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“I instinctively resisted the seduction, I decided they were the Mackintoshes, and that they were dead; you are a family of dead people, I told them, and with that a vista opened up behind them, behind their white, sticky redoubt, and there were all the houses of Glasgow, communicating with other structures that had been unknown before, almost unimagined, houses that had never been seen, perhaps had never been built, where other women wearing sumptuous capes of pale silk of the softest lemon and the filmiest olive walk through arcades and patios, carrying objects that I cannot recognize. Those women stood so erect, so sad, on a distant, precise, and horizontal world, that the effect — they were so far away yet I saw them so clearly — was to make me dizzy and nauseated.

“In the center of that distant horizon were two more figures, a woman clasping to her breast a child with an injured finger. The first group was hiding the other, but they were related, distant in space but near in time, symmetrical.

“I was afraid that they, too, would call to me and beg me: Take care of us. Dedicate yourself totally to us from this time on …

“Other houses, different spaces, but is it always the same trinity, the same responsibility? Everything telescopes back to the immediate, concealing the distance or the future, whatever it was (or perhaps it belonged only to the other and I was afraid it was mine, neither time nor space, at last, comprehensible, but only irrational possessions), and the figures before me returned to the foreground, I heard the tantalizing crackle of the cherry, gold, and blue wrapping paper that held the sweets, and I saw the swaddled heads of the figures smiling at me.

“Beneath the damp cloth, the blood ran from their gums, painting their smiles.

“I looked at those figures — now there were three of them — and I decided I preferred my vision of them, no matter how horrible, funereal and white, to my second vision of the incomplete figures behind them. The man was absent from that second scene. There was only the mother and child, beckoning to me. I had no wish to be that absent man.

“No sooner had I thought that than I saw them, the three figures in the closer group, huddled in the brilliant white light of the bath, their damp clothing removed, appearing naked, rapidly growing younger before me; I quickly closed my eyes, already driven out of my mind by the chaos of my sensations, convinced that their youth and their nakedness would overcome me unless I closed my eyes to negate both their youth and their seductiveness; if I didn’t look at them, they would grow old as quickly as they had regained their youth…”

He never explained to me — Catarina resumed the story — what he meant by “regaining their youth” insofar as the child in the candy-striped suit was concerned. Returning to the womb? Disappearing altogether? But Santiago did tell me that when the guards in that little Glasgow museum found him prostrate in a corner and asked him what had happened and what they could do for him, he couldn’t very well question them to find out if there was a family forever walled in, there in the corner where they had found him, by the closed-off door of a bathroom, so white and steamy, blinding and damp …

He just stared at the candy wrappers scattered over the floor.


— Catarina, I don’t know what I said in class today or why I said it. I don’t know if other beings have taken possession of me, daughter, talking through me, making me say and do things against my will.

— I am not your daughter, Santiago.

— They make me feel that my most private acts are public ones.

— You seem so tired. Lie down here.

— Abandon, for example; a careless cruelty.

— Can I make you tea?

— Have they been following me, constantly tempting me, imitating my movements as a kind of seduction so that I would imitate theirs? I will never know, daughter.

— I am not your daughter, Santiago.

— Do they inhabit the real houses that you and I do, Catarina, or do they live only in imagined houses, invisible replicas of ours?

— You ask so many painful questions, Santiago. Look, you will feel better if I sit down next to you. What did you say in class today?

— I addressed the boys.

— And not the girls? You have plenty of girl students — and some of them are quite attractive.

— No, I was talking to the two of them, you know, to the twins, the Vélez brothers.

— And what did you say?

— I gave a class on architecture and myth, but I don’t know why I said what I said …

— Well, Santiago, in that case, the best thing would be for you to stay here by the fire with me and we’ll look at some books, as we always …

— That it is myths that haunt us, not ghosts, which are only specters produced by an unexpected intersection of myths. A Celtic myth, for example, might intersect with an Aztec one. But what interests me the most is the syncretic capacity of Christian myth to embrace them all and make them all rationally accessible at once, and at the same time irrationally sacred. That was my class. But I don’t know why I said all that.

— You have just explained it to me, Santiago. You were trying to reach those two, Carlos María and José María.

— Ah, yes. We think our actions are ours alone; an act of wantonness, for example: it seems entirely ours, but soon, Catarina, something else happens that completes, negates, and mocks the action we thought was ours, making it part of a much larger scheme that we will never comprehend. So maybe what we call myths are, finally, just situations that correspond despite their distance in time and place.

— Have something to drink. Look at the books. These are the prints you like the best. Piranesi, see, Palladio …

— That is the secret of the houses we build and live in. Tell the boys that. Tell the brothers, Catarina.

— They are my brothers, Santiago.

— Take care of us. Dedicate yourself totally to us from this time on. Have mercy. Don’t abandon us. Have pity.

— What can I do for you?

— Bury me far from here, in a sacred place, but a place where there are no Virgins on the altars. The creatures who are pursuing me will leave me in peace if I deceive them, by leaving the places I’ve lived in and the people I’ve known. I’ll make them think I’ve joined them permanently, joined their watery voice, their damp skin, their wilted flowers, after I returned from Scotland, my grandparents’ home …

— You have reconstructed that bathroom everywhere, Santiago, the tiles, the recurring foliage, the porcelain frogs set in the white bathtub … Everywhere.

— They hold the secret.

— What secret, she implored, tell me, but he didn’t answer directly:

— I chose them among all my disciples.

— You mustn’t like them very much.

— Ask them if they, too, sense that others …

— You keep repeating that. Who?

— If the other beings are always there, or if they just sneak in between the stones and the bricks of all the buildings I’ve built since …

— Or what would be even worse, Santiago, in all the buildings you have imagined.

— So you finally understand what I’m saying.

— I’m glad, Santiago, that I will soon pass that burden on to the twins and let them puzzle it out.

— Someone must inherit the mystery of the dead.

That is what Santiago Ferguson said then, before he died.

Catarina looked at us with veiled eyes and said:

— I think that is Santiago Ferguson’s legacy, twins. Now that you’ve heard it, and possibly understood it, you, like me, will never be free from the professor, as you call him …