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Across the room she caught Colin Wayne’s eye and smiled at him as he advanced. She had gone out with him on a couple of occasions recently and found his easy charm made for pleasant evenings. He was in his early thirties, with carefully styled blond hair and laughing blue eyes. He was also, she had discovered, a brilliant player on the lively Denver Stock Exchange.

„Another great party, Kalinda,“ he grinned approvingly, reaching behind her to help himself to a little cracker covered with rich, dark caviar. „Beats me how you throw these affairs together so easily when you work so hard! You’d have made a great corporate wife, you know!“

„You’ve got a lot of nerve eating my food and insulting me at the same time!“ she grumbled in response to his teasing.

„I know, I know, you’d rather be a great corporate manager than a great corporate wife. But that’s only because you haven’t met the right man. Someday…“

„Have some more caviar,“ she advised dryly. „We both know I’d be bored to tears as a housewife!“

„How can I argue with that? I’d feel the same,“ he laughed.

„It is rather difficult to picture you as a housewife,“ she agreed.

„Still,“ he went on jokingly, „if I can find myself a woman who can keep me in the style to which I would like to become accustomed…“ He glanced meaningfully around the elegant town house and back at Kalinda who narrowed her eyes at him in mock warning.

„Don’t look at me,“ she said hastily.

„How about a business marriage?“ he suggested brightly, munching more caviar. „I can keep track of your company’s stock movements for you and you can do things that make it move. Preferably upward. Which it seemed to be doing this past week,“ he added slyly.

She glanced at him quickly and then deliberately forced a smile. „You noticed?“

„That volume was picking up? Yes. And the price went up a bit, too. Something I should know, love? Always happy to help spread the good word if it will raise a stock’s price. Got something new coming out on the market?“

„It’s nice to know you love me for myself and not for business reasons,“ she mocked, hiding a wince as she realized the activity in her company’s stock was undoubtedly from David’s move to start buying shares.

„No reason the two can’t be combined,“ he observed cheerfully.

„Well, I hate to disappoint you, but there’s no smashing new product about to hit the market I guess the stock activity is just a matter of people knowing a good investment when they see it,“ she tried to say lightly. She didn’t want to discuss the merger with Colin or anyone else until she knew what she was going to do, how she was going to react. Dammit! She needed professional advice. There were law firms and investment bankers who specialized in this sort of thing. If she just knew someone who could point her in the right direction! The sense of panic had to be forcefully fought back down.

„No hot tips, huh?“ he asked sadly.

„Not tonight,“ she retorted firmly, wondering why she had hardly even given Colin a passing thought since she’d returned from the mountains. But she knew the answer to that, she told herself honestly. It was going to be a long time before she thought of him in a romantic context again. How long was the image of Rand Alastair going to dominate her? She supposed that, even with a full-fledged business crisis facing her, he would be the last thing she thought of before she went to sleep tonight. Just as he had been last night and the night before that.

„Well, how about a hot date, instead?“ Colin countered with a laughing leer. „That new French place sounds interesting.“

Kalinda’s mouth curved ruefully. „Can I let you know, Colin? I’m going to be very busy this week and I really don’t know my schedule yet“ It was the only way she could think of to phrase the excuse.

His good-looking features contrived to appear disappointed and philosophical at the same time. „Ah, well. Perhaps next week?“

„I’ll check my calendar,“ she promised apologetically.

„The perils of dating a lady executive,“ he groaned and glanced automatically toward the door as a knock sounded. „Looks like you’ve got a late arrival.“

Kalinda frowned, unable to think of anyone still unaccounted for. „Excuse me. I’ll see who it is.“

She crossed the lush green carpet, skirting a chatting cluster of guests and reached for the doorknob, an automatic smile on her face as she opened it.

The polite words of welcome died in her throat as the light spilled over the figure in her doorway. Chestnut hair gleamed from a recent shower, chestnut hair that had been trimmed and carefully combed since she’d seen it last. The light-colored suit looked hand-tailored and was complimented by a satin bow tie. The crisp white shirt was understated and elegant.

„Rand,“ she whispered finally. „What are you doing here?“

„That’s obvious, isn’t it?“ he murmured, hazel eyes regarding her with an intent, considering expression. „Fm here to rescue you.“

„Rescue me!“ she squeaked, still trying to recover from the initial shock of seeing him on her doorstep. She stared up at him, dumbfounded, unable to comprehend his meaning. Why had he come like this? It was going to be hard enough getting over him without seeing him again. But if he tried to prolong the hopeless affair it would be impossible.

He lifted his hand and she saw for the first time he was carrying an orchid; one very perfect, very exotic, very brilliant golden orchid. He smiled as she instinctively put out her hand to accept the proffered gift.

„Honey,“ he murmured softly, putting both hands lightly on her shoulders and pulling her close long enough to drop a warm, hungry kiss on her astonished, parted lips, „If you don’t even know yet that you need rescuing, you’re in worse trouble than I thought!“

„Oh, Rand, you shouldn’t have come,“ she heard herself whisper brokenly. „This is crazy. It’s going to make everything so much harder…“ She lifted misty-gray eyes to his.

„Hadn’t you better let me in?“ he drawled invitingly. „Your guests are beginning to wonder if I’m a traveling salesman you’re trying to get rid of!“

Unwillingly, Kalinda smiled. „I don’t get many salesmen dressed like that!“ That much was the truth, she thought vaguely. Rand could hold his own with anyone else in the room tonight. She wondered why he had invested in such a wardrobe for the mountains. But, then, it rather went with the Lotus. She shook her head in confusion.

„I don’t know what you’re doing here,“ she began firmly, feeling a new kind of panic. „But it’s all wrong. Can’t you see? You shouldn’t have come after me. I won’t… I.won’t have an affair with you, Rand. We’re totally unsuited. I should never have gone to your house that morning…“ she broke off helplessly under the impact of the memory that flamed warmly in his eyes.

„Personally, I happen to think that was the only smart thing you did last weekend! Now move, out of the doorway, sweetheart, and let your rescuer inside.“

Unable to think of anything else to do, Kalinda did as instructed.

„Got anything to eat?“ Rand went on easily, taking in the crowded room with a single, sweeping glance. „I’m starved.“

„Over there,“ she admitted, gesturing toward the long white table in front of the mirrored wall. „Help yourself,“ she added wryly. She still held the golden orchid clutched in her hand.

He put a proprietary hand on her lower back and urged her forward. „Stop looking like a cornered kitten. I’m friendly, remember? Although why I should be after waking up and finding you’d run off…“