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with not 2.130

used in result clauses 8.61–8.63

as a determiner 10.29

as a predeterminer 10.30

as an adjective 10.31

referring forward 10.46

suffixes 1.74–1.75, 2.118, 2.201, 9.61

suggestions 5.46, 5.180, 5.181–5.187

polite suggestions 5.184

superlative adjectives 1.180, 2.112–2.122, R20–R31

used in front of a noun 2.114

used after a linking verb 2.115

structures used after superlatives 2.116–2.117

used with other adjectives 2.118

used as nouns 2.119–2.120

used with ordinal numbers 2.121

the least 2.122

superlative adverbs 6.30–6.35, R150–R154

—————— T ——————


list of nouns used after delexical take 3.42, 3.45

for duration 4.133

tenses, formation of R89–R123

than 2.106, 6.35


as demonstrative pronoun 1.124–1.126

for joining clauses 1.149, 8.90–8.91

as determiner 1.184, 1.187–1.189

for referring back 10.7–10.10


following an adjective 2.53

for reporting speech 7.27–7.81

for expressing purpose 8.47–8.48

with impersonal it 9.42–9.45

the 1.163–1.183

pronouncing the 1.165

with a noun 1.166

specific places and organizations 1.168

generalizing about people and things 1.169

using adjectives as nouns 1.170

formal generalizations 1.171–1.172

with longer noun phrases 1.175

with uncountable nouns 1.179

emphasizing the 1.181

with indefinite determiners 1.182

with numbers 1.183

with comparatives and superlatives 2.109, 2.112–2.122

with days of the week 4.96

their 1.194–1.210

theirs 1.107–1.110, 1.123

them 1.104–1.106, 1.123

themselves 1.111–1.118, 1.123, 3.26–3.31


referring back or forward 4.75, 10.15

in conditional clauses with if 8.26, 8.152, 8.155

there as subject 3.131, 9.6, 9.46–9.55

with be 3.131, 9.6, 9.46–9.52

saying that something exists 9.46–9.47

saying that something happened 9.48

describing something that is happening 9.49

contractions: there’s, there’d and there’ll 9.51

with verbs other than be 9.53

formal and literary uses 9.54–9.55


as demonstrative pronoun 1.124, 1.127

as determiner 1.184, 1.186

informal use 1.193

for referring back 10.7

for referring forward 10.41–10.42

they 1.103, 1.123

this 1.184

as demonstrative pronoun 1.125–1.126

as determiner 1.185–1.186

informal use 1.193

for referring back 10.7, 10.9

for referring forward 10.41–10.42


as demonstrative pronoun 1.124, 1.127

as determiner 1.187–1.191

instead of the 1.192

for referring back 10.7

though 8.66, 8.70–8.71

as though 8.78–8.82

thousand 2.221–2.224

thousands used for emphasis 2.224


on time 4.71

at the same time 4.109

every time and each time 8.13

by which time 8.21


position of time adverbial 4.3

referring to an earlier or a later time 4.21–4.25, 4.71–4.73

time adverbials and prepositional phrases 4.70–4.112

previously mentioned time 4.75

specific clock times 4.85–4.86, 9.37–9.38

clock times 4.86

times of the day 4.87

months, seasons, and dates 4.89

years, decades, and centuries 4.90

in for periods of time 4.94

in for specific time 4.95

on 4.97–4.98

ordering of 4.99

approximate times 4.100–4.102

over 4.106

events that happen at the same time 4.109

time adverbials 4.70–4.112

with reference to the present 4.21–4.25

with reference to the past 4.40–4.51

with reference to the future 4.60–4.63

to indicate past, present, or future 4.70

time clauses 8.8–8.24

tenses in time clauses 8.9–8.12

saying when a situation began 8.19

saying when a situation ends 8.20–8.22

time expressions

see also time adverbials

used for modifying nouns 4.143–4.144

time reference in reported speech 7.49


of people 1.55, 9.97–9.98

used without names 1.56

used as countable nouns 1.57

of works 3.170


after predicative adjectives 2.46

expressing a range of numbers 2.271

list of nouns usually followed by to 2.287

in prepositional phrase containing indirect object 3.76

in reported speech 7.70, 7.77

with relative pronoun as indirect object 8.97


after adjectives 2.51–2.52, 2.291

after ordinal numbers 2.235

after nouns 2.294–2.299

used when commenting 3.148–3.154

after verbs 3.192–3.194

verbs followed by for and a to-infinitive 3.209

used with not 5.58

in reported speech 7.39–7.48, 7.70

showing purpose 8.45–8.46, 3.188, 3.199–3.200

in impersonal it structures 9.39–9.40

form R126

too 1.248, 2.153

transitive verbs 3.3–3.4, 3.14–3.45, 3.123

different types of object 3.15–3.16

human objects 3.17–3.18

that need to be followed by an adverb or prepositional phrase 3.19–3.20

of position and movement 3.21–3.23

reflexive verbs 3.26–3.31

transitive phrasal verbs 3.91–3.92, 3.101–3.106

transitive phrasal verbs with prepositions 3.107–3.108

transitive three-word phrasal verbs 3.113–3.114

transitive compound verbs 3.123–3.124

with an -ing participle 3.204

with a to-infinitive 3.206

with an infinitive without to 3.210

linking transitive verbs 8.166

with an object complement 9.21

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uncertainty 5.137

uncountable nouns 1.23–1.33

list of uncountable nouns 1.25–1.26

ending in -s 1.33

uncountable -ing nouns 1.78–1.79

used with the 1.179

used with a or an 1.233

undesirable actions 5.150–5.151