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‘James, I want you to meet Mrs Heath and her charming daughter, Miss Heath,’ said my sister.

Mrs Heath was dressed in a gown more suited to court than a country ball. Her panniered gown was covered in swags and flounces, her hair was powdered and her cheeks were highly rouged. She walked with the air of a woman who thought she was in the height of fashion, but in this she was deluding herself, and my aunt’s friends pulled their skirts out of her way as she walked past.

Miss Heath was dressed with more restraint. Her hair was unpowdered and her face was unrouged, but she had her mother’s expression.

‘Charmed, I’m sure,’ said Mrs Heath. She turned to her daughter. ‘What d’you think of him, then, Sally? An ’andsome one, ain’t ’e? Look at ’is calves!’

I saw my sister shudder, and I believe only the sight of Miss Heath’s exquisitely matched pearls encouraged her to continue with the introduction.

I bowed politely but coldly.

‘Well, go on then, Mr Brandy, ain’t you going to ask ’er to dance?’ said Mrs Heath jovially.

I wished I was not a gentleman, for then I would have been able to walk away, but as it was, I offered Miss Heath my arm.

As I led her onto the floor, she looked around her, saying, ‘Coo, ain’t it grand?’

I wondered if my sister knew what kind of paragon she had picked for me to marry, or whether Miss Heath’s blue eyes, corn-coloured hair and thirty thousand pounds had blinded her to her protégée’s faults.

‘Miss Heath,’ I said. ‘I believe my sister has given you to understand ... that is, I want you to know that I am not in a position to marry. I am already in love, with a lady my family does not approve of — or, rather, they do not approve of her for me. If they have misled you in any way, then I apologize.’

‘Oh, thank goodness,’ she said, in completely different tones. ‘I am in love, too, with our curate. I am sorry if I embarrassed you, but I wanted to repulse you so that you would not offer for me. Mama wants me to marry into the gentry, you see, and so I have to humour her, but I would never be happy with rarefied people, living in a house like this. A country parsonage is where I belong, with people I know and love.’

‘Then we may enjoy our dance together,’ I said with relief.

‘We may indeed! And if you would care to dance with me again, and to take me into supper, we may be comfortable then as well. Our relations will be satisfied, for they will see us together, and so they will not plague us and tell us we are disobedient. I confess, it will be a relief, for I am tired of being paraded in front of the gentry like a prize mare and then berated for not being grateful.’

The orchestra began to play and we danced, talking, when we passed each other, of our loves, I of Eliza, and she of Mr Abelard.

Catherine smiled on me for paying attention to Miss Heath, and even my aunt managed something that passed for a smile when she saw me at supper, whilst Mrs Heath watched at us benignly and declared that I was a right ’un.

I danced with Miss Heath again after supper and we talked of our loves again, and the evening passed agreeably.

Thursday 2 July

The ball did not end until the early hours, and it was almost midday when Fildew pulled back my curtains this morning. I thought myself back at home to begin with, and leapt out of bed, eager to see Eliza. Then I remembered, and I dressed more slowly before going down to breakfast.

‘I told you how it would be,’ said my sister as I sat down beside her. She, too, had only just risen. She had finished her plate of rolls and was drinking a cup of chocolate. ‘Did I not predict this very thing? I knew you would forget Eliza. And who can blame you? Miss Heath is a charming young woman. There is everything in her favour. She has beauty and wealth, and, best of all, her mother approves of the match. But you still have work to do, and you must not rest until she is your fian cée. You need to propose to her whilst she is in the country, for after she finishes her visit in the neighbourhood she will be returning to town. She will no doubt be surrounded by suitors there, so you must ask her to be your wife in the next five weeks. You will marry quickly, in an autumn wedding, and then you will have finished your wedding tour in time for Christmas. You will be safely established in town by the new year, and George, and I can visit you for the Season.’

I listened in silence, glad that Miss Heath and I had come to an understanding, for I could not have borne my sister’s words otherwise, nor her determination to order my life.

Catherine took my silence to mean that I agreed with her, and continued to tell me what to do as I ate.

As soon as I had finished, I excused myself and went down to the stables, where I chose a suitable mount and I went out riding, relieved to be away from my relations and from the house.

As I wore off the worst of my frustrations, I found myself thinking of Leyton and hoping that he had received my letter, so that he could act for me whilst I was incapable of acting for myself. From there it was a short step for my thoughts to stray to Eliza, and to picture her in our new home.

I wished she was with me, for it was just the sort of morning she loved: fine, with hazy cloud and a light breeze to temper the glare of the sun.

When I returned to the house, my aunt summoned me to her sitting room. She was an impressive sight, with her hair powdered and arranged in a towering style and her brocade dress taking up most of the sofa.

‘Your sister tells me that you are making good progress with Miss Heath,’ she said. ‘She will no doubt be overawed by your style of living but that is all to the good as she will be eager to please. Your sister has an idea of visiting you for the Season, but if you have any sense, you will not allow your wife to use her London house once you are married, except out of season. A woman with a London house is prey to all sorts of temptations that do not exist in the countryside, and she is apt to forget her place. Well, boy?’

‘I was not aware that you needed an answer,’ I said.

‘Do not be impertinent. What do you have to say?’

‘Yes, Aunt,’ I replied.

It satisfied her, and she went on.

‘I have invited the Heaths to dine with us tomorrow. It will give Miss Heath an opportunity to become more intimately acquainted with the family, and it will give her a chance to exhibit. Her mother has spent a great deal on her education and she will wish her daughter, at the least, to play the pianoforte and to sing.’

‘I look forward to hearing her.’

‘As well you might. Miss Heath, so her mother tells me, is a proficient. I should not be surprised if she also plays the harp. You will compliment her on her taste, and you will say that it is a most superior performance. You will also compliment her mother on providing her with the very best masters. ’

I thought of Eliza’s music masters, and of her light touch, and of her sweet voice, and I smiled.

‘Why are you smirking?’ my aunt demanded.

‘I — nothing,’ I said.

‘You will not smirk tomorrow, or our guests will think you have a toothache. If you wish to smile, you will lift the corners of your mouth, like so.’

She demonstrated with a grimace, and I nodded my head.

She eyed me as though I was a poor specimen, and then, with a wave of her hand, she dismissed me. I left her sitting room to amuse myself by fishing and then by playing billiards with George.

Friday 3 July

I looked for a letter from Leyton this morning, but the only letters on the silver salver were for my aunt. I was not surprised, for although I had hoped for a letter, I knew I could not really expect anything so soon. I could not expect Leyton to leave his own business and attend to mine straight away, and so I hoped for a letter in a few days’ time.