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He doesn’t say a word. Instead, he picks up the speed on the truck and pulls off onto the nearest exit. My heart starts to race. I am afraid that I have pushed him past his limit with my words. He comes to a stop, and after looking both ways, he turns right and then makes a quick left into a carpool parking area. There are several cars parked but I see no one around as he pulls into the rear of the lot and slams the truck into park.

His whole demeanor changes as he reaches over and snaps open the glove box. When I see the long, shiny blade of a knife, I start to shake. He pulls it out and flicks the glove box closed, and without speaking opens his door and walks around the back of the truck. I jump in my seat as I see him heading toward my door.

Fuck, what is he going to do? I can see the expressway from here but it’s too far away for anyone to see what is going on in the parking lot. Behind us stretches a deep patch of woods. Shit. Shit. Shit!

I try to stay calm as he swings open my door and then reaches across and unhooks my seat belt. He still hasn’t said a word, which scares me even more. He stands there for several drawn out moments breathing way too heavily for my liking.

“Get the fuck out of the truck. Now!” he bellows and raises the knife to within an inch of my face.

I do as I am told. He drops the hand holding the knife to his side and grabs me around the waist, pulling me flush against his body. I flinch and try to wiggle free, but he’s too strong. He takes my hands and holds them behind my back, and then walks us backwards until my body is up against the truck. I am shaking uncontrollably as I have no clue what is going through his mind or what he has planned.

“I told you to shut your fucking mouth and you didn’t listen. Now you have pushed me just a little too far, Clove. This is not how I wanted things to go down between us, but you need to be taught a lesson. This is not a fucking joke!”

Oh, God. He has me cornered here like a small animal, and he is the predator. Is he going to kill me before I get the chance to see Turner? I do the only thing I can think of in a moment like this. I scream, and when I do, I instantly know that doing so was a huge mistake. In a blur of motion, Trent pulls back his fist and punches me in the stomach.

All the air is knocked out of me, and I feel vomit rising up in my mouth. He grabs me by the throat and walks us to the back of the truck. I can’t move to protect myself . . . I can barely stand as my stomach twists and turns. The pain is almost more than I can bear. Opening the tailgate of the truck, he hoists me up and pushes me flat on my back.

              “Who has the control here, Clove?” He grabs my face and wrenches it so I am staring into his face.

              “WHO. HAS. CONTROL?” He raises his voice slightly.

I am sobbing uncontrollably at this point. I can’t tune my mind out, it is spinning out of control as I gasp and wheeze as he towers over me.

              “Oh, so now you have nothing to say, huh? No words, Clove? Am I scaring you? You should be scared, my darling. It didn’t have to come to this, but you leave me no choice.”

I am trying to shut him out of my consciousness, to close myself off from the fact that he is about to do God knows what, but I can’t. All I see is him and the feral way he is looking at me.

“Please,” I sniffle through my tears.

For the briefest of moments, I think he is going to relent. But then, he sits the knife down on the ground and reaches for something behind me. My eyes grow wide as I see his hand reappear in my vision holding a twisted braid of rope.

Immediately I start to thrash about and struggle to get away from him, but he won’t have it. He pulls my hands over my head and climbs on top of me as he weaves the rope around my hands to secure them together.

I continue to kick and scream at him to get off of me until he slaps me in the face, extinguishing whatever will I may have had left in me to try and fight. I hurt everywhere. My stomach is clenching and a griping pain courses throughout my lower abdomen. My face is on fire and I can tell it is starting to swell. My arms ache as they are stretched tight above my head. I think the one he grabbed earlier is sprained.

“H-help,” I croak weakly, but my throat is raw from screaming and the words don’t make any sound.

              “There isn’t anyone here to help you, sweetheart.”

Trent grinds his pelvis into mine and I feel how hard he is. Having me bound like this is turning him on. I feel my world tilt and slip from underneath me as I fully realize what is about to happen to me. My body convulses in fear.

              “Oh, God! Trent, you don’t want to do this! I beg you, don’t. I know you’re above this. I’m your brother’s wife, for God’s sake. Please!” I beg.

He looks into my tear stained face and he doesn’t seem to care. This cannot be happening to me! Where is everyone? The way he has the truck parked, no one can see us without driving right by this spot.

As if he senses the direction of my thoughts, he shoves me even further back into the truck bed and climbs in, slamming the door behind himself. He gets on his knees at the other end and pulls out a roll of tape.

              “God, don’t do this, Trent. Don’t!”

“I told you to shut your damn mouth, and now you will.”

He rips off a piece of tape and places it across my mouth. I am defenseless and there is nothing I can do. I close my eyes as I feel him shift around.

              “Open your fucking eyes and watch, Clove.”

I open them wide and I see him hovering over me with the knife in his hand.

              “On second thought, I don’t think I need to use this since you can’t move or talk.”

Tilting his head to the side, he studies my features. I know he sees the fear in my eyes. How could he not? It’s written all over my body.

He pushes the hem of my shirt up and licks his lips as he stares down at my exposed breasts, my chest heaving up and down.

              “Fuck me. You have the best tits in the world. So ripe and pink and fucking ready for me to suck and fuck.”

He firmly takes them in his hands and kneads them. When I cringe from his touch, he pinches my nipples so hard tears form in my eyes again. He’s enjoying torturing me like this. All of a sudden, he grabs hold of the cups of my bra and rips them down, dropping his head to suck one of my nipples into his mouth. The pressure is so intense that I cry out through the tape in pain and start to shake.

Trent is in his own deranged world. He continues his onslaught until it seems as if he has gotten his fill. When he lifts his head and looks at me with hunger I know what’s coming next. He unzips his pants and pulls his erection free. I can’t look. I can’t look. I turn my head away but he reaches up and yanks it back.

              “Do not take your eyes off of me or I will fuck you up. You got it, Clove?”

I nod yes in shock and then I hear my panties being ripped off. Before I even know what is happening, he is on top of me.

I try to take my mind and body to the only happy place I have ever known . . . my husband’s arms. But when I stare up into the eyes of my attacker my security is ripped away, because no matter how hard I try to think of Turner, all I can see is the man who is raping me.

He thrusts and thrusts, taking by force what is mine to give. His expression is contorted; his eyes have turned from green to black as if he is a man possessed. He is pounding into me so deeply I feel as if he is ripping me apart.