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Chapter 29

Katie had made a colossal mistake in foregoing a tranquilizer gun. She eyed the man pacing against the far wall, animals visibly shifting beneath his skin. But she’d had no clue she’d be able to mate him, to force the lion genes back into his blood. With the bite, her plans for the night just reversed completely. She had to keep him away from the moon now. Knocking him unconscious right now would be a great idea. They’d both gotten dressed to face the night. “You just need to hang on, Jordan.”

He whirled on her, eyes morphing yellow, canines flashing. “I need to get outside.” Guttural, his voice sounded like cement being crushed.

The moon had been up for about an hour ... not high, not in full power. Yet.

But even Katie felt the pull. The need to head outside into the balming rays caused her neck to itch and her head to pound. Fear for him, fear for her, made her muscles vibrate in place. This was going to be the most difficult night of her life.

When he resumed pacing, she eyed the leg iron attached to the bed. How in the world could she get the restraint around Jordan’s ankle?

He growled, stretching his neck, increasing his pace. “Don’t even think about it.”

She started, sliding her shoulders along the wall. “We can survive anything for one night.”

Pain and a primal rage rode his strong exhale. “Open the door, go out, and shut it behind you.” His gaze stayed on whichever wall he faced while moving. “Now.”

If she opened the door, he’d be too tempted to get out. “I’m staying here. To help.”

He was on her that fast. Hands manacled her biceps, lifting and slamming her against the door. Hard. Leaning down, his face an inch from hers, he snarled.

She snarled right back. Digging her hands into his thick hair, she yanked his head down. Clasping his mouth, she shot her tongue inside, rubbing her core against his. A wildness rode her, deep and strong.

His groan filled her mouth. His hand dropped to her ass and he pivoted, throwing her to the bed. Two strides and he was on top of her.

Biting his shoulder, she pushed up, shoving him over. Jumping on top of his abs, she ran both hands down his amazing chest. Muscles, man and animal, shifted beneath her palms. So much power.

Flashing a saucy smile, she maneuvered down between his legs, unclasping the button on his jeans.

His breath caught, and interest ripped through his now topaz eyes.

She blew heated air through his jeans and he gave a low groan, shutting his eyes.

Leaning to the floor, she made a quick grab for the restraint, snapping it around his ankle. Then she leapt for the door.

His roar filled the small room. Jumping up, he lunged for her, arms outstretched. The chain jerked him back. Raw fury shot across his face. “What the fuck?”

Fear dried the spit in her mouth. Licking her lips, she tried for a shrug. “You placed the restraints there for a reason. Since I bit you, going outside is the most dangerous move you could make.” If she could keep the father of her children from turning into a big hairy monster that wanted to kill them, then she would.

“I would’ve rather had the blowjob you just hinted at.” Deep red covered his high cheekbones. Lust, need, and wildness.

Some of that was for her. “You survive the moon tonight, and I’ll blow you every chance I get.” The breath panted out of her lungs. Some fear, some desire. Mostly fear.

He coughed out a laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind.” Buttoning his pants, he dropped to the bed. Sweat soaked through his T-shirt. Ripping off the material, he wiped his chest and brow, throwing the cotton to the ground and revealing a tanned, broad chest. “Of course, we could start now.”

Temptation warred with reality. She settled her stance against the door. “I think I’ll stay right here.”

The lion rippled beneath his skin. “Wise girl.”

An oiliness slid down her spine. The taste of burnt charcoal briquettes coated her throat. Fear and awareness spun inside her brain, as well as caution. She struggled to keep her face mild. Brent was close—and he wasn’t alone.

She exhaled smoothly. Good air in ... bad air out. Electricity spiraled through her chest. Calm. She needed to at least look calm.

Jordan lifted an eyebrow. “What the hell’s wrong with you?”

“Nothing.” The need to slash through the door elongated her claws.

He closed his eyes, lifting his chin and inhaling. “I feel them coming. Werewolves.” Standing, he focused, the lion’s eyes gone. Yellow eyes tinted bloodred stared back at her. “Get out of my way.”

