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Techniques of Squad Movement

The squad or platoon leader determines and directs which movement technique the squad will use.

Traveling. Traveling is used when contact with the enemy is not likely and speed is needed.

Traveling Overwatch. Traveling overwatch is used when contact is possible. Attached weapons move near the squad leader and are under his control so that he can employ them quickly.

Bounding Overwatch. Bounding overwatch is used when contact is expected; when the squad leader believes that the enemy is near (based on movement, noise, reflection, trash, fresh tracks, or even a hunch); or when a large, open danger area must be crossed.

The lead fire team overwatches first. Soldiers scan for enemy positions. The squad leader usually stays with the overwatch team.

The trail fire team bounds and signals the squad leader when his team completes its bound and is prepared to overwatch the movement of the other team. Both team leaders must know whether successive or alternate bounds will be used and with which team the squad leader will be. The overwatching team leader must know the route and destination of the bounding team. The bounding team leader must know his team’s destination and route, possible enemy locations, and actions to take when he arrives. He must also know where the overwatching team will be and how he will receive his instructions.

The cover and concealment on the bounding team’s route dictate how its soldiers move. Teams can bound successively or alternately. Successive bounds are easier to control; alternate bounds can be faster.

Alternate Bounds. Covered by the rear element, the lead element moves forward, halts, and assumes overwatch positions. The rear element advances past the lead element and takes up overwatch positions. The sequence continues as necessary, with only one element moving at a time.

Successive Bounds. The lead element, covered by the rear element, advances and takes up overwatch positions. The rear element advances to an overwatch position roughly abreast of the lead element and halts. This sequence continues as necessary. The rear element never advances forward of the lead element.

Techniques of Platoon Movement

The platoon leader determines and directs which movement technique the platoon will use.

Traveling. Traveling is used when enemy contact is not likely and speed is needed.

Traveling Overwatch. Traveling overwatch is used when contact is possible but speed is needed. The platoon leader moves where he can best control the platoon. The platoon sergeant travels with the trailing squad, although he is free to move throughout the formation to enforce security, noise and light discipline, and distances between squads. The lead squad uses traveling overwatch, and the trailing squads use traveling.

Bounding Overwatch. Bounding overwatch is used when enemy contact is expected. Platoons conduct bounding overwatch using successive or alternate bounds. One squad bounds forward to a chosen position; it then becomes the overwatching element unless contact is made en route. The bounding squad can use traveling overwatch, bounding overwatch, or individual movement techniques (low and high crawl, and short rushes by fire teams or pairs). One squad overwatches the bounding squad from covered positions where it can see and suppress likely enemy positions and view the squad’s assigned sector. The platoon leader remains with the overwatching squad. Normally, the platoon’s machine guns are located with the overwatching squad. One squad is uncommitted and ready for employment as directed by the platoon leader. The platoon sergeant and the leader of the squad awaiting orders position themselves close to the platoon leader.

Considerations. When deciding where to have his bounding squad go, a platoon leader considers the following:

•The requirements of the mission.

•Where the enemy is likely to be.

•The routes to the next overwatch position.

•The ability of an overwatching element’s weapons to cover the bound.

•The responsiveness of the rest of the platoon.

•The fields of fire at the next overwatch position.

Instructions. Before a bound, the platoon leader gives an order to his squad leaders from the overwatch position. He tells and shows them the following:

•The direction or location of the enemy (if known).

•The positions of the overwatching squad.

•The next overwatch position.

•The route of the bounding squad.

•What to do after the bounding squad reaches the next position.

•What signal the bounding squad will use to announce that it is prepared to overwatch.

•How the squad will receive its next orders.


A danger area is any place on the movement route where the unit might be exposed to enemy observation, fire, or both. Units try to avoid danger areas. If a danger area must be crossed, it should be done with great caution and as quickly as possible. Before crossing a danger area, leaders should designate near- and far-side rally points, secure the near side (both flanks and rear), and reconnoiter and secure the far side.

The unit halts when the lead elements signal “danger area.” The leader confirms the danger area, then selects and informs subordinate leaders of near- and far-side rally points. Near-side security is posted to overwatch the crossing. The far-side security team crosses the danger area and clears the far side. Once the far side is cleared, the main body moves quickly and quietly across the danger area. A small unit may cross all at once, in pairs, or one soldier at a time. A large unit normally crosses its elements one at a time. As each element crosses, it moves to an overwatch position or to the far-side rally point. The near-side security element then crosses and resumes its place in the formation as the unit continues its mission.

Crossing Techniques

Open Areas. When crossing an open area, stay concealed and observe carefully from the near side. Post security to give early warning, and send an element across to clear the far side. When cleared, quickly cross the rest of the unit at the shortest exposed distance.

To cross large open areas, use a combination of traveling overwatch and bounding overwatch. Bounding overwatch is used at any point in the open area where enemy contact may be expected or when the element comes within small-arms range (250 meters) of the far side.

Small open areas may be bypassed by either using the detour bypass method or contouring around the open area. In the detour bypass method, the force moves around the open area using 90-degree turns to the right or left until the far side is reached. To contour around the open area, the unit uses the wood line and vegetation for cover and concealment until it reaches the far-side rally point.

Roads and Trails. Cross a road or trail at or near a bend, at a narrow spot, or on low ground to reduce enemy observation and minimize the unit’s exposure.

Villages. Pass on the downwind side and well away from a village. Avoid animals, especially dogs, that might reveal your presence.