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He moved her away to see her face. “Are you asking me? I don’t think that has happened before.”

She leaned back into his chest. “I want to help you relax before this big meeting.” She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek and neck as her hands unfastened his belt and slacks. She pulled his hand and led him to the bed, and he sat. Claire knelt in front of him, and his hands held her face as she moved toward him.

The entire night, Claire was in control. She did what she wanted, what she believed would help him. Her pace was slow and more thorough. Tony tended to move fast, rough, and hard. Claire moved steadily, softly, and completely. He’d told her exactly what he wanted and how he wanted it for over three months. She knew what he liked. The most surprising part to Claire was that he allowed it. He would sometimes grab her and push, deeper and harder. Then he would allow Claire to take over again.

Lying together in Claire’s bed, Tony surprised her again. “Thank you.” He rolled to face her. “Thank you for giving yourself. You keep me totally amazed.”

They were both almost a sleep when Tony announced, “You are coming with me to New York tomorrow. You can use that new credit card again while I have my meetings. And after tonight, I may need more of this, depending on how the meetings go.” Claire had a million questions, but stayed silent while Tony continued, “No, I will need more of this no matter how the meetings go.” They fell asleep.

By seven in the morning, they boarded Tony’s private jet. Catherine woke Claire about five. Since she and Tony fell asleep after midnight, five came very early. Tony was no longer in her suite. She showered as Catherine packed her luggage. There would’ve been a time when Claire would’ve been horrified to have someone else pack her belongings for a trip, but today it reassured her. Catherine seemed to know exactly what Claire needed and when she needed it. Allowing Catherine to take care of her needs had become second nature.

Claire’s light yellow slacks and a flowing white blouse were laid out. She obediently put them on. Her luggage was packed. She had a new Prada purse containing her wallet, ID, and credit card, as well as cosmetics, tissues, and other needed items. Carlos came to her suite to take her belongings down to the waiting car.

Before they left Claire’s suite Catherine informed her that she would be staying with Mr. Rawlings at his Manhattan apartment. And although she may be tired this morning, do not let it show, she must maintain appearances. Mr. Rawlings would be off to his work as soon as they arrived in the city, she would then be able to rest at the apartment. Claire nodded her understanding.

While Eric drove them to the local private airport, Tony spoke more directly and less compassionately than the night before. “You will be at my apartment while I am working today. Eric will drive you there after he takes my associates and me to our meeting.” Claire smiled and said that was fine. She didn’t have a choice. She knew that, and so did he. “Upon reaching the airport, we will be met by Brent Simmons, the head of my legal team; Sharon Michaels, his associate; and David Field, one of my lead negotiators. They will join us on the flight to New York. I will introduce you. Brent is already aware of you. Once we board my jet, you will sit away from us while we begin our preparations.”

Claire said she understood. “Tony, I don’t want to get in the way. I am here because you want me to be.”

“Yes.” He was looking at his iPhone, which had just buzzed. “That is true. It is my choice, and I do want you here. I believe your presence will benefit me.” He became engrossed in his texting.

Benefit him? Why couldn’t he just say “I want you here”? Her stomach was tied in knots as she wondered what Brent Simmons knew about her. Did he know what she did? Does he think she is a companion or an employee or worse? As they rode in the backseat of the Mercedes Benz, Claire decided this was time for a mask. Finding it through all the apprehension that surged through her mind was difficult, but she did and put it on.

She didn’t know what to expect from a private jet. It seemed smaller on the outside than she anticipated. Once they climbed the steps, she was pleasantly surprised by the spacious interior. To her left was the door to the cockpit and to her right was an open space with a table and four chairs. Beyond was a sofa along one wall facing three reclining chairs along the other. Everything was secured and contained seat belts like you would expect on a plane. The chairs and some of the walls were luxuriously covered with white leather and accented with woodlike trim. There was additional space behind the far wall. Claire guessed that it contained a bathroom, maybe more.

Tony introduced Claire to his associates and motioned for her to take a seat on the sofa near the wall. Everyone was polite and friendly. She went to the sofa as she was told. Tony, Mr. Simmons, Ms. Michaels, and Mr. Fields sat around the oval table. Eric joined them on the plane after loading their luggage into a compartment below. Surprisingly he sat in the copilot’s seat. His talents suddenly impressed her. He obviously is the world’s most versatile chauffeur.

Claire watched and listened as Tony and the others discussed the impending deal. She honestly didn’t care about the deal other than its impact on Tony. She liked to watch him work, his expertise, his intelligence, and his control. He respected the knowledge and wisdom of his associates, asked them questions, and listened intently to their responses and opinions. With that said, Claire knew that when the time came for decisions, the only opinion that mattered would be his.

After they were in the air and the discussion at the table became mundane, Claire thought about napping and remembered Catherine’s advice. To stay awake she looked in her purse, another treasure hunt. First she opened her wallet. Staring back at her was her picture from her Georgia driver’s license. She read the identification card and saw her Atlanta address. Compartmentalize. Her picture didn’t look like her. The picture was taken two years earlier and her face had changed, slimmed, tanned, and just changed. Her height, five four, was the same; her weight, one hundred and twenty-five, was closer to actual. That hadn’t been the case four months ago. The listed weight had been accurate when she was sixteen and like with everyone else it had inched up through the years. However, now it seemed accurate if not erroneously high. Next Claire spotted the American Express platinum card with Claire Nichols embossed on the front.

When Tony first gave Claire the card she didn’t want to use it. She thanked him for the confidence and faith and tried to explain that there was nothing she needed. She had all the clothes she could possibly wear. She actually had many she’d never worn. Food came to her three times a day and she had a roof over her head. She had no interest in jewelry, having her grandmother’s necklace was all she wanted. She loved to read, but so far the library contained more than she could hope to read.

Tony wouldn’t accept any of her excuses. He told her to ask him when she wanted to go shopping. She didn’t ask. After a week he apparently gave up. One evening, over dinner, he proclaimed, “Eric is taking you into Davenport tomorrow to shop.” Claire remembered suddenly feeling ill. She didn’t speak at first and only stared, “Claire, did you hear me?” He knew she did, he wanted verbal confirmation.

“Yes, Tony, I heard you. I thought we discussed this and decided I had no pressing need for anything.”

“I am pretty sure we discussed it and I have said you are going tomorrow.”

“But don’t you need Eric tomorrow?”

His eyes darkened as his tone slowed, “Are you arguing? You were a confident woman when I met you. You have learned your lessons well. You need to get out in the world. And for the record, this conversation is now over. Unless you feel it would be beneficial to argue?”

Claire wanted to complain and explain that she worried about the Charles Jacksons of the world. But she’d made that mistake before. She swallowed. “What time does Eric need me to be ready?”

The trip to Davenport was unnerving. Eric picked Claire up in a black BMW. She sat in the backseat and felt awkward without Tony. Driving away from the house she told herself he was right. She had been a confident woman, and besides, one day she would be leaving here. She also knew the truth. This was a test to determine if she could be trusted out by herself. And she learned from earlier glitches the best way to pass a test is to avoid it. Tony made it clear: avoiding this was not an option.