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PATIENT — and down my clitoris. You remember that? And that was before you entered me. That was before.

DOCTOR I know. But.

PATIENT “But.” Christ, you worked it like a wand and I came—


PATIENT — twice — twice — before you even entered me. So, I dunno, what was that on your part? Confusion?

DOCTOR You told me, you told me…

PATIENT What’d I tell you?

DOCTOR You told me — after — as we were lying together, and only then, that you’d helped someone commit murder. Nine months of therapy? Not a fucking word.

PATIENT Sure, but I’d never had your cock in my mouth before.

DOCTOR What — what — what does that have to do with anything?

PATIENT You ever had a cock in your mouth, Stephen?


PATIENT Well, then…

DOCTOR You abetted murder. That’s a capital crime.

PATIENT I’ve done worse.

DOCTOR You’ve…?

PATIENT I’ll bet there’re people everywhere — right now, right here in this bar tonight — who’ve done a whole lot fucking worse.

Scene 10

WILL, in a booth, chats up the WAITRESS.

WILL I have no idea. Really.

WAITRESS Well, he gave me the ring.

WILL Sure.

WAITRESS But he said hang it around my neck.

WILL Exactly.

WAITRESS From a chain.

WILL And that’s not the same.

WAITRESS You don’t think?

WILL You don’t.

WAITRESS No, I don’t. You’re right.

WILL I mean, I dunno. It could mean something real significant for him. But guys, you know?

WAITRESS Exactly. Guys. But you’re a guy.

WILL Well, okay, I guess. I’m a—

WAITRESS Right. You’re a man.

WILL I try.

WAITRESS I was so sorry to hear about…

WILL I know, right? Jesus. Who would have thought? I mean, you think of all the ways you could go…


WILL A train. You believe that shit?

WAITRESS I’ve passed out in some weird places, though, so there but for the grace of god, I guess.

WILL That’s the thing of it, though. What’s he doing down by the fairgrounds that time of night?

WAITRESS It bugs you, huh?

WILL And then to just stroll over to the train tracks and take a nap? Johnny Law accepts it, but it fucking pisses me off.

WAITRESS You think…? No.

WILL And he’s… I want all the T’s crossed and all the I’s dotted. You think that’s too much to ask?

WAITRESS No, no. And now she’s…

WILL What?

WAITRESS Well, you know, the timing. They’d been planning it for so long and then it finally happens and he…

WILL Dies.

WAITRESS Oh god. What is she going to do?

WILL I’ll look after her. A man who wouldn’t in these circumstances?

WAITRESS I know. I know.

[Notices GINA returning from the bathroom.] You want another round, Will?

WILL Sure.

WAITRESS Should she be…?

WILL I dunno. But she is. Okay?

WAITRESS Of course.

[The WAITRESS waves her fingers at GINA and heads to the bar. GINA approaches the booth and she’s obviously pregnant. She sits.]

GINA Flirting?


GINA I heard she’s a hermaphrodite.

WILL Hey, can you be gay and a hermaphrodite at the same time? Is that physically and emotionally and, well, gender-ly possible?

GINA It’s a question.

WILL Hell of a question, I think.

GINA Were you flirting with her?

WILL Absolutely.

GINA Really.

WILL Can’t flirt with you, can I? Bar’s got eyes, babe.

[The WAITRESS returns with their drinks, places them down.]

WAITRESS You feeling okay, honey?

GINA Phenomenal.

[The WAITRESS shoots WILL a look and then departs.]

WILL It’s all okay.


WILL It is.

GINA I don’t think so.

WILL What’s different?

GINA There’s one less person in this booth for starters.

WILL Yeah, I miss those jokes. You?

GINA Don’t do funny on this, okay? He’s dead, Will.

WILL Yes, he is.

GINA And it doesn’t seem to trouble you.

WILL No, Gina, it doesn’t.

GINA How is that possible?

WILL Eight hours sleep, proper diet?

GINA You’re clever. Clever and pretty-mouthed. Clever ain’t enough.

WILL You looked around? This is one dumb-ass county, honey. You want me to feel bad because Hal is dead. You want me to feel fear that we’ll be caught. You want remorse. Doubt. I don’t got any of that. Oops.

GINA Bastard.

WILL I want to reach out and hold your hands but I can’t because everyone’s watching. That hurts. Everything else, though? He’s dead. He’s gone. I can live with it.

GINA You’re energized by it. Reborn.

WILL I’m born.

GINA I’m nauseous.

WILL Let’s—

GINA In the existential sense.

WILL I still can’t believe they taught Sartre at community college.

GINA He’s dead.


GINA Because of us.


GINA What will God say?

WILL “Welcome to the club, don’t park on the lawn.”

GINA Fuck you.

WILL What’s God going to say? “Gee, I was busy killing Indonesians in an earthquake and I hip-checked a few hundred thousand Africans with a sneak famine, but allow me to punish you for Hal.”

GINA You really don’t.

WILL Don’t what?

GINA Feel. Feel anything about this.

WILL Life fucking goes on, Gina.

GINA No. Don’t you understand?

WILL Yes. In your belly right now.


WILL In your womb.

GINA It’s all shit, Will. It’s all stopped. The whole fucking clock. We killed a human being. We murdered. He might have told bad jokes and he might have been a racist and a sexist and a… a—

WILL Douche bag?

GINA But he was human. He had birthmarks and a mother who held him and a favorite smell and—

WILL He liked to take long walks on the beach and his favorite color was blue and he cried whenever he watched Brian’s Song and yet — and yet and yet — he’s passed on. Like your grandparents, like your dog, like a friend who got colon cancer.

GINA But we’re why he’s gone.

WILL And I’m good with that.

GINA I’m not.

WILL You better get good, honey.


WILL You better get good. ’Kay?

GINA You are — you’re energized.

WILL I’m the man who loves you. See that. Okay? I’m the man who loves you and lives for you.

GINA I can’t get it out of my head. The whole thing. I can’t. Save me.

[She reaches across the table toward him.]

WILL Not here.

Scene 11


BOBBY’S FATHER She’s all you thought of in prison, I bet.

BOBBY All I thought of since. All I thought of before.

BOBBY’S FATHER I don’t know where she got to.

BOBBY I know that.


BOBBY But when you’re seen — when you’re seen — in this life, it’s not natural to just let that go.

BOBBY’S FATHER How you going to find her, though?

BOBBY I just, I just, I think of her, I see her, I, and I say to myself, I say, “She’s out there. Waiting.”