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It hurt when the multiple needles struck my skin, but the pain made me feel close to Cy, who had done this every day. Marka wisely dismantled the machine after the tattoo was complete, or I’d have kept going.

I turn on my holo and see a Ted Kooser poem that Dyl has sent me. Since Wilbert left us, all the holos work in Carus again. Even with the artificial interference gone, we can’t contact anyone outside, though.

The lines of poetry make me smile. It’s been a strange education, relearning how to immerse myself in words that don’t always make sense in my head, but strike a resonance in my heart. Dyl has been paving that road for me, and I’ve been a willing student. I’m getting used to not having a working formula for everything.

I switch the holo to my daily tracking work. Much of my time is occupied by following shipments from a few small companies marketing a state-of-the-art skin renewal serum. I’ve tracked down enough of a money trail to know that Aureus has moved. Argent has closed, which is no surprise. Aureus may always be a step ahead of me, but I’m never far behind.

Marka and Dyl worry about me, spending so much time up here with my tracking. They are afraid I am wasting my energy on nothing but heartbreak.

But I know there are truths out there, as sure as there is sky above and earth far below. I believe in them more than the quiet, firm laws of the universe. Cy is out there, and he’s with me at the same time. We are closer than ever. Even when I call out to the void and receive no answer, I am not swayed.

Because I know another truth. I will find him someday.

When I do, I’ll say, “Hi, love.”

He’ll reply, “You know, you drive me crazy sometimes.”

And the lost time between us will vanish, like a candle flame blown out with one precious breath.