“Sure,” she breathed out, fighting terror. Sidling along the wall, she kept out of his reach.

Steel rattled when he tried to lunge forward. Confusion lifted his eyebrows. He turned to stare at his captured ankle. Several hard yanks later, and the restraint remained in place. His fangs dropped low. Throwing his head back, he bellowed a howl from hell.

Answering howls echoed in the distance. Muted and low-pitched ... but strong enough to be heard.

Multiple chills vibrated down Katie’s spine.

Fur sprang up along his torso. Black, not lion tan. Katie gulped in air. “Jordan, fight this. Please fight this.” He needed the moon to turn completely, didn’t he?

Grabbing his head with both hands, he yowled in agony. Pounding pain vibrated through the oxygen, suffocating the room. His knuckles turned white as he pressed, his entire body shaking. The fur turned lion color and then disappeared. He dropped to one knee, head down.

Tears pricked her eyes. Swallowing several times, she tried to force down the bile that wanted out. A couple of gags escaped her. Tremors shook her hand as she stepped forward and caressed his bare, heaving shoulder. “It’s all right.” She tried for soothing, but desperate and panting emerged instead.

He grabbed her around the waist, flipping them both onto the bed. The air swooshed from her lungs. All muscle, all male; he landed on her, one hand shoving under her chin, thumb and forefinger digging in.

Her head flew back and she cried out, her muscles tightening in panic. Instinct rose and she thrashed against him.

Strong fingers tightened their hold, cutting off her oxygen.

She froze, eyes widening, body shaking.

The hold lessened. “Unlock me,” he growled.

No recognition existed on his face, in his eyes.

The hold didn’t allow for her to swallow, but she tried anyway. Tears blurred her vision. “I don’t have the key.” Crap. Knowing Jordan, there wasn’t a key. He wouldn’t have left himself an out. “Let me go.”

His eyes narrowed. Inhaling, he levered to the side, one claw ripping her T-shirt down the middle.

Oh God. Panic welled up in her chest and she tried to fight, claws digging into his chest. He tightened his hold so she had to tilt her head even more to breathe. She paused, blackness swirling across her eyes.

His hold lessened a fraction. “Hands down.”

Trembling, mind scrambling, she retracted her claws and lowered her hands to the rough wool blanket. “Please don’t do this.” The monster inside him was winning. Should she let him continue? Would allowing him to do whatever he wanted with her keep him alive? Was it worth it? Could she even stop him if she wanted to?

She shut her eyes, relaxing against the bed. All or nothing. A tear leaked out the corner of her eye.

His claw ripped her bra. Two fingers brushed her skin. Metal scraped along her rib cage.

He rolled off her, sitting up.

Shaking her head, confused, she scrambled away from him. He slid the underwire from her bra into the lock at his ankle, twisting viciously.

Red covered her vision. Rage ripped up her spine. Jumping up, she nailed him right in the temple with a leaping sidekick. His head bounced back, a furious cry spilling forth.

Not caring, no longer feeling fear, Katie punched him in the nose.

Blood sprayed.

She hit again. And again. No way was the moon getting him. She’d knock his ass out first.

He jumped up, mouth open in a snarl, fangs glinting.

Pivoting, she kicked him square in the chest. The impact threw him back to land on the bed, which crashed to the floor in a squeal of abused springs.

The earth rumbled a second before a deafening explosion tore through the night. The walls vibrated, rocks tumbling from the ceiling. Katie ducked her head from the pelting missiles and tried to balance herself against the wall. Oh God. A bomb? The werewolves hadn’t figured out explosives, as far as the Realm knew. That meant one thing. The Kurjans were with the damn werewolves.

Jordan took full advantage of her retreat. Quick reflexes had the underwire twisted. The lock gave with an ominous pop.

Katie backed up, her heart beating too hard, blood rushing through her ears.

Jordan stretched to his feet. Fury glittered in his eyes, deep red covered his cheekbones.

Then he smiled.