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The Communist sections in the various countries are ordered to prepare and to carry through the Bolshevist revolution. They are supplied with abundant funds, unequaled anywhere else, to carry on this ingenious propaganda for which Moscow has laid out the model. This propaganda has only one object and purpose. It aims at deceiving the other nations as to the true nature of Bolshevism and either to prevent the leaking out of facts from Soviet Russia or to falsify them, so that they lose their value as reliable news. The reason for such a policy is that the Soviet Union cannot allow the truth about its domestic conditions to be known, particularly not in Western Europe, with its more civilised and intelligent citizens. The poison of the Bolshevist theory may be alluring and enticing, but Bolshevism in practice is terrible and horrific. Its way is marked by mountains of skeletons. An ocean of blood and tears floods that unhappy tract. Human life has lost all value. Terrorism, murder, bestiality—these are the traits that characterize every Bolshevist revolution, whether it be successful, as in Russia, or fail and be suppressed, as in Hungary, Bavaria, the Ruhr district and Berlin, or still fighting for power as is the case in Spain today.

When Bolshevism has gained control it stops worrying about contradictions between theory and practice: carbines and machine guns then hold the field. But anywhere else, outside of its home territory, it uses its ingeniously devised propaganda machinery to deceive the world as to its own true nature. Bourgeois people in Europe have not the slightest knowledge of how these facts are proceeding. They try to avoid a decision by mouthing the same phrase over and over again, namely, that nobody is allowed to interfere in the domestic affairs of a foreign country. But what is a reality now in Russia, what is fought for and against in Spain and what is fatally preparing its way in other European States—that is a matter of concern for the whole world. It is no longer a problem that can be dealt with by those who theorise about the various outlooks on life (Weltanschauungstheoretiker); it is rather a matter of grave concern for statesmen all over the world. They will have to tackle this problem unless they wish to become responsible for the future development which—because of their negligence—will push Europe into the most severe crisis and eventually into ruin. The problem of Bolshevism as it faces Europe today is a question of to be or not to be. Here and now the souls of men are ranged on the one side or the other. A definite side will have to be taken either against or in favour of Bolshevism and all consequences resulting therefrom will have to be accepted.

Another problem must be settled: the problem of the role which Jewry plays in relation to Bolshevism. Only in Germany can it be openly discussed, since it would be dangerous in any other country—as was also the case in Germany not so many years ago—even to mention Jewry by name. There can be no doubt that Jew s are the founders of Bolshevism and that it is they who represent it. The old leading class in Russia has been so completely eliminated that no other leadership group was left but the Jews. Every conflict within Bolshevism is therefore more or less a family conflict among Jews. The recent executions in Moscow, i.e. the shooting of Jews by Jews, can only be understood on motives of thirst for power and determination to destroy all opponents. The belief that Jews are always at perfect harmony with one another is a widespread error. They live in unity only when they form a minority that is kept in control and menaced by a large national majority. In present-day Russia this is not the case anymore. If Jews have attained power—as they exclusively have done in Russia—the old Jewish rivalries begin again, which had been kept in abeyance by the danger threatening their race.

The idea underlying Bolshevism, i.e. the idea of unscrupulous disintegration and destruction of decency and culture for the diabolic purpose of destroying the nations could have been born only in the Jewish brain, just as Bolshevic practice, with all its horrifying cruelty, is only possible when manipulated by the Jews. In accordance with their nature these Jews do not show their faces in the open. They work underground and, in Western Europe they try to deny that they have anything to do with Bolshevism. That is the way they have always behaved and will behave in the future.

But we have found them out and, what is more, we are the only people in the world who have the courage to call the attention of mankind to these capital criminals. We are not afraid of any consequences and call them by their right name. There was a time in Germany when anyone who called a Jew a Jew was sent to prison. But in spite of that we dared to do it. Even today the world very often objects, with noble restraint or even with well-staged moral disapproval, when Jews are called Jews or Bolshevists are called capital criminals. But we are convinced that we shall eventually succeed in opening the eyes of the world so as to make them see the true face of Jewry and Bolshevism just as well as we succeeded in convincing Germany of the perilous, parasitic character of that race. In the meantime we shall not tire of pointing to this fatal danger and appealing to the attention of all the people who are undergoing terrible crises and upheavals, proclaiming: “The Jews are to blame! The Jews are to blame!”

This charge will be like a lash in the faces of the Jews, distorted as they are by hate. It won’t help them either if they try to adopt the camouflage of democratic forms. That method is just a bit too ingenious to impress intelligent people. It is only a ruse to catch the intellectual philistines. They welcome this slogan because it enables them to fight shy of a decision. This so-called Bolshevist Democracy which some French and English papers have suggested as the prototype and counterpart of the so-called National Socialist Dictatorship, is engulfed in terror, blood and murder. Every few years the Bolshevist despots proclaim this moth-eaten slogan whenever they feel the necessity of recommending themselves to Europe after a period of brutal terrorism. Then suddenly canards are let loose by the Communist propaganda bureaus, empty promises that a new constitution will be introduced, that the universal ballot etc. will be granted to Russia. But all these promises are falsehoods, speculating upon the short memories and proverbial mental inertness of narrowminded philistines. In reality Bolshevism is the crassest rule of blood and terror that the world has ever experienced. The Jews have planned it in order to make it impossible for power to be taken out of their hands, and it is Jews who are exercising it. We National Socialists, to justify and consolidate our national power honourably, have appealed to the country again and again, almost year after year, through general elections in which the laws of the secret ballot are observed. Bolshevism talks of People and the Country of Workers and Peasants; but on its face is imprinted the word Force.