Blackstone took it eagerly. ‘I’ll do what I can,’ he said.
‘I knew you would,’ said Losev.
There seemed to be a lull in the war. Charlie guessed that generals and brigadiers who fought real wars would have a technical phrase for it, like regrouping or retrenchment or reallocation of forces. Harkness was probably doing all of those things and working to invent more. But in the immediate days following the confrontation there was a respite, although Charlie was careful not to provide the acting chief with any excuse, no matter how inconsequential. He arrived at Westminster Bridge Road promptly on time and only took a measured hour for lunch and never left early. He was polite to Witherspoon, who returned soft-footed to his office the afternoon of Charlie’s encounter with Harkness, and Witherspoon was polite back although Charlie got the impression of the man distancing himself, which was fine with Charlie who was fed up with the prick breathing constantly down his neck anyway. He made plans with Laura.
Charlie disposed of the atrophied flower and its milk bottle and paced himself to get through the huge backlog of official documentation and official publications and official and unofficial papers. He dealt first with the direct communications, putting his initials on forms and instructions that needed signed proof of his having read them. He responded with his own memoranda when required, reckoning the Brazilian rain forests were being destroyed sokly to provide the paper necessary for Harkness’ bureaucracy.
Charlie left the publications until last, although the daily inflow of newsprint meant the pile was constantly increasing, threatening to keep ahead of his physical ability to read them before a fresh batch arrived. He tried to devise a system to clear it and win. He read initially everything printed in English and then, because it made the job easier, studied the analysts’ translations and interpretations of the foreign material that was his responsibility before moving to the originals themselves.
So it was a long time after that first and those subsequently planted references in the Soviet media to Natalia Nikandrova Fedova before Charlie finally came upon them.
His recognition was instant although disbelieving and because the first reaction was disbelief he wanted to make sure and that only took seconds anyway, because that first reference, in a weeks-old edition of Pravda, clearly identified Natalia by name, as a delegate member on a visit to Australia. Charlie sat gazing at the photograph, wishing it were better. Natalia did not appear to have changed much: hardly at all, in fact. The picture showed her in civilian clothes, a businesslike, high-buttoned suit, and she was unsmiling in the official surroundings, hedged in by other stern-faced Russians. Her hair seemed shorter, though: when they had been together in Moscow Natalia had mostly worn it long, strained back and in a bun when she was working, loose and lustrously black when they were alone, more at her apartment in Mytninskaya than at his.
Charlie waited for a feeling, the sort of emotion he supposed he should experience, but there was nothing very much, not yet. Maybe there would be some reaction later. At the moment there was too much in the way, too many questions.
Charlie sectioned the newspaper and used its dating to scour every other Russian-language publication, a week either side. That produced a large photograph in Izvestia with a longer caption, identifying Natalia for the first time as a translator. There was a subsequent story, again with a photograph, upon the delegation’s return and although there were cross-checks he wanted to make at once, Charlie forced himself first to work to a pattern/and go completely through the backlog, unaware and uncaring of time. Which was how he located three more photographs and five further written accounts of Natalia’s movements, through Canada and Washington. Satisfied at last that he had located every report in the publications for which he was responsible for monitoring, Charlie extended the search. Records maintained a Back Reference service of printed material. From it Charlie withdrew everything put out by Tass, the Soviet news agency, together with their entire picture issue, around the dates that corresponded with Natalia’s overseas visits. He extended the inquiry, to include Australian, Canadian and American publications for the same period and found additional coverage and two more photographs for the dossier he began to collate.
By the time Charlie finally cleared his desk that dossier, which was personal, without any official classification or restriction and which therefore he carried back and forth from the Vauxhall apartment, was quite bulky although there was considerable repetition, which he weeded out.
So what, in total, did he have? Personal impressions first. Three of the Tass photographs were originals, not blurred newsprint reproductions. So he was able to be very sure that Natalia had not changed at all apart from wearing her hair much shorter, which he liked. He didn’t recognize anything she wore but then it had been a long time since they’d been together, nearly two years, so it was natural she would have bought new clothes. And there would be an expectation – and a financial would be an expectation – and a financial allowance to fulfil it – that she dress well as a representative of her government on overseas missions.
Which took him beyond personal reflections. What the hell was Natalia doing, flying around the world described as a translator? She was an exhaustively trained, highly qualified, very expert KGB debriefer: so highly trained and expert that in the end it had been Natalia who realized his flight from British imprisonment to the Soviet Union wasn’t genuine but a complicated London espionage operation. But by which time, thank God, she’d felt more for him than about whatever it was he was doing. Dzerzhinsky Square didn’t shift specialized people like Natalia around: no intelligence service did. So why? And not just reassigned to one department: Foreign Ministry in Australia, Trade Ministry in Canada and the United States. Something else that didn’t make sense. Unanswerable, insoluble question after unanswerable, insoluble question. Which prompted another: Would he ever be able to find the answers?
A feeling came at last, an excitement of anticipation, but Charlie curbed it, refusing to fantasize, aware of an oversight and annoyed by it because keeping her safe was important and he didn’t know if she still were. Charlie hadn’t identified Natalia during his debriefing after the Moscow episode. If he had done, her name would have gone on to the general register and been shared with the CIA and maybe other Western intelligence agencies and exposed her to Christ knows how many hostile operations. She’d covered for him, in Russia. So he’d covered for her, back in the West. And for the same reason. And for that same reason he had to continue to make sure Natalia was still clean.
Charlie returned to the analysts’ reports that had accompanied what he had already studied, smiling that no ‘KGB Known’ tab had been set against Natalia’s name; there was a comment upon the trade visit confirming continuing Soviet grain shortages, but that was all. It wasn’t, however, absolute proof that Natalia had escaped positive identification because there were always other, separate analyses. Charlie had accessed computer records shortly after his repatriation, determined to protect her, so he only had to go back over the two immediate preceding years to discover if her name had been added to the register. Which he did. It hadn’t.
Still safe, thought Charlie, back in his chickencoop office. And how she’d stay. The publicationmonitoring was designed precisely to achieve the sort of identification that Charlie had made: to add names to lists, Harkness’ idea of intelligencegathering. Fuck Harkness, Charlie decided, that most frequent of conclusions. He had not identified Natalia before and he was buggered if he would now.