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“I’ll get to it.”

They crossed the street, and Vanessa stopped in front of Bling. She hadn’t noticed last night, but one of the side windows must have been cracked, because it was boarded up on the outside. Through the front window she could see the mess. There was yellow crime-scene tape wrapped around the entire building, and she noticed several passersby stop to speculate. She wrapped her arms around herself and willed herself not to cry.

“Maybe they’ll let you go in soon and clean up,” Grady said. “Maybe Hal can speed that up for you.”

“He said tomorrow I could go in. I asked him this morning. After the shock of seeing him walk in with Maggie wore off.”

“That bothers you, doesn’t it? That Hal and Maggie seem to have so much to talk about?”

“How is it that you just always seem to know exactly which scab to pick at?” He’d just played on her last nerve.

She walked ahead of him and turned up Cherry Street without looking at him. He walked alongside her, his hands in the pockets of his Dockers, his dark glasses hiding his eyes.

When they got to her house, he said, “I just seem to set you off, no matter what I say. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry or get into your business, but when you throw stuff out there, you shouldn’t be surprised if I pick up on it. That’s part of the whole conversation thing. You say something, I listen and say something back to you that pertains to whatever it is that you said. Then you say something else, and voilà. A conversation.”

“I’m not used to talking about… certain things… with anyone. I don’t know why my mouth has been so free this morning. I don’t talk about my father, and I rarely talk about my mother, and as for this…” She placed a hand on her scar and shook her head. “So I don’t know what’s gotten into me. You seem to bring out the blabbermouth in me.”

“Sometimes it’s healthier to talk about things, than to not.” He smiled. “You can blabber on to me anytime you want.”

And I probably would, if you were sticking around, she thought.

“Now, here, all this time, I’d been led to believe that you were the strong, silent one. The loner. The recluse.” She snorted. “I swear I never met a man who asked as many questions or who talked about as much stuff as you do.”

“How else do you get to know someone?” Grady shrugged. “Besides, I like to talk to you. You’re not like most of the women I’ve known.”

“Yeah, well, back atcha there, pal.”

He laughed, and she found herself laughing, too.

She tugged on his hand.

“Come on in and get some cookies to take with you for your hike. I must have miscounted my batches, because I had some left over.”

“There were cookies here last night and you didn’t bother to mention it?”

“You were busy checking for intruders,” she reminded him as she unlocked the door.

His hand was on the small of her back while they walked toward the kitchen.

“Coffee or milk?” she asked.

“With cookies? Not even close.”

She opened the refrigerator and took out a carton of milk.

“Glasses are in the-” She stopped short, her attention drawn to a box wrapped in white paper and tied with red ribbon that sat in the middle of the kitchen table. “Did you put that there?”

His eyes followed her gaze to the table. “No. Maybe Hal dropped it off. Does he have a key?”

She nodded. “He does. Maybe it’s from Beck and Mia. You know, like a thank-you for being their unofficial wedding planner.”

She put her purse on the counter and unwrapped the present. When she opened the box and looked inside, she stood for a moment, staring at the contents.

“What is it?” Grady asked.

She reached into the box and held up crudely torn strips of white eyelet.

“It used to be a dress,” she told him. She dropped it back into the box. She looked up at Grady. “I think I know who broke into my shop. There was a woman in Bling the other day who came in and tried on this dress. She wasn’t sure if she wanted it or not, so I put it in the back to hold it in case she came back.”

“Get Hal on the phone,” Grady told her. “Tell him what you just told me.”

She did, and Hal arrived within minutes of her call.

She wasn’t as happy to see Maggie as she was to see Hal.

“Are you riding shotgun in the cruiser these days?” she asked her mother, who trailed into the house with Hal.

“Don’t be a smart-ass,” Maggie replied. “I have the right to worry about my daughter.”

“Don’t start with me.” Vanessa had led them into the kitchen.

Hal went straight to the box. “Ness, I’m assuming you opened this. Grady, did you touch it?”

“No. I doubt you’ll find any prints on there except Vanessa’s,” Grady told him.

“This was here when you came back from your walk?” Hal asked.

Vanessa nodded. “We came in through the front door-”

“Which I’m assuming was locked?”


“Any idea how someone could have gotten in?” Hal asked her.

“Back door,” Grady said. “The lock was picked. Expertly done, I might add.”

Grady walked through the small back entry and pointed to the door. “An amateur would have taken out the lower glass pane and turned the latch. The door was unlocked as you see it when we came in, but it wasn’t obvious until we started looking after Ness found the box.”

“So tell me again about this woman you mentioned on the phone. When she was in the shop, what she looked like, any conversations you might have had with her.” Hal took out a pad and pen.

Vanessa ran through the woman’s visit to the store.

“She said her name was Candice,” she told him as she finished up, “but that’s probably not her real name. Oh, and Steffie saw her coming out of Sips yesterday when she-Stef-was on her way to the Inn for the wedding.”

“How did Steffie know who she was?” Hal asked.

“Stef was there the other day in the shop when ‘Candice’ came in.”

“I’m going to want to stop down and have a chat with Steffie, then, see if she can add anything to what you told me.” Hal folded the notepad and tucked it into the inside pocket of his jacket.

“She might. I went into the back of the shop for a moment while Stef was there, so they might have had some conversation,” Vanessa recalled. Then, thinking about how considerate she’d been to her would-be customer, she began to steam. “You know, I felt sorry for her. She just looked so… I don’t know, unhappy or downtrodden.”

“Like she was having a bad day?” Maggie asked.

“More like she was having a bad life. I offered to hold the dress for her-and I did, it was still on the hold rack in my office yesterday. And I even offered to give her a nice discount on the price because I felt sorry for her.”

“Why?” Grady stuck his hands in his pants pockets and leaned against the wall.

“Because the dress was a little on the pricey side, and I thought it might make it easier to make the sale.” Vanessa stared at Grady for a moment, then added, “Oh, all right, it was because she wasn’t dressed well and she looked like someone who didn’t have a lot of nice things and she said the dress had looked nice on her when she tried it on. She sort of lit up a little when she brought it back out of the dressing room. I wanted her to have it, okay?”

“Let’s assume for a minute that she was the person who broke into your shop last night,” Grady offered. “If she liked the dress all that much, why wouldn’t she have just taken it with her? Why destroy something she really wanted?”

“That’s the odd part, that she’d take the dress only to rip it to shreds. Why would someone break in, take the dress, destroy it, and then wrap it up and give it back to me? She’d have to know that I’d make the association to her right away.”

“No woman in her right mind would do that,” Maggie thought aloud. “That’d be like painting a big sign on her back: ‘I Did It.’”

“Well, she may have been involved, but I don’t think she was behind it,” Grady said. “I don’t think she was the person who broke into the shop and beat up on the car.”