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“You think? Either he did or he didn’t.”

“He did,” she said. “He said they were a pair of American spies.”

“What else did he say about them?”

She searched her mind. She had many memories of the night club in Kiev and could recall much of the conversation. But she was drawing a blank here. “They were assigned to kill him?” she asked.

“He might have thought so. What else did he say about them?” Lee pressed.

“Honestly, it was a boozy evening. I’m not remembering.”

“Do you know who they are? Or who they were?”

“He said they were spies. I took everything Federov said with a few pounds of salt,” Alex said, “but looking back, I haven’t caught him in too many mistruths. If he said they were spies, my guess is they probably were.”

Lee’s finger was tapping lightly on the table, a little tic. “All right,” he said quietly. Then he moved on. Why did she suppose Federov had tried to move her position in the final seconds before the attacks? Was he sweet on her and trying to get her out of harm’s way? Or might he have been trying to move her into harm’s way for maybe the same reason?

She had no idea and told her interrogators exactly that.

The questions drove her into the ground.

The sessions were relentless.

Remorseless. Didactic. Unapologetic. Endless.

The direction of the inquiries always seemed to point in one direction. The official policy of the United States was to find the people responsible for the RPG attacks and bring them to some sort of justice. If official help was not forthcoming or significant enough from Ukraine, justice would be sought in the back alleys of the world. In fact, Alex sensed that this was the real way questions were pointing, the desired way of American officials to address their issues.

The sessions went on nonstop each day and continued until, with no explanation, they stopped completely. That was how things worked in Washington. Truth was like the smile of the mythical Cheshire cat. It receded as one approached it.

She went to trauma counseling with a top Washington shrink three times the first week back. Then she stopped. It was her feeling that the visits to the doc only made things worse.


Alex officially returned to her job at Treasury on Monday, March 2. She was offered a further paid leave of absence by her boss, Mike Gamburian. She declined it and tried to bury herself in Internet frauds.

Gamburian gave her a handful of new cases. Easy stuff. But nothing made sense.

Her focus was shot.

She would be driving and couldn’t breathe. She would pull off the highway and gasp for breath. For a month, she couldn’t sleep at night. But during the day, walking, in the office, in a supermarket, in a park, she would fall asleep on her feet. Twice she fell, helped up once by a passerby, another time by a suspicious cop who suspected she was a closet junkie.

At night, when she finally could doze off, her sleeping was safest on the living room floor. She had tried the sofa but kept falling off. At least on the floor, there was no falling off. She was convinced there was some high-pitched whine somewhere in the building. But she had greater worries than that.

A destructive voice within her became strident as the sorrowful days passed.

Why not end it all?

Why not be with Robert in heaven, if that’s where he is?

Hey, you! Yes, you, Alex! Why not jump?

Your parents, your grandparents, everyone you love, hey, they’re all waiting for you on the other side. Come on. Cross over. Death is as easy as a swinging gate in an old churchyard. Come on. What are you waiting for?

God is waiting. Do it!

Suicidal fantasies filled her days. The occasional homicidal one took up where the suicidal ones took a breather. She tried more therapy. It didn’t help.

A friend brought her to a writers’ group, but she kept writing the same thing over and over in a notebook: I wish Robert were here.

She’d watch TV for hours and would have no memory of what she’d seen. It was a living hell on earth, a fog that refused to lift.

Friends would phone. She jumped each time the phone rang, monitored the messages, rarely picking up, then erased them.

Friends from work.

Friends from the pickup basketball games at the gym.

Some of Robert’s peers in Secret Service.

Her buddy Laura Chapman at the White House.

She avoided her friends and didn’t want to be helped. At work, she quietly went through the motions, doing her job competently and engaging in no extra discussion. Soon, others would stop talking when she came into a room or an office. She had isolated herself well.

She went to church each Sunday, sitting alone, avoiding the pew she used to share with Robert. Sometimes she would go on Wednesdays. Absently she wrote his name in the prayer books and the hymnals that she found before her. She offered prayers and didn’t hear answers.

Her pastor sought her out. They had discussions. No headway. The minister wanted to talk about God’s love and Christ’s forgiveness and her mission in life.

Her ears were deaf. She wasn’t ready to hear any of it, much less consider it.

She was an emotional basket case and she knew it.

Sometimes Alex would find herself in the parish chapel and not remember how she got there or how long she’d been there. Once she realized that she had left her car running, ran out for the keys, found them gone. The parish assistant minister had taken them for her.

During the second week of March, on a Thursday night, she found the final handwritten note Robert had left. It was in blue ink in bold penmanship, and he had slipped it into a pair of her shoes. Red high heels. The sexiest footwear she owned. She only wore them for him and on special occasions. It said simply, “I love you and I always will.”


The phone call from Bernardo Santangelo came into Gian Antonio Rizzo’s office at half past eight in the morning.

“Sorry to have not gotten back to you sooner,” said the jolly keeper of cadavers at the city morgue. Today he didn’t sound so jolly. His voice was quiet and he sounded shaken. “You asked me to alert you if anything unusual transpired with the bodies of those two Americans, the couple I showed you?”

Rizzo answered quickly, his senses on full alert.

“Yes?” he said.

“We’ve been friends for many years, you and I,” he said. “So I’m doing you a favor. But you must never mention it.”

“Go ahead,” Rizzo said.

“Two things,” said Santangelo, who added that he was calling from a café around the corner. “A security team from the American embassy came by and picked up the bodies. They had all the paperwork, personal and legal, to remove the bodies. This was two days ago. They seemed to be in a hurry. I believe the corpses have been repatriated to America now.”

“And did you behave like their lap dog and give them all of the information that we have?” he asked.

“I had no other choice,” came the response.

“Wonderful!” Rizzo said. “Bloody Americans! How do they always know these things? Spies, they have spies among us!”

Santangelo allowed his friend to rant, saying nothing.

“And what was the second thing?” insisted Rizzo. “Is it anywhere near as pleasant as the first?”

“Perhaps,” said Santangelo. “I’m not supposed to give you any more information about the case,” he said. “In fact, I’ve been served with papers from a federal court. I’m not even supposed to speak to you.”

With that, he rang off, leaving Rizzo with a dial tone.


Every once in a while, Alex almost felt human again.

Instead of running or going to the gym, she went for long walks, an unusual activity in her neighborhood. On a whim, she booked a trip to Puerto Rico and went for what she thought would be a week. She used the fake passport and driver’s license that Cerny had issued because the government-with their usual bureaucratic diligence-had never asked for them back. She spent too much money and sat each day by a hotel swimming pool in huge dark glasses so she wouldn’t be recognized.