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A stand-up comic for several years, Kurt was personally recruited by Andrew Breitbart, and since 2009 his writings on political and cultural issues have been regularly published in the “Big Hollywood,” “Big Government,” “Big Journalism,” and “Big Peace” sections of the Breitbart.com website.

Kurt is an active Twitter (@KurtSchlichter) user with over 35,000 followers. His biting Twitter commentary led to him writing I Am a Conservative: Uncensored, Undiluted, and Absolutely Un-PC, I Am a Liberaclass="underline" A Conservative’s Guide to Dealing with Nature’s Most Irritating Mistake, and Fetch My Latte: Sharing Feelings with Stupid People. All three e-books reached number one on the Amazon Kindle “Political Humor” bestseller list.

Kurt has served as a news source, an on-screen commentator, and a guest on nationally syndicated radio programs regarding political, military, and legal issues, including Fox News, The Hugh Hewitt Show, The Larry Elder Show, The Dennis Miller Show, Geraldo, The John Phillips Show, The Tony Katz Show, PJTV’s The Conversation, The Tamara Jackson Show, The Delivery with Jimmie Bise, Jr., The Dana Loesch Show, The Point, the WMAL Washington Morning Show with Larry O’Connor, The Derek Hunter Show, and The Snark Factor, among others. Kurt appears weekly on the Cam and Company show, and averages four to five other media appearances a week.

Kurt is a successful trial lawyer and name partner in a Los Angeles law firm representing Fortune 500 companies and individuals in matters ranging from routine business cases to confidential Hollywood disputes. A member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum, which recognizes attorneys who have won trial verdicts in excess of $1 million, his litigation strategy and legal analysis articles are regularly published in legal publications such as the Los Angeles Daily Journal and California Lawyer.

Kurt is a 1994 graduate of Loyola Law School, where he was a law review editor. He majored in communications and political science as an undergraduate at the University of California, San Diego, where he edited the conservative student paper California Review while also writing a regular column in the student humor paper The Koala.

Kurt served as a US Army infantry officer on active duty and in the California Army National Guard, reaching the rank of full colonel. He wears the silver “jump wings” of a paratrooper and commanded the elite 1st Squadron, 18th Cavalry Regiment. A veteran of both the Persian Gulf War and Operation Enduring Freedom (Kosovo) , he is a graduate of the Army’s Combined Arms and Services Staff School, the Command and General Staff College, and the United States Army War College, where he received a master of strategic studies degree.

Praise for Conservative Insurgency

“Please, God, make it so. Not the part about Bobby Jindal only getting to be VP, but at least 90% of Kurt’s crystal ball look into what could be, not what has been; how things could turn, not as they are likely to turn out right now. Schlichter’s genius—and it is genius—is to make it all possible based upon a single premise: That conservatives will play to win. A stretch of course, an enormous stretch, but not greater than that of 1776, 1789, 1860, 1944 or 1980. Read it and be inspired.”

— Hugh Hewitt, Author, commentator and national radio host

“Here’s how the conservative movement won—from 30 years in the future. Kurt Schlichter’s creative and fascinating take on how conservatives can achieve victory is an optimistic breath of fresh air in a dark time.”

— Ben Shapiro, Bestselling author, conservative columnist and radio host

“This is a great read, provides a good way forward, and offers a new concept for how conservatives should be writing books about their future.”

— Erick Erickson, Fox News Commentator, Redstate.com editor and radio host

“A fascinating read.”

— David Limbaugh, Bestselling author and conservative commentator

“This book is exactly the electric jolt of inspiration that grass-roots activists on the Right need…. I’m energized and ready to fight!”

— Michelle Malkin, Bestselling author and Fox News commentator

Conservative Insurgency captures the spirit of my friend Andrew Breitbart with a no-holds-barred, bare-knuckle brawl for the heart and soul of our country.”

— Dana Loesch, BlazeTV host and Fox News commentator



Published at Smashwords

ISBN (hardcover): 978-1-61868-977-1

ISBN (eBook): 978-1-61868-978-8

Conservative Insurgency copyright © 2014

by Kurt Schlichter

All Rights Reserved.

Cover Art by Sean Salter

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author and publisher.