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Resisting the urge to say yes, Carolyn shook her head. "No, thank you, Annelie. It's really nice of you to have me over. I appreciate it. So let me buy us some takeout tonight, as a sign of my appreciation."

Annelie seemed to mull her offer over for a moment and then smiled broadly, transforming her features completely. Carolyn was suddenly aware how seldom Annelie smiled like this. "I'd love that."

"What kind of food would you like?"

"I get to pick?" The younger woman pursed her lips, drawing Carolyn's attention to their fullness. "I don't mean to sound predictable, but what about Chinese?"

Carolyn laughed. "I don't think anyone can accuse you of being predictable. I love Asian food, so Chinese it is. I should be back around seven or eight. See you then?"

"I'll be here."


To Carolyn's surprise and dismay, Jared had not yet left for the airport to pick up his family and now questioned her motives for accepting Annelie's offer.

"Why would you want to stay there when you have access to everything right here?" he demanded. "Or are there additional perks to staying at her place?"

Carolyn stared at him, not sure what he was referring to.

"Don't give me that well-rehearsed look of innocence. I'm not buying it," Jared growled. "You're up to something, no doubt something that'll get you ahead in the game."

Refusing to take the bait, she fought to remain calm. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you staying at Annelie Peterson's home! I don't know how you did it, but you must have pulled some pretty amazing stunts to get under the skin of someone like her."

Carolyn's temper flared. "What's wrong with you? What the hell are you implying?"

"You're up to your usual tricks and schemes. Annelie obviously thinks you need rescuing. What's the next step? Climbing into her bed?"

Feeling herself go pale, Carolyn stepped back, staring at Jared. "You bastard," she managed, her mind whirling back to last Friday and the near kiss in Annelie's kitchen. She thought of Jared's urge to tell her about Annelie's lesbianism. Inhaling deeply, she saw what she hadn't seen before.

"You're jealous! That's what this is all about. For years you've been my only friend, apart from Beth and Joe. And I just don't get it! I thought you'd be pleased not to have to sit through your mother's and sister's endless arguments about my place in your life. Annelie is someone who might become a friend one day. How can you ask me to back away from that? This isn't like you, Jared." Hurt constricted Carolyn's throat, making her cough.

"But it is so like you! You've never hesitated to use whatever means to suit your needs. Me included."

"True. I go after what I want. I never hide who I am. But I can tell you this, once and for all. I don't intend to sleep with Annelie, nor is that why she made this offer."

She pulled away from me and made it pretty clear why. Taken aback by the sudden thought, Carolyn frowned at the unexpected twitch in her chest.

Jared paced back and forth, staring at the large roller suitcase at her feet. "So you're not even going to stay and say hello to my parents? They love you."

"Your father likes me. Your mother barely tolerates me because she's afraid I may turn our friendship into something else—even outright seduce you. Your sister is an avid fan who'd like nothing better than to brag to her friends about being closely related to a celebrity." Flinging her hands in the air, Carolyn took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "I don't want us to part this way. We're supposed to be friends—and you're not being my friend right now."

Stopping in front of her, Jared looked tired and suddenly shamefaced. "I know. Listen, I'm sorry. I just want you to be clear over your own motives."

"Are you clear about yours?"

"Point taken."

Her pulse as well as her breathing calming, Carolyn held out her hand. "Jared, please, this isn't about not needing you as my friend. This is about finding some peace of mind, being able to call Beth and not be interrupted, and planning what to do next from a professional standpoint. I still haven't given up hope of playing Maddox. I guess I won't throw in the towel until they actually sign someone else." Clenching her hands, she forced back tears. "To tell the truth, I don't have anything lined up right now except a Volvo commercial, and…I'm terrified." She offered a halfhearted smile.

"Don't be. You're too talented and sought after to go without work. In the meantime, no doubt, you'll be performing your favorite character—yourself." Only the fact that he winked at her and wriggled his eyebrows removed some of the sting in his words.

"Bastard," she accused softly.

"Bitch," he retaliated, pulling her into his arms.

"Friends?" Carolyn's voice broke, and she buried her face against his shoulder.


They remained still for a moment, and then she disentangled herself to grab the handle of her rolling bag. "Say hi to everyone for me?"

"Of course." Jared smiled. "Drive carefully."

Swiftly kissing his cheek before stepping out into the corridor, Carolyn nodded. "Don't I always?"

At the elevator, Carolyn glanced back toward Jared's door. He had already gone back inside.


Carolyn put down the novel after finishing the last chapter, her mind reeling from the twists and turns the author had taken her on. Delia Carlton's tale was a spellbinder, her characters' interactions full of deep emotions. She had read the book quickly, but she found herself wishing it would never end. Though Carolyn had not read the second and third Maddox books before doing the audio versions, it seemed like a good idea to familiarize herself with all of the stories since she was now planning to invite herself to the convention.

The last few days in Annelie's small garage apartment had been peaceful. Carolyn, emotionally exhausted, had slept the entire afternoon once she returned from Jared's condo and had been catching up on rest ever since. She would be sorry to leave.

Stretching, she decided it was time for her swim. She changed into her swimsuit, pondering if she should go out for a late lunch after her exercise—perhaps a quick trip to the nearby coffee shop. Tossing a short bathrobe over her shoulders, she strolled through the garden to the swimming pool, dropped the robe on a deck chair, and dived into the deep end.

Enjoying the cool, satiny feeling against her body, she swam one lap after another until the tension in the back of her neck and shoulders had disappeared. Then she turned over on her back and floated as she caught her breath. The sun was hot and unforgiving, and she realized she needed to be careful to not burn herself.

"That looks relaxing," a familiar voice said, startling Carolyn and making her cough as she sank half-below the surface.

"Annelie!" she gasped. "God, woman, you surprised me. I didn't know you were home. Where's the Mustang?"

"The staff down at the clubhouse picked it up. They clean it inside and out every two weeks." Annelie was wearing dark blue shorts and a white tank top, with her hair in the usual low ponytail. She extended a hand as Carolyn swam toward the ladder. "You're getting a little pink around the shoulders. Better watch out."

"I know. I burn easily even if I've managed to get a little tan. I need to be more careful. The swim just felt so good." Carolyn walked over to the deck chair and pulled her bathrobe on, tying the belt around her waist. "I'm getting hungry. Join me for a late lunch? Maybe do takeout, like last time?"

Annelie cocked her head. "Hm, we've done Chinese so why not— oh, you know something? I'd love a family-size pizza with everything on it, and perhaps chicken wings on the side!"

Unable to resist the eager look in the other woman's eyes, Carolyn laughed and nodded. "Why not? I haven't had pizza in a long time. I'll just go take a quick shower. We could have it out here."