▸ add on
1 PHRASAL VERB [usu passive] If one thing is added on to another, it is attached to the other thing, or is made a part of it. □ [V P n] Holiday-makers can also add on a week in Majorca before or after the cruise. □ [V -ed P ] To the rear is a large dining room–added on early this century.
2 PHRASAL VERB If you add on an extra amount or item to a list or total, you include it. □ [V P n] Many loan application forms automatically add on insurance. [Also V n P ]
▸ add up
1 → see add 2
2 PHRASAL VERB [usu with neg] If facts or events do not add up , they make you confused about a situation because they do not seem to be consistent. If something that someone has said or done adds up , it is reasonable and sensible. □ [V P ] Police said they arrested Olivia because her statements did not add up.
3 PHRASAL VERB If small amounts of something add up , they gradually increase. □ [V P ] Even small savings can add up.
▸ add up to PHRASAL VERB If amounts add up to a particular total, they result in that total when they are put together. □ [V P P n] For a hit show, profits can add up to millions of dollars. SYNONYMS add VERB
include: The President is expected to include this idea in his education plan.
attach: The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface.
supplement: I suggest supplementing your diet with vitamins E and A.
append: Violet appended a note at the end of the letter.
count: I counted 34 wild goats grazing.
calculate: From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy.
add up: It's good to be able to add up quickly.
totaclass="underline" They haven't totalled the exact figures.
ADD /e I diː diː / ADD is an abbreviation for attention deficit disorder .
add|ed /æ d I d/ ADJ [ADJ n] You use added to say that something has more of a particular thing or quality. □ For added protection choose a lipstick with a sun screen.
a dd|ed va lue N‑UNCOUNT In marketing, added value is something which makes a product more appealing to customers. [BUSINESS ]
ad|den|dum /əde ndəm/ (addenda /əde ndə/) N‑COUNT An addendum is an additional section at the end of a book or document.
add|er /æ də r / (adders ) N‑COUNT In Europe and Asia, an adder is a small poisonous snake that has a black pattern on its back. In North America, a number of different poisonous and non-poisonous snakes are called adders .
ad|dict /æ d I kt/ (addicts )
1 N‑COUNT An addict is someone who takes harmful drugs and cannot stop taking them. □ He's only 24 years old and a drug addict.
2 N‑COUNT If you say that someone is an addict , you mean that they like a particular activity very much and spend as much time doing it as they can. □ She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.
ad|dict|ed /əd I kt I d/
1 ADJ [usu v-link ADJ ] Someone who is addicted to a harmful drug cannot stop taking it. □ [+ to ] Many of the women are addicted to heroin and cocaine.
2 ADJ [usu v-link ADJ ] If you say that someone is addicted to something, you mean that they like it very much and want to spend as much time doing it as possible. □ [+ to ] She had become addicted to golf.
ad|dic|tion /əd I kʃ ə n/ (addictions )
1 N‑VAR [oft n N ] Addiction is the condition of taking harmful drugs and being unable to stop taking them. □ She helped him fight his drug addiction. □ [+ to ] …long-term addiction to nicotine.
2 N‑VAR An addiction to something is a very strong desire or need for it. □ [+ to ] He needed money to feed his addiction to gambling.
ad|dic|tive /əd I kt I v/
1 ADJ If a drug is addictive , people who take it cannot stop taking it. □ Cigarettes are highly addictive. □ Crack is the most addictive drug on the market.
2 ADJ Something that is addictive is so enjoyable that it makes you want to do it or have it a lot. □ This Japanese-developed game quickly becomes addictive.
ad|di|tion ◆◆◇ /əd I ʃ ə n/ (additions )
1 PHRASE You use in addition when you want to mention another item connected with the subject you are discussing. □ Part-time English classes are offered. In addition, students can take classes in other languages. □ [+ to ] There's a postage and packing fee in addition to the repair charge.
2 N‑COUNT An addition to something is a thing which is added to it. □ [+ to ] Most would agree that this particular use of technology is a worthy addition to the game.
3 N‑UNCOUNT The addition of something is the fact that it is added to something else. □ [+ of ] It was completely refurbished in 1987, with the addition of a picnic site.
4 N‑UNCOUNT Addition is the process of calculating the total of two or more numbers. □ …simple addition and subtraction problems.
ad|di|tion|al ◆◇◇ /əd I ʃən ə l/ ADJ [usu ADJ n] Additional things are extra things apart from the ones already present. □ The U.S. is sending additional troops to the region. □ The insurer will also have to pay the additional costs of the trial. SYNONYMS additional ADJ