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Added to her own growing restlessness and nervousness, his delicate probing was going to send her over the edge, she decided midway through the delicious lunch he had packed.

„How long will you be staying here, Kalinda?“

She munched the cheddar sandwich in her hand with relish. „A couple more days,“ she said cautiously.

He was stretched out beside her, wearing his jeans again and an open-necked sport shirt which revealed the tanned, sinewy length of his arms. The chestnut hair was lightly tousled by the breeze off the lake and his eyes were half-closed against the dancing sunlight. Kalinda was suddenly forced to acknowledge to herself that he seemed very attractive to her.

She directed her attention toward the opposite shore of the lake, feeling his hooded gaze on her. She had pushed up the sleeves of her button-necked tunic top which she wore over a pair of white pants and kicked off her sandals. Kalinda felt relaxed on one level, but wary on another. The lunch had been enjoyable but it hadn’t taken her long to realize Rand was hot on the trail he had scented last night His curiosity was aroused, she supposed. Just as hers was about him.

„You’re not sure exactly how many days you’ll be here?“

„I expect I’ll be leaving the day after tomorrow.“

„Why so soon?“ he pressed.

„I have a business to run, remember?“

„Isn’t the boss entitled to a vacation?“ he smiled knowingly.

„Of course. This isn’t it, though.“ As he’d already clearly guessed. There was not much point in pretending she was here for her annual holiday, Kalinda had decided early in the game. Damn the man’s persistence! But she had only herself to blame, she admitted grimly. She had wanted to see him again today, even knowing what to expect.

„Ah, yes. The personal business which brings you to our neck of the woods. It will all be over within a couple of days?“

„Yes. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d rather talk about something else.“


She laughed. „Hardly!“

„My plans for us tomorrow night?“ he suggested hopefully.

Her laughter died at once. „I’m afraid that’s out of the question, Rand. I won’t be seeing you tomorrow night.“

He went very still beside her and she bit her Hp in vexation. But it was the truth and there was no sense letting him think she would be free tomorrow night.

„Tonight’s our last evening together?“ he asked quietly.


„But you’ll be here in town tomorrow night?“

She said nothing. Why was she letting him push her like this? It couldn’t be that subconsciously she wanted to tell him the truth, could it? That she needed to talk to someone? She had always been so self-possessed, so confident But she had doubts about what was going to happen tomorrow night when she confronted David. She’d had doubts all along. And that wasn’t like her.

„So that’s it,“ he growled softly.

„What?“ She swung her neat head around to look at him, saw the cool fire in his eyes and wished she hadn’t taken her gaze off the lake. She felt abruptly trapped by the power in him.

„You’re here to meet a man.“ The words dropped like stones out on the lake.

Kalinda didn’t move. „It’s business,“ she finally said coldly, struggling to break the bonds he’d placed on her. „Personal, private business.“

„You’re not looking for a fling with me because you’re here to have an affair with another man.“

„Rand! Stop it! You know nothing about the matter!“ Dear Lord! What was wrong with her to have let him guess so close to the mark? She must be crazy! Or secretly desperate to talk it over with someone, she added grimly to herself.

„Don’t you mink it might be just a tad dangerous to amuse yourself with me while you wait for Mr. Wonderful to arrive? What if he hits town early and finds you’ve spent the time flirting with a local shopkeeper?“

„Of all the ridiculous things to say! I am not flirting with you!“

„I’d call it flirting if I arrived at a rendezvous and found my woman had spent a couple of evenings with another man while waiting for me to show up!“ he rasped bitterly. „And what happened on my couch -last night definitely does not come under the category of casual acquaintance!“

She realized he was angry, furiously so.

„That’s the only category it could come under,“ she grated feelingly. „All we have is a casual acquaintance!“

„If that's how you treat your fleeting friendships, I’d like to see what happens after you’ve known a man a couple of weeks!“

She flinched, pulling her eyes away from his condemning glare. He still hadn’t shifted from the sprawled position he’d taken, one jeaned leg drawn up as he rested on his elbow. Nevertheless, she had the distinct impression he was sorely tempted to wrap his fingers around her throat. Could she blame him?

„I’m not here to have an affair with anyone,“ she muttered, setting down the remains of her sandwich as her appetite vanished. She couldn’t meet his eyes at all now.

„But you’re meeting a man tomorrow night?“ he prodded tightly.

Kalinda said nothing, letting her own silence tell the tale.

„Want to tell me about it?“

That brought her head back around with a snap to stare in astonishment The wholly new tone in his dark voice took her completely by surprise. She had been prepared for belligerence; male outrage at her callous treatment of him, perhaps. But she certainly hadn’t been expecting this sudden, soothing, calming offer! Where was the anger he’d been holding in check?

„You can, you know,“ he went on, mouth twisted beguilingly. „You can tell me the whole story.“

„How do you know there’s a story to tell?“ she challenged carefully, uncertain of her own weakening reaction.

„Instinct. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I really do have fairly sound instincts about people and what makes them tick.“

„I know,“ she whispered. „You’re also good at using mat knowledge to manipulate people!“

The edge of his mouth hardened. „You don’t seem to lack much in the way of perception, yourself!“

„I’ve learned to recognize a few things,“ she half-smiled dismissingly. „But I’ve had on-the-job training in the business world. With you I think it must be instinctive, just as you said. Something you were born with!“

„Are you going to tell me about tomorrow night?“

„I’m not sure. The fact that I’ve let you push me this close to the subject makes me think I might,“ she said quite honestly. „But if I do, I shall probably be killing my chance at another trout dinner tonight!“ She managed the last with an almost sad flippancy.

„It’s steak this evening, not trout,“ he quipped. „And I promise I won’t rescind the offer.“

„Even if I admit I’m here to meet a man?“ she dared softly.

„I already know that much.“

She waited before saying very coolly, very remotely, „You’re not going to talk me out of it, you know. I’ve come this far, I’m going to go through with it“

„That remains to be seen.“

Kalinda rested her arms on her drawn-up knees and shook her head with grave determination. „No one could talk me out of it at this stage. A woman seldom gets this kind of opportunity. I’d be a fool to throw it away.“

„Exactly what sort of opportunity are we talking about, Kalinda?“ he demanded in a low voice mat betrayed nothing of his feelings.

„Revenge,“ she said simply.


He sat up, reaching out to catch her chin and force her around to face him. „My God! You really mean it, don’t you?“ he breathed, searching her intent, determined features. „Who is this man you’re going to have your revenge on, Kalinda Brady?“

„My ex-fiance.“ The words sounded stark, even to her own ears. „He dropped me two years ago when my father was killed and it was discovered the firm was in bad shape. David Hutton, it turned out, was marrying me because he wanted my father’s company.“