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With the sun dipping below the horizon, the only sound in the penthouse that Gavin could hear was Emily’s shallow sleeping breath as it whispered against his bare chest. Stroking her hair from her shoulder, he was all too aware that the minutes they had left together were fading quickly. Closing his eyes, Gavin breathed her in, trying to hold onto the moment, but his thoughts were consumed with something he wasn’t used to.


Gavin feared nothing, and now he felt overtaken by it. Though Dillon wouldn’t be back until Tuesday, Gavin knew that when he returned things could possibly change for him and Emily. Gavin had no doubt in his heart that she loved him; she’d spent the last twenty-four hours proving that. However, he couldn’t ignore that there was still a possibility she might change her mind about him once Dillon returned. Staring at her sleeping form curled against him, he kissed her forehead. Inwardly, he prayed that the woman who delivered more than she’ll ever know—who filled his empty life with her mere presence—didn’t crack under Dillon’s pleading demands.

Trying not to wake her, Gavin gingerly slid from the couch and moved to the kitchen where he pulled out a menu to order them dinner. Since he so clearly recalled their encounter in front of the sushi restaurant, he figured that it was a safe bet. After the order was placed, Gavin padded into his office to retrieve his and Emily’s discarded clothing from earlier. He got dressed, and when he returned to the living room, he found Emily awake, looking in his direction. She smiled at him and stretched out her long arms while she rose from the couch, dragging the blanket along with her. Gavin watched the woman who now owned his heart make her way toward him, his breathing spiking instantly the closer she got. With the blanket wrapped tightly around her body, Emily shoved up on her tiptoes, draped one arm over his neck, and started kissing him. Smiling, Gavin slipped his arms around her waist, holding her close as he willingly reciprocated—soaking her sweetness into his mouth, her scent into his nose, and her touch into his skin.

“It’s almost dark outside,” she said, pulling back, her eyes lazy with sleep. “I can’t believe I slept that long.”

A smart-ass smirk crossed his features. “Well, you’ve kept us very…active since last night.”

“And you partook in every moment of it, Mr. Blake,” she said matter-of-factly, laughing. “And, if I’m not mistaken, you enjoyed every second of it as well.”

“Mmm, you caught me. I enjoyed every millisecond of it to tell you the truth.” She laughed, and he brought his hand up to cup her jaw, his thumb stroking her cheek. “I just woke up myself actually,” he said, flashing his dimpled smile. “You’re hungry, right? I mean, considering we slept through breakfast and lunch, you must be.”

“I’m starved.”

“I ordered sushi. Good?”

“Perfect,” she answered, placing a kiss upon his cheek. “I’ll be right back. I’m gonna go clean up and get myself dressed in the wonderful Yankees attire you’ve forced me into wearing today.”

Leaning against the counter, he chuckled and watched as she slipped into the bathroom.

“Wiseass,” she called out before closing the door.

Emily giggled to herself when she heard him laugh at her comment, but her smile soon fell once she glanced at herself in the mirror. Though her body may have been brought to extreme heights of ecstasy over the last few hours, her disheveled appearance said otherwise. With her hair matted, lips swollen from frenzied kissing, and eyes showing lack of sleep from the night before, she decided a quick shower was in order.

After finishing up, she realized she had forgotten to bring that fashionable Yankees outfit into the bathroom. Wrapping a towel around her wet body, she opened the door, only to find Gavin standing there with her clothing in his hands. He poked his head in, dangling the attire in front of her. Every time she tried to grab it from him, he’d yank his arm back, keeping it from her.

“Would you stop?” she laughed, once again reaching for the clothing.

“Do you have any idea the self-control I’m exercising right now?” She cocked her head to the side and smiled. “However, you’ve lucked out. The food’s already here, and I don’t want you to starve any more than you already have,” he laughed and handed her the clothing. “But I make no promises after we’re done eating though.”

“Sounds like fun.”

He leaned in to kiss her and went to walk away, but stopped in the hall and turned around. “Emily.”


“Don’t forget,” he said, smirking mischievously. “My impatient hands ripped the panties from that pretty body of yours earlier, so it looks like you’re going commando, doll.”

“Gavin,” she said with an alluring smile.


“I enjoyed every millisecond of you ripping those panties from my body.”

As Gavin tried to walk back into the bathroom, Emily closed the door in his face and locked it.

“The food will get cold,” she yelled out, trying to stifle a laugh.

“It’s sushi; it’s supposed to be cold. And I’m giving you five minutes to come out here and eat it,” he groaned. “If not, I’m beating the door down, and you’ll be what I’m having for dinner, Miss Cooper.”

Laughing, she heard him walk away and found herself trying to hold back the sudden urge of allowing him to acquire her as his main dish. Though his threat held massive appeal, she got dressed, blew her hair dry, and made her way into the living room.

To her surprise—and very much to her liking—he’d dimmed the lights throughout the penthouse, turned on the gas fireplace, and set up a makeshift picnic on a blanket in front of the crackling flames. Again, she found herself observing him without his knowledge. Mystified by everything about him, she watched as he poured them both a glass of red wine, his body relaxed as he sat Indian style on the blanket. Leaning against the wall, she crossed her arms and wondered what the last year of her life would’ve been like had he been the one to visit Olivia with Trevor instead of Dillon. However, in that moment, a sickening paradox occurred within her thoughts. No matter how bad her scenario with Dillon had ended, Emily could never forget the things he’d helped her through, and a part of her would always love him for that. Nevertheless, her heart now lay in Gavin’s hands. He was her new love, a new path, and the new road she wanted to follow.

On a sigh, she walked over to Gavin and knelt astride him. He smiled at her as he curled his arm around her waist. She leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips, and when she did, the heat that he resurrected in her body made itself acutely present—but, at the same time, guilt filled her soul. Some of it was guilt for Dillon, but more so, guilt that she was the reason Gavin was about to step into a catastrophe, considering they had opened up the floodgates to something that could be devastating to them both. The only thing she could do was pray that he was strong enough to endure the turmoil they would find themselves in once Dillon returned.

“I love you, Gavin,” she whispered, her voice sullen.

Pulling back, he searched her eyes. “I love you, too, Emily,” he said, brushing his fingers through her hair. “I honestly do.”

She gave him a weak smile and moved herself across the blanket, being careful not to knock anything over. She started to open some of the containers and then placed a few rolls of sushi on her plate.

Handing her a pair of chopsticks, Gavin studied her for a moment, picking up immediately on the shift in her demeanor. He couldn’t help but feel his heart sink, if only for a second. “Are you alright?”

She took a sip of wine and nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”