Hector could not see his friend in the bagnio courtyard, so he went up to their dormitory to see if perhaps Dan had gone there. But without success. Wondering what had detained Dan, Hector was halfway back down the stairway when he noticed two Turkish guards enter the courtyard through the arched passage leading to the main gate. They were carrying a prisoner between them. Hector stopped short. The man hanging between the two guards was Dan, and his legs were trailing limply on the ground. Hector knew at once what had happened. He raced down the stair and across the courtyard, arriving just at the moment the two guards dropped their burden and Dan collapsed on the ground, face down. ‘Dan!’ he cried anxiously, ‘try to get up on your knees, and put one arm over my shoulder. I’ll lift you.’
Hearing Hector’s voice, Dan raised his head and gave a grimace of pain. ‘Usanza and fantasia,’ he muttered. ‘I forgot my own advice.’ Then, his face contorted with the effort, the Miskito half-rose and clung to his friend so that Hector was able to assist him slowly and carefully up to the dormitory where he laid Dan gently on his bunk.
The normally phlegmatic Miskito groaned as he stretched out his legs.
‘Was it bad?’ asked Hector.
‘Forty blows. But it could have been worse. Might have been fifty or more. The aga di baston was that pervert, Emilio’s friend. He laid on specially hard for what I did to his crony.’
‘How did it happen?’
‘It was stupid of me. I was working in the masserie when a Turkish guard discovered a local woman hiding in the bushes nearby. I had seen her several times before, and knew she used to meet up with one of the other gardeners from time to time. He’s a Spanish slave and sells stolen vegetables cheaply to her as she’s a poor woman and has little money to spare. But the guard thought she was having a love affair with one of the gardeners, and began to beat her. I intervened as the Spaniard wasn’t nearby. This made the guard think that I was the lover, and he began beating me too. The commotion brought other guards, and I was taken back down to the bagnio. They clamped my ankles in a wooden yoke which the two guards held up so my shoulders were on the ground and my feet in the air. Then the aga di baston laid on. I was lucky he was beating only the soles of my feet with his staff, for if he had hit me in the ribs I think he would have smashed them. Still, I’m probably luckier than the wretched woman. She’ll be severely punished for consorting with a slave.’
‘Lie still while I get some salve for your feet from that French prisoner who was an apothecary. He’ll sell me some ointment,’ said Hector. Dan winced as he reached inside his shirt and produced a purse dangling around his neck. ‘Here take the money from this,’ he offered. ‘Don’t let him cheat you.’
‘What about tomorrow?’ Hector was worried. ‘It will be days before you can walk again, and you need rest.’
‘Fix it with our friendly kaporal. Give him the remainder of the money. Make it a big enough gileffo so that I am excused work for the next week or so.’
‘Leave it to me,’ said Hector. ‘At least I’ve some news to cheer you up. Someone’s coming from London with money to purchase the release of all English slaves. Maybe when he hears that you were captured by the corsairs when you were on your way to London with a message for the King of England from the Miskito people, he will pay for your release as well so you can complete your mission.’
Dan grinned weakly. ‘Your news, my friend, helps dull the pain more than any ointment. If I had to stay here, I don’t think that I could face another dose of the bastinado.’
CONSUL MARTIN was a humane and sensitive man so normally he disliked visiting the bagnios. Quite apart from their stench and squalor, the slave barracks depressed him because they made him feel a fraud. His standing instructions from London were to be polite and friendly when meeting with his fellow countrymen held prisoner. But he was also told that he was to avoid being drawn into any discussions about possible release. If pressed, he was to discourage any speculation on the subject.
In the consul’s opinion that turned him into a hypocrite.
So he was in an altogether more optimistic mood on the morning he accompanied Mr Abercrombie, the newly arrived English envoy, to interview the prisoners. At last there was a chance to redeem these unfortunate wretches, some of whom had been waiting five or six years for release back to their own country. Nor did the cheerless demeanour of the envoy – the ‘commissioner’ as he preferred to style himself– dampen the consul’s good spirits.
Abercrombie was exactly the sort of person that Martin had expected. He had the manner of a long-serving bookkeeper, and the lugubrious expression on his narrow face was enhanced by a long upper lip and a voice that was lifeless and flat. The commissioner had arrived three days earlier aboard a 40-gun English warship now anchored in the harbour, and his present task was to visit the various bagnios where English prisoners were being held. There the envoy would audit the true value of each slave, for it had been agreed with the Dey that whoever owned the slave was to receive a ransom equal to the sum the slave had originally fetched at auction. Naturally the commissioner made it plain that he mistrusted the accuracy of the sums that the Dey’s secretary had written down for him.
Abercrombie had also told the consul that he intended to check the identities of the captives on the Dey’s list because it was not unknown for impostors to pretend to be dead or missing prisoners in the hopes of obtaining their freedom. In addition, Abercrombie saw it as his duty to make sure that the captives were in good health. It would be a waste of funds, he primly reminded Martin, to ransom an invalid who would then die on the way home.
The audit was well into its second day by the time that Martin and the commissioner, accompanied by their dragoman, arrived at the bagnio where Hector and Dan were being held. According to the official list there were no more than half a dozen English prisoners in the bagnio, and it was clear to Martin that Abercrombie was eager to finish up quickly. A lieutenant of janissaries met them at the gate. After apologising for the Guardian Pasha’s absence, he informed his visitors that all the English prisoners were assembled and ready for their interviews. He then ushered them into the interview room where Martin found the vekil hardj, the Dey’s under-treasurer, already waiting. With him was the Greek slave whom Martin remembered as the interpreter who assisted when new captives were landed in the port. Martin also noted that the interviews were to be held in the same room where new prisoners had their iron anklets fitted. A number of these chains and anklets had been left on display. Wryly he surmised that these manacles were a deliberate encouragement for the commissioner to pay generously for the prisoners’ release.
The half-dozen cases were soon dealt with, and Abercrombie was gathering up his documents and about to take his leave when the Greek, on a quiet suggestion from the vekil hardj, spoke up.
‘Your Excellency, my master asks if you will be interviewing the other slaves today, or do you wish to return tomorrow?’
The commissioner kept his dour expression. Turning to Martin, he asked, ‘What other prisoners? I hope this is not just an attempt to extract additional funds. We have already exceeded our budget as it is. According to the register, there are no other English captives in this slave barracks.’