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Tony then surprised Claire again. “Well, Emily, Claire has a reservation tomorrow at a bridal boutique in Manhattan. I am sure she would love to have you join her to look at wedding dresses.”

Claire tried not to stare at him. She looked to Emily. “Yes, I would love to have you join me if the two of you don’t have plans.”

Emily looked at John. “Of course, I would like to help you.”

“Emily, I would also like you to be my matron-of-honor. Would you please stand with me at our wedding?”

“You want me? Of course, I will.” Emily sounded cautiously enthusiastic. “But did you say the wedding will be the eighteenth of December?”

“Yes, it will be. That is all the more reason to find some dresses soon.” Claire smiled at her sister. “Hopefully they will have some bright pink puffy bridesmaid’s dresses.” Emily laughed.

From her peripheral vision Claire could see Tony’s fleeting expression of disbelief. She turned to her fiancée and smiled. “Tony, it is a long-standing joke. Emily made me wear a green dress at her wedding. Since pink is my favorite color, I have long threatened to have her wear the puffiest bubblegum pink dress I could find when I married.” He exhaled and smiled, relieved she wasn’t serious.

Once they finished eating Tony invited John to the living room for the four o’clock football game. He asked the ladies if they would like to join them, but Emily said she would rather catch up with her sister. Tony kissed Claire before leaving the room. It appeared very sweet, but Claire saw the warning in his eyes.

Jan poured the ladies coffee and cleared the table. Claire and Emily sat at the table, drank coffee, and tried to catch up. Once they were alone Claire knew the conversation would be more difficult to dodge. Emily was full of questions. How was her little sister, a meteorologist in Atlanta, suddenly engaged to one of the wealthiest men in the country? How did they meet? Where has she been living? Why hasn’t she been in contact? Why is she so thin? Why is her hair blonde? Did she really like living this way, being waited on and having house staff do everything? She always liked cooking. Now she says she hasn’t cooked, why? What is Anthony like? Why were they marrying so fast? Is she pregnant? Wasn’t he much older than her? Did she love him?

Claire did her best to be evasive with some answers and more detailed with others. Above all she told Emily that she did love him. It didn’t start that way. It was strictly a working relationship. Tony could be a wonderful, kind, romantic, gentle man. She also told Emily that Tony was very private, begging her to not repeat anything about their relationship to the media or anyone else. Claire didn’t understand at first how tenacious the media could be, but the longer she had been with Tony the more apparent it became. She asked again, not for Tony but for her, please don’t share private information with others. Emily said she understood.

Emily was very happy to hear Claire sound so happy and excited about Anthony and the wedding. However, what about her weight, she was too thin. And what about meteorology? Did she plan to ever work again in her chosen field? Claire was tired of all the questions. Formulating answers made her head hurt. She wanted to hear about Emily and John.

Emily proceeded to tell her stories about John and the law firm, and about her class and teaching. She talked about some of their friends in Troy and Albany that Claire knew when she lived with them. She also talked about some friends back in Indiana. Claire laughed as they remembered stories from childhood.

The names were people Claire hadn’t thought about in some time. Her mind wandered, thinking about the guest list for the wedding. She wondered if she had anyone to invite other than Emily and John. She thought about college friends, and that reminded her of Meredith. Claire knew Meredith did not intend for her sneak interview to produce such drastic consequences, but nonetheless it had. Perhaps college friends were better not invited.

They joined the men when they thought the game was nearing its end. However, it was far from over, it was getting interesting. Both men seemed to be cheering for the Saints. Claire wondered how John and Tony would get along. They were both incredibly strong willed. Tony was not accustomed to being anything less than the alpha male. John seemed to respect Tony; after all, he was Anthony Rawlings.

Claire loved and respected John. Ever since the death of her father and her grandfather, John was the man of their family, an omnipresent influential part of her life. Now seeing him there next to Tony, she reconsidered her assessment. Tony dominated in structure, probably four inches taller, and in demeanor more self-assured. They both shouted at the screen as the Saints regained the lead with less than two minutes to go. Then the room fell silent when it appeared the game would be tied with a field goal. The Dallas kicker missed the field goal, wide left, and the men simultaneously stood and cheered. Seeing these two men united in a common goal, Claire felt her chest swell with delight.

After the game they sat in front of a warm fire and enjoyed the lovely view of the city and delicious dessert. As Claire sipped coffee, forgoing dessert, Emily told Tony all about the pies Claire used to make. She explained what a great cook and baker Claire was. Tony seemed very interested in this new information.

They discussed the plans for the next day. Tony needed to work, and John graciously agreed to stay at the hotel and do some work also. Eric, their chauffeur, would bring Claire to their hotel and pick Emily up for the bridal boutique. Emily offered to take a taxi, it was no problem, but Claire and Tony insisted. It was settled. Claire would be at the Hyatt Regency at nine in the morning to pick her up. Their appointment was for ten.

Tony then asked if he and Claire could join them for dinner Friday night. They planned to go back to Iowa on Saturday morning. Claire now understood why Tony had been so vague about their travel plans. John and Emily agreed.

Before they left, Emily hugged Claire like she didn’t want to let go. “I have missed you so much. We’re all we have left. Let’s not stay out of touch again.” Her green eyes shone with sincerity. Claire’s began to tear. She wanted to say so much, but knew she was supposed to be elusive.

Before she could speak, Tony injected, “Emily, we have a wedding in three weeks. I bet you will be tired of hearing from Claire after that!” He laughed. They all laughed. Tony offered them Eric for the ride back to their hotel. John politely declined.

After Jan retrieved their coats, John and Emily left. When the door shut, Claire turned to Tony. “Thank you! Thank you so much. This was absolutely the best Thanksgiving ever. I can’t believe you surprised me like this.”

He smiled but she saw the message in his eyes. “Your sister is extremely inquisitive.” Claire agreed. She said her head hurt from working so diligently on answers. Kissing her cheek, “My dear, you should take an aspirin and retire to our room. I will be up shortly. I have some pressing matters in my office that I must attend to.”

First Claire went to the kitchen to thank Jan for her hard work. She really appreciated all she did to make their Thanksgiving special. Jan seemed genuinely touched and surprised by Claire’s appreciation. While walking up the stairs, she thought about the estate and the top-notch surveillance, perhaps Tony’s work was to review some video footage of her conversation in the dining room. She told herself it would be all right, she had followed all his rules.

  A sister shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams. —Author unknown

 Chapter 26

Tony left the apartment early so Eric could drive Claire and Emily to the boutique. On her way to Emily’s hotel, she contemplated her fiancé. By the time he came to bed the night before, Claire was sleeping. She faintly remembered him kissing her, turning out the lights, and feeling relieved. Maybe he hadn’t been reviewing surveillance. Maybe he was doing actual work on Thanksgiving night? No matter, when he came to bed, he wasn’t upset. That morning, before leaving, he hugged her tight and told her to have fun with her sister choosing her wedding gown. Claire wanted to believe her life was as it appeared.