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Properly appreciative of the importance of fighting David Hutton on all levels, Kalinda dressed with care for the important evening. She chose a dinner suit of rich, printed velvet The small, shaped jacket fit over a softer velvet skirt and a silk blouse complimented the chic combination. Over it she flung a dashing sequined and fringed shawl. Hair sleek and held with a glittering comb, she looked sophisticated and elegantly sure of herself. Which was exactly the note she wanted to set in front of David, she told herself.

As she dressed she thought again of how close she had come to confronting him in the little mountain town. Even if Rand Alastair failed to save Brady Data Processing, she would always be grateful for his having put a stop to the ill-advised attempt at revenge. She didn’t even want to think of all the disastrous complications that might have ensued. Somehow, she knew, David would have used the confrontation against her, perhaps to compromise her in front of her own staff. There was no doubt about it, she’d had a close call. What if Hutton had gotten word to Brady management that the company’s president was secretly meeting its biggest enemy?

Her gray eyes were sparkling with inner excitement when she opened the door to Rand that evening. And as she took in the sight of him in a hand-tailored evening jacket and dark trousers, she acknowledged that the excitement she was feeling wasn’t just for the adventure of combating David Hutton.

„We both look dressed to kill this evening, don’t we?“ she laughed as they stood admiring each other.

„Very appropriate,“ he murmured, taking her arm. „That’s exactly what we’re going to try to accomplish. A little killing.“

„How did you know where David would be dining tonight?“ she remembered to ask fifteen minutes later as Rand turned the Lotus over to a valet parking attendant and started her toward the expensive restaurant.

„I’m afraid I made use of your secretary,“ he admitted.


„I can see why you hired him. George is a very competent person. He managed to get the information out of Hutton’s secretary without even giving her a clue about what was going on behind the scenes.“

Kalinda had a mental image of George smoothly extracting the information he wanted and grinned. She was still smiling as they were shown graciously to an intimate table for two.

Rand saw Kalinda idly taking in the candlelit scene of white linen, shining silver and fresh flowers and grimaced.

„Please don’t tell me Hutton used to bring you here a lot,“ he ordered gruffly, reaching for the wine list.

„He didn’t The place wasn’t open back then,“ she smiled obligingly. She thought fleetingly of the whirlwind courtship David had given her and resized with a start that the memory no longer had any power. She felt neither the flash of anger or the hurt she’d once known.

„Good,“ he stated evenly. „I wouldn’t want any misty memories coming forth to mar the image we’re trying to establish tonight!“

„There aren’t any,“ she replied easily, smiling at him across the flickering flame of the candle. She met his eyes with total honesty and he nodded, apparently satisfied.

„But I could use a little guidance on how to play the coming scene,“ she went on determinedly. „Are we supposed to create the impression of boss and consultant holding a dinner conference? Or should I let him think you’re an old friend of the family who stepped in to give me a hand because of a friendship you once had with Dad? Or…“

„I never met your father,“ he reminded her with an enigmatic smile.

„But it would lend a nice touch to the ‘image’, wouldn’t it?“ she suggested seriously, struck with the brilliance of her own idea.

„Just follow my lead, all right?“ he said repressively.

„But what, exactly, is your lead?“

„You’ll see… Ah! Here he comes now. Looks just like his picture.“

Kalinda stiffened, the sense of adventure going out of the evening as reality intruded. She looked at Rand, watching for some sort of signal, some indication of how to greet David.

And then the other couple was beside the table and Rand was getting politely to his feet as David came to a pointed halt.

„Good evening, Kalinda,“ the well-remembered voice said suavely. „I hadn’t expected to see you here tonight I don’t believe you ever met my wife. Darling, this is Kalinda Brady. She and I are presently involved in some business negotiations.“

Kalinda could have screamed at the harmless way in which he said that, but she looked beyond David’s handsome features to the face of the woman she had used as one of the arguments for not going through with the confrontation with David.

It was a lovely, charming face, a face that said the other woman knew nothing about the darker side of her husband’s nature and preferred it that way.

„Good evening, Mrs. Hutton,“ Kalinda said politely, holding out her hand. It was taken graciously as the other woman smiled and said something polite in return. And then Kalinda glanced at Rand, preparing to introduce him.

„I don’t believe we’ve met,“ Rand was already saying smoothly, before Kalinda could get the proper words out of her mouth. He looked straight at David. „I’m Rand Alastair, Kalinda’s fiance.“


Only David Hutton’s wife appeared to accept Rand’s deceptively casual announcement at face value. Kalinda decided rather cynically that she and David both owed Mrs. Hutton a vote of thanks for giving them time to recover from the shock.

With polished charm the lovely woman at David’s side extended her congratulations and made the proper remarks. Rand responded to her calmly, easily, until they were interrupted by David who had obviously managed to begin reasoning things out.

„I hadn’t realized you were engaged, Kalinda.“ The dark gaze that Kalinda had once found so attractive pierced her, looking for the lie.

„It’s a very recent development,“ she explained, astonished at her own coolness. She flicked a quick look at Rand who came to her rescue.

„Last weekend, in fact,“ he elaborated, smiling fondly at Kalinda who felt herself redden. „We haven’t even had a chance to buy a ring. We were on vacation in the mountains,“ he went on, speaking apparently to David’s wife. „Soon after we arrived back in town we discovered some rather urgent business had developed.“

Kalinda felt David stiffen at the words, his narrow gaze going to Rand’s hard profile.

„Kalinda and I will have to settle the business matters this week and then we’ll have time for all the little niceties of an engagement“ Rand turned his head with an amused gleam in his hazel eyes, catching David Hutton’s assessing glance. „Nothing very complicated, so it shouldn’t take too long.“

„I had heard you’d gone to work for Brady Data Processing,“ David said coldly. „It must have taken the promise of a considerable financial reward to draw you out of retirement…“

„Money, Pm afraid, had nothing to do with it Kalinda was the reason I decided to get involved in the business world again.“

Kalinda felt a happy warmth flood her veins. Rand had just made it very clear his interest in going to war against David was entirely personal, not monetary. He could not be bought.

„I see,“ David said icily. „You don’t appear to think this rather urgent business matter you mentioned will take long to settle?“

„Not at all.“ Rand smiled his shark’s smile. „A quite simple bit of corporate game-playing. I’ve had a great deal of experience in this sort of thing, as you may know. In this instance, it’s all a piece of cake. Kalinda’s firm is surprisingly strong. Her credit flexibility would astound you. I rather think when the current matter is settled I may encourage her to do a little corporate hunting. Brady is in a very strong position to get involved with the merger craze as a buyer.“