Rayburn cleared his throat. "You must have gotten an early start this morning. What time did you leave?"
"Around seven." His gaze shifted between them. "Gentlemen, I'm weary and would like retire, so perhaps you could get to the point of this visit. Is it regarding Tolliver? Or Lady Crawford's murder?"
"Now why would you think we're here about Lady Crawford's murder?" Mayne asked sharply.
"I can only assume you're here about one or the other, as I can't see that we have anything else to discuss."
"I'm afraid we do," Rayburn said, his deep voice serious. "Tell me, Lord Surbrooke, what time did you depart Lord Exbury's party last evening?"
"I'm not exactly certain, but I'd guess around one A.M."
"Did you come straight home?"
"Did you remain at home?"
He hesitated for single beat, during which he shoved his conscience aside. "Yes." He had. For about twenty minutes before leaving to go to Carolyn.
Mayne's eyes narrowed with clear distrust. "Rayburn and I observed you talking to Lady Margate at the Exbury soiree last evening."
Daniel thought for several seconds then nodded. "We exchanged a few pleasantries."
"What is your relationship with her?"
"We are friends."
"We've heard from several sources that as recently as last year you were more."
"It's no secret that Gwendolyn and I had a brief affair."
"Did you give her any jewelry, as you had Lady Crawford?" asked Rayburn.
"Yes. A bracelet."
Daniel nodded. "As a matter of fact she was wearing it last evening." A fissure of unease snaked down his spine. "Why do you ask?"
"Because, Lord Surbrooke," said Rayburn, "Lady Margate was found dead early this morning, in the mews behind Lord Exbury's town house. She was bludgeoned to death-the same method as your other previous lover, Lady Crawford. And you, my lord, are the one common link between the two murders."
Chapter Twenty
A woman should never be afraid to take the initiative in lovemaking. I never had a lover complain that I was too forward or wanton, but plenty of them complained about their wives who did little more than lay immobile beneath them and cringe. Which is, of course, why those gentlemen sought me out in the first place.
Memoirs of a Mistress by An Anonymous Lady
Daniel stared at the two men and forced his outward demeanor to remain calm-a marked contrast to his inner turmoil. He could barely comprehend that Gwendolyn was dead, let alone that Mayne and Rayburn suspected him of murder. They'd been suspicious after Blythe's death, Mayne especially, though he hadn't been overly concerned. But now…
He lifted his brows. "You really believe me capable of committing such crimes?"
"Given the right provocation, any man is capable of murder, my lord," Mayne said, his dark eyes never shifting from Daniel's face.
"Yourself included?" Daniel asked, his own gaze not wavering.
"Any man," Mayne reiterated.
"And what could possibly motivate me to kill two women, both of whom I was fond?"
"Perhaps you weren't as fond of them as you'd like us to believe," Mayne stated.
"You'd have a great deal of trouble proving that, especially as it isn't true. While the evidence seems to point to me-"
"There's no 'seems to' about it," Mayne broke in. "It does point to you. Only you."
"Very conveniently so," Daniel said. "Too conveniently. Surely it's occurred to you that someone is trying to make me look like the guilty party."
"That's what you said about Tolliver," Rayburn said. "He couldn't have murdered Lady Margate, as he's in custody."
"But he certainly could have killed Lady Crawford," Daniel said, striving to keep his annoyance in check. "And shot at me. Unless you think I shot at myself. Perhaps Tolliver arranged for someone else to kill Lady Margate in the same way as Lady Crawford. The man threatened me, wanted revenge on me. What better way than to see me ruined and hanged for murder?"
Rayburn frowned. "Then why try to shoot you?"
"Impatience perhaps?" Daniel suggested. "I've no idea the workings of a madman's mind."
"Who stands to inherit your title and properties should you die?" Mayne asked.
Daniel hesitated at the abrupt question, then said, "My younger half brother, Stuart. And after him, his younger brother, George."
"Half brothers?" said Rayburn.
"My father remarried after my mother's death."
"And how is your relationship with them?"
"Strained," Daniel admitted. "However, neither could be responsible, as they're on the continent. Have been for the past several months."
"And your stepmother?"
"Is with them."
"Inheriting an earldom is certainly motive," Mayne pointed out. "Any one of them could have traveled back to England."
"Very unlikely," Daniel said. "Their last letter to me arrived only a few days ago from Austria. They were having a delightful time and planned to journey to Italy from there."
"Sounds like a friendly letter considering your strained relationship," remarked Rayburn.
"They're always friendly when asking me for money," Daniel said dryly. "While both they and my stepmother are greedy and shallow, they're not murderers."
"Any other enemies?" Rayburn asked.
"None that I'm aware of, but it seems quite clear I have one. I trust you'll keep trying to discover his identity. As will I." Daniel rose. "If there's nothing else…" he said, glancing pointedly at the door.
Rayburn and Mayne departed, although it was obvious to Daniel that Mayne wanted nothing more than to confine him in shackles and drag him off to the hangman's noose. He guessed Mayne suspected he'd bent the truth about leaving the house last night, and that didn't bode well. The Runner clearly thought him guilty. Which meant that Mayne would be spending his time looking for evidence against him rather than searching for the real killer.
Bloody hell.
A disturbing thought tickled the back of his mind, and with a frown, he paced before the hearth. It was glaringly clear that someone was trying to frame him for murder. But who? And why? Both victims were previous lovers. His frown deepened. Actually, they were two of his most recent lovers. The only women he'd been with since Blythe and Gwendolyn were Kimberly and-
He halted as if he'd walked into a wall. Was his enemy specifically targeting his former lovers? It seemed so-and what better way to cast suspicion on him? In which case, both Kimberly and Carolyn could be in danger. The thought of Kimberly in danger angered and concerned him. But the thought Carolyn in danger-
He felt as if his heart stopped beating. The thought of Carolyn in danger chilled him to the bone. Did his enemy know of his relationship with Carolyn? And then another thought hit him-one that froze his blood.
What if that shot the night before last wasn't meant for him but for Carolyn?
For several seconds his lungs ceased to function. He had no proof, but the churning in his gut told him he was right. Perhaps his earlier lovers might be in danger, but based on the pattern of the last two crimes, Kimberly and Carolyn were the next logical victims. He ran into the foyer and quickly told Samuel and Barkley about his conversation with Rayburn and Mayne.
"Wot bloody idiots, thinkin' ye could hurt those ladies," Samuel said, his eyes flashing.
"I agree, but that's not what's important right now. I need to warn Lady Walsh and Lady Wingate they might be in danger due to their… connection with me. Samuel, I want you to locate Rayburn and Mayne and tell them what I've told you. I don't know where they were going, but they'll eventually end up back at the Bow Street office."
"Yes, milord."
They left together, heading in opposite directions. When Daniel arrived at Carolyn's town house, Nelson said, "Lady Wingate is not at home."
Sick fear gripped Daniel. "Where is she?"