Also, while it’s true that my mother has given up more of her personal ambitions in marriage than my father ever did, she demands far more out of marriage than he ever will. He is far more accepting of her than she is of him. (”She’s the best Carole she can be,” he often says, while one gets the feeling that my mother believes her husband could be-maybe even should be-a much better man.) She commands him at every turn. She’s subtle and graceful enough in her methods of control that you don’t always realize that she’s doing it, but trust me: Mom is always steering the boat.
She comes by this trait honestly. All the women in her family do this. They take over every single aspect of their husbands’ lives and then, as my father loves to point out, they absolutely refuse to ever die. No man can outlive an Olson bride. This is simple biological fact. I’m not exaggerating: It has never happened, not in anyone’s memory. And no man can escape being completely controlled by an Olson wife. (”I’m warning you,” my dad told Felipe at the beginning of our relationship, “if you’re going to have any kind of life with Liz, you’ve got to define your space right now, and then defend it forever.”) My father once joked-not really joking-that my mother manages about 95 percent of his life. The wonder of it, he mused, is that she’s much more upset about the 5 percent of his life that he won’t relinquish than he is about the 95 percent that she utterly dominates.
Robert Frost wrote that “a man must partly give up being a man” in order to enter into marriage-and I cannot fairly deny this point when it comes to my family. I have written many pages already describing marriage as a repressive tool used against women, but it’s important to remember that marriage is often used as a repressive tool against men, too. Marriage is a harness of civilization, linking a man to a set of obligations and thereby containing his restless energies. Traditional societies have long recognized that nothing is more useless to a community than a whole bunch of single, childless young men (aside from their admittedly useful role as cannon fodder, of course). For the most part, single young men have a global reputation for squandering their money on whores and drinking and games and laziness: They contribute nothing. You need to contain such beasts, to bind them into accountability-or so the argument has always gone. You need to convince these young men to put aside their childish things and take up the mantle of adult-hood, to build homes and businesses and to cultivate an interest in their surroundings. It’s an ancient truism across countless different cultures that there is no better accountability-forging tool for an irresponsible young man than a good, solid wife.
This certainly was the case with my parents. “She whipped me into shape,” is my dad’s summation of the love story. Mostly he’s okay with this, though sometimes-say, in the middle of a family gathering, surrounded by his powerful wife and his equally powerful daughters-my father resembles nothing more than a puzzled old circus bear who cannot seem to figure out how he came to be quite so domesticated, or how he came to be perched quite so high up on this strange unicycle. He reminds me in such moments of Zorba the Greek, who replied when asked if he had ever married, “Am I not a man? Of course I’ve been married. Wife, house, kids, the full catastrophe!” (Zorba’s melodramatic angst, by the way, reminds me of the curious fact that, within the Greek Orthodox Church, marriage is regarded not so much as a sacrament, but as a holy martyrdom-the understanding being that successful long-term human partnership requires a certain Death of the Self to those who participate.)
My parents have each certainly felt that restriction, that small sense of self-death, in their own marriage. I know this to be true. But I’m not sure they’ve always minded having each other in the way either. When I once asked my father what kind of creature he would like to be in his next life, should there be a next life, he replied without hesitation, “A horse.”
“What kind of horse?” I asked, imagining him as a stallion galloping wildly across the open plains.
“A nice horse,” he said.
I duly adjusted the picture in my mind. Now I imagined a friendly stallion galloping wildly across the plains.
“What kind of nice horse?” I probed.
“A gelding,” he pronounced.
A castrated horse! That was unexpected. The picture in my mind changed completely. Now I envisioned my father as a gentle dray horse, docilely pulling a cart driven by my mother.
“Why a gelding?” I asked.
“I’ve found that life is just easier that way,” he replied. “Trust me.”
And so life has been easier for him. In exchange for the almost castrating constraints that marriage has clamped on my father’s personal freedoms, he has received stability, prosperity, encouragement in his labors, clean and mended shirts that appear as if by magic in his dresser drawers, a reliable meal at the end of a good day’s work. In return, he has worked for my mother, he has been faithful to her, and he submits to her will a solid 95 percent of the time-elbowing her away only when she comes a little bit too close to achieving total world domination. The terms of this contract must be acceptable to both of them because-as my mother reminded me when I phoned her from Laos-their marriage now endures into its fifth decade.
The terms of my parents’ marriage are probably not for me, of course. Whereas my grandmother was a traditional farmwife and my mother was a feminist cusper, I grew up with completely new ideas about the institutions of marriage and family. The relationship I’m likely to build with Felipe is something my sister and I have termed “Wifeless Marriage”-which is to say that nobody in our household will play (or play exclusively) the traditional role of the wife. The more thankless chores that have always fallen on women’s shoulders will be balanced out more evenly. And since there will be no babies, you could also call it “Motherless Marriage” I suppose-a model of marriage that my grandmother and mother obviously never experienced. Similarly, the responsibility of breadwinning will not fall entirely on Felipe’s shoulders, as it fell to my father and grandfather; indeed, the bulk of the household earnings will probably always be mine. Perhaps in that regard, then, we will have something like a “Husbandless Marriage” as well. Wifeless, childless, husbandless marriages… there haven’t been a whole lot of those unions in history, so we don’t really have a template to work with here. Felipe and I will have to make up the rules and boundaries of our story as we go along.
I don’t know, though. Maybe everyone has to make up the rules and boundaries of their story as they go along.
Anyway, when I asked my mother that night on the phone from Laos whether she has been happy in her marriage over the years, she assured me that she’d had a really nice time of it with my father, far more often than not. When I asked her what the happiest period of her life had been, she replied: “Right now. Living with your dad, healthy, financially stable, free. Your father and I pass our days doing our own thing and then we meet at the dinner table together every night. Even after all these years, we still sit there for hours talking and laughing. It’s really lovely.”
“That’s wonderful,” I said.
There was a pause.
“Can I say something that I hope doesn’t offend you?” she ventured.
“Go for it.”
“To be perfectly honest, the best part of my life began as soon as you kids grew up and left the house.”
I started laughing (Gee-thanks, Mom!) but she spoke over my laughter with urgency. “I’m serious, Liz. There’s something you have to understand about me: I’ve been raising children my entire life. I grew up in a big family, and I always had to take care of Rod and Terry and Luana when they were little. How many times did I get up in the middle of the night when I was ten years old to clean up somebody who had wet the bed? That was my whole childhood. I never had time for myself. Then, when I was a teenager, I took care of my older brother’s kids, always trying to figure out how to do my homework while I was babysitting. Then I had my own family to raise, and I had to give so much of myself over to that. When you and your sister finally left for college, that was the first moment in my life I hadn’t been responsible for any children. I loved it. I can’t tell you how much I love it. Having your father to myself, having my own time to myself-it’s been revolutionary for me. I’ve never been happier.”