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Traffic to the hotel was crazy. Until she saw the multitude of people, she’d forgotten all about Black Friday. The department stores were inundated with hoards of shoppers. It made their destination of a private boutique all that more appealing. The associates would be totally devoted to them. None of this mad rush she witnessed from the windows of the limousine. Smiling faintly, she fondly remembered Black Friday shopping with her mom and Emily when she was young. To save $25, $50, or $100, they would wake at three in the morning and stand in multiple lines. It sounded unpleasant, but the memories were warm.

Eric approached the Hyatt Regency a few minutes before nine. Emily wasn’t waiting. “Miss, would you like me to go to the front desk and inquire of Mrs. Vandersol?”

Claire thought a moment. “No, we will give her a few minutes, and then I will go in.” Emily hadn’t read the Anthony Rawlings’s rules of punctuality memo. Claire decided she deserved some slack. Five minutes after nine, Emily emerged from the lobby. Eric quickly got out of the car and opened the door. Emily entered the limousine. She hugged Claire again and looked around at the leather seats and splendor.

“Seriously, this is how you get around New York?” Claire said yes. “And you don’t feel ostentatious? Perhaps you haven’t heard our country is in an economic downturn.”

Eric pulled away from the curb, and they entered traffic. It wasn’t the stop-and-go traffic that caused Claire’s neck muscles to tighten, more the sudden onset of defensiveness. “Emily, please don’t judge me or Tony. I want you to be part of our wedding. Let’s have fun looking for dresses.”

Emily exhaled and sat back on the seat. “Claire, I want to. I really do.” Claire could tell there was a “but” coming. “But John and I sat up for hours discussing you and Anthony.”

Sitting straighter, she asked, “What did the two of you decide?”

“We decided we love you. We are so happy that Anthony invited us to get to see you. But here is one of our concerns.” Claire raised her eyebrows, Emily continued, “Why did Anthony need to invite us? Why couldn’t you?”

Claire’s head almost touched the ceiling. She sat so straight and looked Emily directly in the eye. “Emily, that is ridiculous. I could. I told you things have just been busy. With his schedule, we are all over the place, as I am sure you’ve read about in the newspapers. I didn’t even know until last week that Tony was needed in New York.” And then to clarify, she added, “He didn’t know until then. He has a lot on his plate.”

“Uh . . . hmmm, please know we are just concerned. It seems like you’re a different person.” The conversation paused, and Emily continued, “That isn’t necessarily bad, but it makes us uncomfortable.” Emily saw her sister: polished, refined, stylish, elegant, and worldly. Not the little sister she knew. “I have tried to learn about Anthony Rawlings. Everything I found about him on Google is business related. He has an impressive reputation as a businessman, but I cannot find anything about him personally.”

“Emily, he is an impressive private man too. But I must emphasize private. He asked me to join him in his private personal life. I want you and John there, but you must respect the importance of his confidentiality.”

They sat in standstill traffic. “Okay, we can do that. But we worry about you. Don’t you get to have a life too?”

Claire felt her blood pressure rise. She needed to defend the life she’d despised for months. It was time to utilize the compartmentalization, bring out the good stuff. “Just because I haven’t contacted you doesn’t mean I don’t have a life. I do. I have a very full and rewarding life. I live in a beautiful home. We attend a number of events and functions. I’ve met wonderful friends in the Quad Cities area.” She surveyed Emily’s reaction. “I’m not doing meteorology currently, but I am working with Tony. As I said, he is a very busy man, with a busy schedule.” She didn’t need to offer more explanation.

The car moved again. “Are you living with Anthony there? And how long have you been living with him?”

Claire exhaled; as much as it killed her she knew she couldn’t spend her day like this. It was too much work, and although it was early her head pounded. “Okay. Emily, I am sorry this didn’t work.” Claire suddenly pushed the button to open the window to Eric. “Eric, we have a change of plans. You may drop me off at the boutique, but Mrs. Vandersol will be going back to the Hyatt.”

Emily stared at Claire in disbelief. Eric answered, “Yes, miss.”

Claire shut the window. She sat back in the seat, didn’t speak or look at Emily. She should be sad, but truly she was mad. She also realized she’d behaved like Tony. Perhaps she was being too cautious about his rules, but she knew too well that behaviors had consequences. Given the choice, she’d choose to err on the side of Tony.

“Claire, I am sorry. You’re obviously a strong independent woman. I think of you as my kid sister, someone who needs us to look out for her. Anthony Rawlings is lucky to have you in his life. I still don’t understand how it all happened. I don’t care how wonderful he is. He is the fortunate one in this relationship. I love you and want to be a part of your wedding. If this is what you want, we will support you 100 percent.”

Claire was too emotional to be completely like Tony. Overwhelmed with a sense of relief, she reached over, hugged Emily, and smiled. “Good! Let’s put this behind us and have fun looking at dresses!” Pushing the button again, she said, “Eric, we are both going to the bridal boutique.” She closed the window.

“One more thing though.” Concern showed in Emily’s green eyes. Claire exhaled, she didn’t want to hear one more thing.

“John is planning to speak to you tonight about your prenuptial agreement.”

“What? I don’t know anything about that, he should talk to Tony.” Claire thought about that scenario. “On second thought, no, tell him not to worry about it. I totally trust Tony, and I honestly couldn’t care less about his money. It really isn’t an issue. Tell John to forget it.” Emily said she would tell him, but couldn’t make any promises. After all he was an attorney, and Claire was his kid sister-in-law.

The entrance to the boutique was a grand ten-foot door surrounded by limestone. Above the door was a street number but no visible store name. There were no gowns in the window or advertisements evident, a different experience from when they had shopped for Emily’s dress. Claire knew from past boutique shopping that to enter the boutique you needed to ring the bell. However, Eric called ahead and as he parked the car and opened the door for Claire and Emily, the door of the boutique opened.

A woman in her fifties or sixties dressed in posh business attire rushed out to welcome Ms. Nichols to their modest boutique. She introduced herself, Sharon Springhill. As she ushered the women into the shop, she gushed, “Ms. Nichols, we were so happy to receive Mr. Rawlings’s call yesterday. Since that moment we have worked diligently to create a collection especially for you. We truly hope that you, the future Mrs. Anthony Rawlings, will find the dress of your dreams today.”

Claire did her best to play the person she’d become. Looking at Emily she could sense her uneasiness and decided this was an opportunity to educate her sister. “Ms. Springhill, I am very excited to be here today. Mr. Rawlings told me the wonderful reputation of your boutique. I appreciate you taking the time to personally assist me on this holiday weekend.” Ms. Springhill thanked Claire for the kind words. (Emily witnessed Claire’s ease with the situation.) “Now, Ms. Springhill, this is my sister, Mrs. Vandersol. She will be my matron-of-honor. Perhaps Mr. Rawlings informed you our wedding will be on December 18. I am hopeful that you will not only be able to assist me with my dress, but also one for my sister.” (Emily would experience the treatment Claire endured.)