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Chapter Four

Unmistakably, it was Kitty McNeil at the gate. Her Australian accent carried through the intercom system.

"Hey, gorgeous. We're here and we're starving!"

Annelie buzzed the gate open and hurried to meet Kitty and Sam. As always she was amazed at the couple's appearance. Kitty was dressed in dark jeans, a sleeveless denim shirt, and a baseball hat jammed on her short blond hair. Sam, the taller of the two, wore black jeans and a T-shirt with an enigmatic print decorating the front. A Celtic tattoo stretched from her shoulder down along her abdomen, which Annelie had admired in a private showing. Sam moved effortlessly between classic elegance and street-smart toughness.

"Kitty, Sam, welcome. I can't believe you're finally here. I thought I'd exhausted our friendship by dragging you to the opera when I stayed in Sydney."

"It was close," Kitty muttered good-naturedly, pulling Annelie into a warm embrace. "You look great but you're so thin. Are you working too hard, darl'?"

"It's hard not to with so much happening—launching the first Maddox convention and starting to cast the movie. It's been hectic." She embraced Sam and gestured for them to follow her. "I'll show you your room, and then we'll have dinner."

After washing up, her guests joined her in the dining room. Decorated in a modern Nordic style with pinewood furniture, soft blue walls, and an off-white carpet, the room inspired a sense of serenity. The table could seat ten people easily, but Annelie rarely used it for formal entertaining. Mostly she enjoyed gathering her small group of close friends to enjoy Mary's cooking.

"I like the colors in here," Sam said. "I'm glad you didn't put up

curtains. Looking out on the pool and the patio gives it a real outdoors feel."

"Thank you. I was hoping to buy one of your galvanized steel mobiles to hang right there." Annelie pointed at a rafter on the patio.

"So, now I'm so curious, I'm tempted to bounce," Kitty exclaimed after the first couple of bites. "I want to hear all about Carolyn Black. How many times have you met her?"

"Almost every day. She comes here to swim."

"Hey, you! Remember who you're talking to." Kitty smirked. "Don't try and fob me off with a nonanswer like that one."

Annelie gazed calmly at her Aussie guest. "She needs to swim every day for her health. I can't tell you any more than that."

"Will she play Maddox in the movies?" Sam asked.

"I don't know yet. Casting will begin soon, and I have the final say on the four major characters. It'll be an interesting experience, that's for sure."

"You've done this before, haven't you?" Kitty questioned. "I mean, you've backed several plays in New York and here in Florida?"

"Yes, but I've never been involved with the casting. I trusted the directors to get it right. But the company has much more at stake this time."

"I guess if the films bomb that'll be the end of Diana Maddox," Kitty observed.

"Precisely. Which is why Delia Carlton wanted me to be very hands-on with every aspect of the project before she would sell the movie rights."

"So when do we hear if Carolyn Black's getting the role?"

"Not yet," Annelie said mildly.

"Okay, I won't hassle you," Kitty conceded, making Sam raise an incredulous eyebrow. "So, what's on the agenda for the next couple of days?"

"We have the authors' luncheon here at the house tomorrow. Jem's coming, so you two will finally get to meet."

"It's about bloody time! She's only edited six of my novels."

"Is Carolyn coming over to swim tomorrow?" Sam asked hopefully.

Annelie seriously doubted it after their last chilly conversation. "I'm not sure of her plans," she said in a noncommittal tone.

Kitty sighed. "If I were you I'd be crawling on my hands and knees to get her in the movie."

Annelie maintained a placid smile. "I'll keep that in mind."


Carolyn woke with her head throbbing. She'd hardly slept, her mind working overtime on her plans for the coming week. Annelie still hadn't given Grey a time for the reading, but no other actresses had read either, so that was always something. She had decided to swim today, for the first time since their unhappy discussion, just to keep Annelie under pressure. The convention was only eight days away, and she was determined to deliver a superb reading that would set the benchmark when Annelie had to consider other actresses.

After showering, she scrutinized her eyes in the mirror and carefully applied Vitamin K cream to the slight bagging and dark circles she noticed. The sea-kelp masque she had used in the shower had eliminated most traces, and she dealt with the last faint shadows with a concealer pencil. Once she had finished dusting a little powder over her usual discreet foundation, she checked herself again, then put the makeup into her bag so she could reapply it after swimming. The last thing she needed today was to look anything less than camera-ready.

Although the guards knew her now, they always stopped the car anyway. Carolyn was uncertain whether this was because the Golden Beach residents insisted on strictest security measures or because they just wanted to ogle her. As always, she was charming to them. Stars who ignored the little people soon found themselves wondering how unpleasant stories got around and secrets were exposed.

As she parked the car and walked up the stone path, she was surprised by an unexpected flutter in her midsection. The thought of facing Annelie again was nerve-wracking, and she steeled herself for the possibility that she would not be made especially welcome. Not that it would matter. She'd all but decided she was going to tell Annelie she no longer wished to take advantage of the pool.

She was about to let herself in when the door opened and Annelie stood there smiling at her. "You're early." she said. "Perfect timing."

"Excuse me?"

Annelie startled Carolyn by extending both hands to take hers. "I have some people here I want you to meet. Don't worry. It's very casual and—"

"You're having guests?" The sound of several female voices laughing made her flinch. "Look, I don't want to intrude."

"I have a few friends over for lunch, and I'd love for you to join us. Please say yes."

The straightforward invitation seemed genuine. Carolyn gazed at Annelie, trying to gauge her expression. She saw nothing but honesty.

"They'd kill me if they knew you were here and they didn't get to meet you. Please?" Annelie continued her pitch. "You'll make me look good."

This unexpected playfulness was irresistible. "All right," Carolyn said. "I'd be glad to stay and meet your friends. Who are they?"

"Most of them are authors." Annelie led her indoors. "Also Jem, my chief editor, is here. She's one of my best friends, and so is Kitty McNeil."

"Kitty McNeil? Jared loves her work. He's really into science fiction and fantasy. I read one of her novels when I visited him last spring and found it intriguing."

"Really?" Annelie sounded surprised. "She'll be thrilled when you tell her."

Walking toward the living room, Carolyn realized she was nervous about meeting Annelie's friends. Inhaling deeply, she slipped into her professional skin. This was nothing but another audience and, to quote Jared, her best role was playing herself.

The women were sitting comfortably around the coffee table. The actress was sure she heard an exhaled, "Oh, my God," from someone.

As Annelie made the introductions, Carolyn reached across the coffee table and shook hands with everyone. She had to smile when she noticed how stunned they seemed by her presence.

"This is unbelievable," Sam exclaimed. "I knew there was a chance we'd get to meet you, but I didn't think it would be today."

"It's very nice of Annelie to include me," Carolyn said.

Sam grinned. "Yeah, nice for us."
