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A computer can only do what you program it to do.

A dog likes to eat far more meat than a human being.

An unmarried mother was looked down on.

This is not the usual way of referring to groups. Normally, if you want to make a statement about all the people or things of a particular kind, you use the plural form of a noun without a determiner. See paragraph 1.227 for more information about this.

nouns referring to one thing only

1.235  A and an are sometimes used with singular nouns such as sun, moon, and sky that refer to just one thing. You normally use the with these nouns, but you use a or an when you are drawing attention to some special feature by adding a modifier or a following phrase or clause to the noun. This use is particularly common in literature.

We drove under a gloomy sky.

A weak sun shines on the promenade.

For more information on singular nouns, see paragraphs 1.34 to 1.40.

Other indefinite determiners


1.236  Some is usually used to show that there is a quantity of something or a number of things or people, without being precise. It is used with uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns.

Some is usually used in affirmative statements.

There is some evidence that the system works.

There’s some chocolate cake over there.

I had some good ideas.

Some can be used in questions, when you expect the answer to be yes.

Could you give me some examples?

Would you like some coffee?

Some is also used to mean quite a large amount or number. For example, in I did not meet her again for some years, some means almost the same as several or many.

You will be unable to restart the car for some time.

It took some years for Dan to realize the truth.

1.237  You can also use some in front of numbers, in slightly more literary English, to show that you are not being totally accurate.

I was some fifteen miles by sea from the nearest village.

…an animal weighing some five tons.

1.238  When you want to emphasize that you do not know the identity of a person or thing, or you think their identity is not important, you can use some with a singular countable noun, instead of a or an.

Most staff members will spend a few weeks in some developing country.

Supposing you had some eccentric who came and offered you a thousand pounds.


1.239  Any is used before plural nouns and uncountable nouns when you are referring to a quantity of something that may or may not exist.

The patients know their rights like any other consumers.

Check online if you’re in any doubt.

You can stop at any time you like.

Any is also used in questions asking whether something exists or not. It is also used in negative statements to say that something does not exist.

Do you have any advice on that?

Do you have any vacancies for bar staff?

It hasn’t made any difference.

Nobody in her house knows any English.

I rang up to see if there were any tickets left.

Questions and negative statements are explained further in Chapter 5.

Note that you can use any with singular countable nouns to talk about someone or something of a particular type, when you do not want to mention a specific person or thing.

Any big tin container will do.

Cars can be rented at almost any US airport.

Any can also be used as a pronoun. See paragraphs 1.93 to 1.161 for more information about pronouns. It is also used in if-clauses. For more information about these, see Chapter 8.

another and other

1.240  Another is used with singular countable nouns to talk about an additional person or thing of the same type as you have already mentioned.

Could I have another cup of coffee?

He opened another shop last month.

It can also be used before numbers to talk about more than one additional thing.

Margaret staying with us for another ten days.

Five officials were sacked and another four arrested.

Other is used with plural nouns, or occasionally with uncountable nouns.

Other people must have thought like this.

They are either asleep or entirely absorbed in play or other activity.

selecting from a group

1.241  Enough is used to say that there is as much of something as is needed, or as many things as are needed. You can therefore use enough in front of uncountable nouns or plural nouns.

There’s enough space for the children to run around.

They weren’t getting enough customers.

Many indicates that there is a large number of things, without being very precise. You use many with a plural countable noun.

He spoke many different languages.

When you want to emphasize that there is only a small number of things of a particular kind, you use few with a plural countable noun.

There are few drugs that act quickly enough to be effective.

There were few doctors available.

Few is quite formal. In less formal English, you can use not many with the same meaning.

There aren’st many gardeners like him.