dice.

Take some time out for a bit.

Nothing doing.

You can sue later.

I'm suing now.

Can't it wait?

What do you take me for?

Rest a while.

You take me for a fool, don't you?

Give things a chance to work themselves out.

Things worsen. Everything worsens.

Oh so true. But suing's not the answer.

It couldn't hurt. And I'll feel better.

That's what we want, isn't it?

Isn't what?

For you to feel better.

I'd like to feel better.

Of course you would.

I'd really like to.

And you shall, you shall.

You're humoring me.

Who's humoring you?

This is disgusting. People are disgusting.

Calm yourself.

I wouldn't give you the satisfaction.

Why make a mountain out of a molehill?



You filth.

No need, there's no need.

I'll show you need.

Just hang on a little longer.

You want hang? I'll give you hang.

You're upset.

How dare you talk to me like this!

So sue us.

Us? Where's us?

Just a manner of speaking. Lie down.

Skip it.

Just for two seconds lie down.

Forget it.

Here. Lie here.


You know you want to.


Oh now, you know you do.

What for?

To feel better. To feel good.

I'd like to feel good.

Of course you would. Who wouldn't?

Just for a minute.

That's right.

I'm tired.

How could you not be?

I'm so tired.

We're all of us weary through and through.

Why is that?

It's tiring.

Truer words were never etc.

There's the proof.

There's what?

The proof.

What proof?

Etc. You said etc.

The rest of it would have killed me.

My meaning exactly.

I'd never have made it.

The syllables. It's never not the syllables.

We're perishing from the syllables.

Why is it, why is it?

Do the math.

The divisor is?

Syllables, number of.

And the dividend?

Oh, Jesus.

What's the dividend?

It's, oh, it's a certain variable.

Variable how?

Who can say? Can anyone say?

But is it known?

Try one. Try an infinitely divisible one.

Cut it out. Infinition?

Try it.

Head's spinning.

Lie down.

Don't feel so hot.

Who does?

Really feeling pretty lousy.

Let's get those shoes off.

Feel bad. Honest.

Me too.

All the phonemes, Christ.

Don't forget the hyphens. Even just the periods.

You're saying don't speak.

I'm just saying.

But you're saying don't speak.


Touch instead?

Just touch.

Touch divided into the time you've got?


But supposing, just supposing.

Go ahead and suppose.

Well, what gets done?

One lives.

But in the way of things.

My very meaning.


And be touched.

But this, all this, isn't it speech?


Don't speak?


Don't sue?


Just shush?


Nothing but this?

What is there but this?

I'm getting everything off.


It's all coming off.


Once I get going, don't look for me to quit.


Now's the time.


Now's the only time.

That's it.

It's all contracting.


It's all condensing.

Isn't it?

It all comes down to only this.

No, no — not this — that.


Yes, that.

You never said that.

What else but that?

But you said this.

I said this?

I swear you said this.

But this is that.

This is that?

You think not?

It's what anyone thinks — this and that.

It? Which it is it that is that it?

You're gaslighting me again.

This is the movie, you mean.

Gaslight me one more time.

And you'll do what?

I'll sue.

So sue.

I'm suing.

You're suing me?

I'm suing you.

So everything up to this point was pointless?

But look how far we got.

I tried to save you.

Thanks for that.

This is the thanks I get for that?

That's the thanks you get for this.


See why I'm suing?

But why sue me? Sue how we speak.

You see that? Do you see it, do you see it?

See what?

Sue at the beginning of a sentence.

This was to see sue at the beginning of a sentence?

Not this, but that.

All that was just to see sue like that?

You want my answer?

You owe me an answer.

The answer is it wasn't until it was.